Posts by zixzix

    So I am a whole adult right, but recently I started following some kpop related accounts, then I slowly realised these are literal children because some of the tweets were actually worrisome... like ive seen so many tweets along the gist of"

    - being unable to sleep due to STREAMING

    - missing deadlines due to STREAMING

    - not eating or seeing their family because they're too busy STREAMING?!?!?!

    - teens and young adults spending 400/500 dollars/pounds on MERCH/albums/cards whatever..............

    - accounts deactivating due to the stress of their fav being in a scandal or from hate from other kpop group fans against their fav

    - fans of the SAME group attacking other members for not using "trigger" warnings... for things that ARE NOT TRIGGERS?! And then the account making 5 tweet apology and then DEACTIVATING??!??!?! OVER SOMETHING THATS NOT TRIGGERING LIKE AT ALL....


    - some accounts are so active, like 24/7 almost, what about their real life?

    - fans counting down the days since their fav's last V-Live and being upset about it?

    I dunno but I find this so fucking worrying, if my child was this invested into a celebrity I'd be so shook, like where are they going in life? Will they form real human bonds and attachments, friendships, relationships, if they're spending all their time exerting all this energy on a celebrity that doesn't even know they exist.... for gods sake some are losing SLEEP to STREAM..... the artists really dont care...... and then I see people tweeting saying their group isnt streamed ENOUGH?!?!?!? And that everyone who considers themselves a fan should keep streaming more and more cos its not enough?!?! CHILE WHAT?!!? What ???!?!? so EVERYONE that is a fan should be streaming 24/7?!?!?! it's scary like what the hell?? has anyone else not noticed this because I literally haven't seen anyone even talk about this here and I am baffled honestly

    Oh and if someone tells them the artists dont care about streams, they get incredibly defensive, they dont want to accept that streaming on youtube isnt going to do much really.... its so sad...

    A lot of female (I hate saying that<X) idols have been height shamed. The first that comes to mind is Irene. Of course there are a lot of stans who are like "Awww my wittle uwu baby" but on the other hand I've seen people imply that because [insert pretty idol here] isn't as pretty as they could be because they are under 170cm. Also stans talk about idols like Wonyoung or Tzuyu like tall women are the rarest coming ever and like they are more beautiful than shorter female idols due to their height.

    Reply with your opinion, not with "No because _ is short"

    I find this so weird because in the western world Im considered less attractive and less ideal as a partner for being tall lmao (Im 5"8 and people love teasing me about basically being an NBA player lmao) so I always thought the reason female KPOP idols were short was because thats desirable? The only tall one I know of is Aisha from overglow, and even in music videos Ive seen comments saying for a tall girl she manages to dance well and not look weird while dancing... thats so insulting, basically saying tall people look ugly dancing? so this is such a shock to me lmao

    Wahhhh pretty!!! I hope you make it big sis <3

    wow you are beautiful

    Also congrats on opening your youtube channel

    your so pretty

    nice! just stay consistent and have a lot of fun! your videos will improve over time if you do so.

    YASSSSS GETTTTT ITTTTTT, you look fire and your accent fire too

    You're so pretty and I'm really jealous smh

    Love the eyeshadow you got on sis <3

    You're so beautiful and charismatic :love:

    Your makeup skills are amazing, you really know what you're doing!

    you're soooo pretty

    You look just like your dp! >_> astonishing!

    You are really pretty :pepelove1:

    wow thank you all so so much???? thank youuuu wow haha im so shocked was super nervous to even post this on here and i was met with such lovely words

    thank you it means a lot wow <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    - he's still on hiatus so he will be edited out from first episode and won't participate starting ep. 2

    - clio has decided to promote with Stray Kids without him (at least for now).

    - fans are still doing birthday projects (ads, charity, etc) but kstays ask istays to not trending any hashtags, even 'happy birthday Hyunjin' (idk if it's possible tbh since there are million fans). Better wishing him on vlive board or his youtube videos.

    - other members continue their activities as usual.

    Thats a damn shame, I feel so bad for him ?(

    JYP Entertainment bending over backwards for him so far. Puttying out ambiguous statements, potentially faking teachers reports on him, etc and now prolly send him on a couple of months paid vacation under the guise of 'self reflection'....

    So much for character...guess that doesn't matter anymore.

    Hah, you think some middle school childish disagreements is bad? Im the devil then lmaooooo cos I'm 24 and I still won't shut my mouth to those who show slightest bit of disrespect or pricks who deserve to be put in their place so I really hope its a paid vacation as you say because his character doesn't need any reflection lmfao hes done the most for some irrelevant freaks deciding to be sour just cos hes come up

    I've always always wanted to post and I finally did :nervousk: :nervousk: :nervousk:

    pls let me know what u think ??? I'd appreciate any tips and constructive criticism soooo much and ur thoughts!!!

    (its a makeup look btw!!)

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    Omg this isn't that deep, personally I don't see why he needs a hiatus unless its for mental health break then for sure, but what happened wasn't even that big of a deal, people have issues with each other in high school, why the fuck is he being made to learn a lesson now when he's clearly grown and matured as a person? I find all this shit so dumb and unnecessary, i feel so sorry for him honestly. If I were an idol and this shit happened to me the way I'd tell them all to suck my d and get a fucking life and stop trying to chase clout off of my name just cos I'm up and they're not, so pathetic. Also Han with his racist lyrics were forgiven why isn't hyunjin??? Surely racism is worse???

    1. He was young, and by the sounds of it his school sounded like a "bully or be bullied" type of atmosphere

    2. We have ALL had issues and arguments in school, does that make us all bullies? What about the grown adults hiding behind their online persona's saying disgusting things to someone - mob mentality. that's cyberbullying.

    3. Also the people involved dont even remember fully what happened? So what is he even apologising for??

    4. I love SKZ but Han was literally racist etc in his lyrics and everyone forgave him after his letter but Hyunjin having an argument, wrote a letter and met with the "victims" is a problem? Where on earth do they cross the line? I'd think a racist idol is worse than one who had problems in high school lol

    5. He still apologised, even for things he doesn't fully recall, if that isn't an honourable thing to do and show he has learnt and grown since then, then idk what the fuck people want, but that doesn't warrant him LEAVING THE GROUP LOL???


    This is the most dramatic shit ever, he had an issue with someone and now they're angry still because he came up and became an idol and they're a nobody... this is just pathetic. When I was in school I got into shit with people, arguing or getting into situations with friends-ex friends etc is totally normal in school the fuck haha even recently I had a whole argument with a girl I thought was my friend and turns out she was a sly bitch and I'm 24, we are in uni, so what that makes me a bully for defending myself and expressing my feelings and telling her what kind of person she is?! Why are they like this man it's so minor, there was no bullying, they just had beef and it never was squashed until now, let the guy live and get on with life he aint even the same person as before AND he apologised, why this is still a thing is baffling meeeee

    I literally JUST came across this and had to share and get you guys’ thoughts

    I found it a bit scary how people are saying they were dependent on it for happiness in the comment, does it explain the obsession and over indulgence?

    Especially on Twitter, so many accounts tweeting 24/7, living and breathing their favs... it’s scary and sad.

    they spend hours streaming, constantly tweeting about voting etc needing to work together to boost their favs or whatever

    Why are you into kpop? Do you live breath sleep kpop or just a casual fan?? Do you think you’ll drift? Have you drifted?? ?? What ur stories!

    Yeah, I just found it a bit crazy the way he went about it not really their expectations of what he wants like he should be able to choose, but damn this guy still did whatever whilst upsetting them instead of trying to convince them and get them somewhat ok with it, but seeing as even when he succeeded, they still weren't happy.. he damaged his family rship for this kpop life.... its sad ngl

    Yeah the industry aint moving away from it if anything its getting worse, like these video calls aren't protecting the idols themselves. For example - Han from skz, a girl was dressed super sultry and exposed, calling him baby, saying his voice is sexy etc... he was clearly super uncomfortable, I would've thought the staff would've just cut the call and told her she broke rules of being inappropriate, but those rules dont even exist, and the staff was just there watching him get uncomfortable and left him to deal with it all on his own... sad

    Im going to try and not think too much about their shitty situation being stuck between pleasing the company and fans and trying to ensure their success, and being true to themselves.. I could imagine its hard but i guess my views are more western, and over in Korea and the likes, the community in general is more towards pleasing people around them and not putting themselves first - there's pros and cons for both tbh

    Only boy group I like proper and fully stan is Stray Kids, the rest of my fav groups are everglow/dreamcatcher/gidle/itzy etc just cos their music appeals to me the most and I can vibe with it as a girl, but stray kids are also hype and lit and they give me that fix that the girl groups just dont give me, and because there's so many girl croups im into, i dont really fan girl over them or catch up on their content cos they're too many, but with the one boy group i do like i always watch their content etc maybe cos im attracted to some of the members lmao so idk what conclusion to take out of this