Posts by rubyjanes
looks like their own company has finally become BTS achilles heel. Don't get me wrong, BTS will likely continue to be majorly successful, but before many of HYBE's transgressions got overlooked because BTS' overwhelming positive public sentiment in Korea and massive fanbase overshadowed HYBE's shadiness, now with BTS hype slowing due to military and HYBE on a scandal speedrun, even the BTS image can't bail out HYBE, and indeed HYBE is beginning to sour the public's taste for BTS. Just look at how people are much less sympathetic of Suga's scandal, whereas I think if it had happened before HYBE scandal, the public would've been more willing to sit back while armies buried the controversy.
Now all HYBE acts--even the golden boys--must walk on egg shells because public cynicism towards that company is at an all time high
all the "fans" passive-aggressively expressing their disappointment in Chanelle must be teenagers who never felt what it's like to be on the job search, unsure of how they'll make a living. Being an idol isn't charity work or a hobby, its a job that many are desperate for and will take whichever best opportunity that comes their way, even if it isn't ideal.
looks like he's keeping sugar babies. not uncommon for rich men but still gross to have to think about
wish he'd be more discreet
There really aren't any major kpop boy groups or pop boy groups in general marketed towards men (yes, some groups like BigBang have a higher % of male fans than other BGs, but their primary market is still women) so this convo leans into the hypothetical.
There are really 2 commercially viable routes that I can imagine: rock music with real instruments or rap music (like a rap crew) to appeal to straight men, or if you're going for a nicher market turn up the sex appeal and market to the gays
the blackjack's point is so dumb. they really think the members of SNSD had the power to remove a member from the group? obviously the decision was 100% SM ents and maybe the members supported that decision or didn't gaf about jessica enough to protest but that doesn't mean jessica getting booted was their fault.
making compilations like this is so juvenile to me. i imagine these people combing through hours of footage just to be like "omg look Johnny glanced in Susie's direction~ oooh he must have a crush." it's kinda embarrassing and this practice is probably why male idols look so stiff and uncomfortable around women cause the fans watch their reactions like hawks
I don't blame them. With how popular kpop has become globally, getting your nugu idols in a festival lineup is very difficult because of all the competition, but with Russia many groups aren't willing to travel there (or aren't allowed, I believe you have to get permission to visit which can be a lengthly bureaucratic process) and so why not? A gig is a gig.
This is also nice for the fans. Even before the war Russia is culturally isolated compared to other European countries, it must be a rare privilege for these fans to get to see foreign acts visit and perform.
it's sad that somu has completely abandoned Gfriend like they almost didn't exist by not renewing the domain of their website, but people are willfully misinterpreting this to be much more malicious than it is. When a website domain isn't renewed, it's free for anyone to use, and salacious business often look to plunder popular domains to promote their services to new audiences. Anyone acting like Somu deliberately sold it to the prostitution company is a bit dense
When KIOF first began to be noticed for their vocals by netizens it wasn't that people were praising any particular member for being a stellar vocalist, rather their choice to sing live at music shows and festivals more often than any other 4th gen group was doing at the time garnered them praise and attention
A Youtube vocal coach was talking up KIOF, but I think she just lost all credibility for me. tbh I don't think she even knows what supported means.
There is a male Youtube vocal coach too, but 1/2 the stuff he says is nonsense.
For me, I only rate BM now, but we haven't really seen a real live live performance of them yet.
Youtube "vocal coaches" reek of BS. I've never seen one that has actual credentials working with acclaimed vocalists like Beyonce or Adele, it's always random people that advertise online vocal lessons and make "vocal analysis" videos that either cater to fans by praising the artist or try to capitalize on hate-trains by giving harsh negative analysis. They use technical sounding terms like "supported" and "A5 note", "F sharp", etc. to sound more convincing to uneducated viewers.
I'm curious though your thoughts on NMIXX and Aespa? Most people would rate them even higher than BM.
The particular controversial encore seems like an off-day for them rather than indicative of an inherent flaw in the group. Julie sounds almost just like the track (which she usually does as the rapper her lines require less vocal manipulation), Haneul is pitchy but loud and stable, Natty's distinctive timbre that she is known and loved for leaned too far on the nasly and raspy side today, probably due to vocal strain. Belle sounds worse for wear, most likely due to her bad vocal technique that has her squeezing out unsupported whistle and high notes daily.
Overall I would say people who use this video as proof that KIOF talent is is a lie are jumping the gun, eager to take them down over one off day. However as a fan it does concern me that if they don't begin using better vocal techniques (esp Natty and Belle), performances like this will become more common
It was obvious from the start "Bubble Gum" is an interpolation of "Easier Said Than Done," before however people were making the good faith assumption that the original arist either gave permission for the interpolation or that the original song was public domain and so asking permission was unnecessary. Now with the original artist speaking up it seems this assumption was false.
Obviously the reason this even became an issue in the first place is because Newjeans/MHJ antis made it an issue and brought it to the original artists attention, however these uncouth origins don't mean Shakatak are any less deserving of justice.
I am a fan of Newjeans and lean toward the Ador/MHJ side of the Hybe war, however fandom is no reason to excuse plagarism. Taking plagiarism claims seriously or not based on how much you like the artist sets a bad precedent for the music industry and kpop fans should really quit. Although using this case as an opportunity to dunk on MHJ out of spite is also inexcusable and inappropriate