You’re right honestly I started to love myself so much because I noticed these celebrities are mainly fake and don’t love themselves and LIVE TO PLEASE OTHERS
I’m born with physical traits that people get surgery for so why am I not as confident as idols and shit?! I am starting to become more and more confident
I always had been complimented by people and never saw it but after seeing how much people obsess over anyone and anything I’m in love with myself more bc they’re not that special haha
I’m sure celebrities are nothing like what we see we only see the good things, we know absolutely nothing about their personalities and the bad sides (everyone has bad sides!!!!)
So yeah it annoys me when people praise idols like they’re some otherworldly creatures when they’re just humans who went on a different path like that’s literally the ONLY difference
I’m not that into KPOP, I have my crushes, but I’m not obsessed with any idols in that way - like if I were to meet them, I’d be nervous but I wouldn’t like die lmao