Posts by cinnamongal
ok so for reference:
i already stan stayc, elris, fromis9, itzy, aespa and twice
who i really enjoy but not stanning yet loona, billlie, kep1er (help me get into them even more!)
who i wanna stan but idk where to start (help!) gwsn, rocket punch, dreamnote, wjsn!! i already enjoy a lot of their songs and i know the members but idk how to get into new groups help…
u can also give me new gg recommendations so i can check them out
also omg. i keep catching boys STARING at me. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? i'm not even that pretty omg what if they're staring because i'm literally HIDEOUS?!?!?!
bestie u are not hideous pls and also.. boys
like come on??? flipp!ng a coin singlehandedly saved 2022
i might stan period
everyone already recommended all the ggs i wanted to recommend too
but no one mentioned ELRIS!!! pls omg
[MV] ELRIS(엘리스) _ You and I(너와 나)[MV] ELRIS(엘리스) _ You and I(너와 나)*English subtitles are now available. :D(Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function)▶1theK FB...youtu.bethis one is my fave
they’re so cute
i need to check them out! maybe i’ll stan
pls recommend some songs bc i don’t know anything abt them
which idols from each company (especially the big three) in ur opinion, are the hidden weapons?
sistar imo? their friendship seems real and genuine
who is this clown talking about
go fromis go!
agree with 1 somewhat
2 i disagree. Somi is hot but that's about the only good thing about her performance
3 eh i dont know them that well but none of them impressed me in dancing or singing. Most of their appeal is appearance and high production value
here's mine : WJSN has a god tier discography and the fact that ifans ignore them so hard shows that they only pretend to stan for music
wait… maybe u are onto something with your somi opinion
and YES goddamn yes. wjsn’s music is so, so good. i’m glad someone is talking about it
- wa da da is a fun and catchy song and idk why so many people shit on it so much
- somi’s discography is disappointing, especially bc she’s a really good performer. she deserves better
- ive are gonna be the top gg one day, but speaking of ive: gaeul deserves A WHOLE LOT MORE attention. her dancing is amazing
- although i dont know a lot about bp or bts in general, and especially their management and promotions, whatever the people behind them are doing, its working. like literally everyone and their mama knows who blackpink and bts are, even if they cant name a single song or member
please share your unpopular opinions with me too
The solo stans and akgaes exist. When bp does release an album, if YGE is smart enough they will release member versions. This will definitely drive sales. And no matter how much the akgaes and solo stans brag about which member sold more, the glory will ALWAYS come back to bp as a whole.
My point unless YG disbands or the girls do not re-sign or in the slim chance that blinks decide not to support anymore, bp will not be over.
Those screaming boycott and bp is over do not contribute to bp in any way. So how can you claim a group is over when you never supported them in the first place...
good points were: made
i agree that even when people only praise a certain member of a group, it still makes the group as a whole more popular and all that jazz, so it still favors them all lol, some people are just stupid tho.
i agree with the last part, especially.
Other people's opinions? Are those other people blinks?
i have no idea, its just what i saw around different websites and im just sharing that here.