Posts by rubyjanes
Since 2018 when BP's success exploded and then was quickly followed by the scandals of 2019 that gutted YG internally and then covid in 2020 serving the final blow, YG operates like a rusty 20 year old car on the brink of blowing it's engine for good, it can only move at 15 mph when it should be speeding to give it's top moneymakers comebacks
people are just desperate to draw these generation distinctions so that they can manufacture some achievements for their nugu faves (ex. "X is the most streamed BG of the 5th gen on spotify") and so they can make bold claims about their faves (ex. "X is the it girl of the 5th gen") without other kpop fans jumping down their necks for giving the faves unwarranted praise
This is annoying but I'm not really worried that the re-emgence of these plagarism accusations will hurt Newjeans. truth is people only care about plagiarism when it can be used as a valid reason to bash a group they already hated for no good reason, see how people immediately jumped on the much less substantial claims that LSF plagiarized Rosalia when it was more accurately inspiration, but people didn't really care either way they were just ready to use the littlest thing to jump down the neck of a group that was beginning to annoy them. Newjeans still has the public on their side as a whole, so a little plagarism squabble with a nugu british band from the 80s probably wont affect them
I don't know what concept they'll aim for because I'm no psychic, however I was recently thinking what a pity that Unforgiven was released before the controversy, that song and concept would've been the perfect gasoline to add to the fire and totally explode the buzz around LSF if they released it post controversy.
Plus, the cheeky self-awareness of the song could actually sway some public opinion and win back a little bit of positive sentiment
They probably never will make another full group comeback but if they do it will most likely be a disbandment ballad with 0~1 live performances
I'll indulge in my delusional fantasy because supposing this group comeback happens at all (highly doubtful) the chances of the song being anything more another formulaic production from Teddy on autopilot are slim to none but anyways...
hope for another ingeniously simplistic and perfect track like Whistle--their magnum opus--or revisit the often forgotten sound of Playing With Fire
Me to Circus by Britney Spears for having to share a title with this CIA psychological warfare-tier song
But on a more serious note, the hate this girl got by the international kpop stan brigade years ago for her race was outrageous. I hope moving forward people can be haters for unbigotted reasons, like the bad music for example
Wow, finally the day has come, after a decade in the industry wholesome Kang Seulgi has a scandal and it's...... ridiculous.
People act like managers have no agency. Is it a bit weird to swap sneakers for heels at work with a superior? yeah that's definitely strange, but it's not abuse and if the manager really didn't want to she could've said no, they probably could've bought sneakers at a store in the airport, found some other solution, but no, the manager agreed to swap shoes, so where's the big issue?
Supernatural choreography is si good. At this point Newjeans have my favorite choreos out of any group, they don't follow the typical kpop dance formula but seem to blend hiphop dance genre with kpop style.
I don't love the korean version of Right Now but the custom jerseys the members are wearing with the portraits on them are awesome.
A random thread, but I'm curious about this following the overall negative reaction I've been seen from both Kfans and I-fans towards (G)I-DLE's skin exposure in Klaxon vs KIOF overall positive reactions for Sticky which is arguably bolder in it's sexy concept. Of course I am generalizing here, not everyone hated (G)I-dle's bikinis and there were some people saying Sticky was "too far," but in general it seems KIOFs sexy concept is getting better reception.
Why is this?
Reflecting for this thread made me realize this year has actually been killer for GGs, theres soooo many I could mention
Girls Never Die by TripleS
Midas Touch by KIOF
Armageddon and Supernova by Aespa
Dash by NMIXX
Not agreeing or disagreeing because how MHJ looks is not relevant, like at all
I can't even evaluate the song sonically because the concept is too bewildering..... "Justice makes me fight" Huh??? I don't blame the girls cause they probably didn't write the lyrics but can we get a reality check real quick? You sing and dance for a living, you're not the Black Panthers for christsake. I understand in Kpop, concepts often delve into fiction like Aespa but Dreamcather feels too literal and half-heartedly done for me to excuse it as just being a fantasy storyline.
One major reason that kpop community seems to be in denial/ignorant about is that JYP is creatively dead.
Literally when I picture JYP creative director office in my head it's just this:
Everything coming out of JYP conceptually, visually, sonically, is just so cheap-looking and tacky. The MVs, concept photos, styling, choreos, the songs themselves, despite desperately trend hopping, always feel like uncanny imitations of the trend attempted by an out-of-touch grandpa (because it is). No matter what concept JYP attempts to pull off in imitation of their competitors (girl crush to copy BP, chic to copy IVE, mixed-genre songs to copy Aespa/SM in general) it just feels to inauthentic and badly executed.
Not bad but generic. I've heard this song a million times
I think it makes sense to mention BP not because of some alleged competition w/BTS but because they are the most popular GG when speaking about kpop it doesn't adequately represent the genre to just mention a boygroup since both BGs and GGs are signifigant yet very different components of the genres. Like two diff worlds really.
Kpop seems less of a hot topic in the Western (I can only speak for US) Media but I think this is a sign of the genre's normalization/acceptance rather than depopularization. I remember 2018-2020 when US kpop fandom exploded (due to BTS and BP) non-kpop fans were starting to notice the genre for the first time and had strong negative reactions (i.e. 'this is weird and gay', racist reactions, ridiculing fangirls). Since then I observe more American Gen-Z casually listen to kpop (Newjeans and Fifty Fifty are mainly responsible, so many non-kpop fans listened to Cupid, Supershy, Ditto, etc.) but the genre itself isn't getting huge reactions (negative or positive) because people here are more used to it so it no longer seems so foreign and bizarre to the average American to comment on it.