Reporter that exposed 'sex criminal' Bobby Chung's credits on BTS' new album terrorized with death threats + HYBE says "no comment"

  • Reporter that exposed 'sex criminal' Bobby Chung's credits on BTS' new album terrorized with death threats + HYBE says "no comment"


    Article: "Reporter who pointed out Bobby Chung's song on BTS' album terrorized by overseas fans"

    Source: The Qoo



    It got to a point where the term they coined to bully the reporter "PUSSAY" began trending real-time on Twitter. HYBE responded to the controversy and said "no comment."

    1. Omg...
    2. Ah f*ck
    3. A fandom shielding a s*x criminal..
    4. Korean ARMYs are out of their minds, what are they doing?
    5. And yet BTS is still silent.. amazing...
    6. F*cking Park Jimin.
    7. Jimin-ah, why exactly did you pick Filter? Because of you things have gone this far.. your fans seem to have lost their brains.
    8. Knowing Park Jimin's fans, they're probably claiming all of this is the company's fault..
    9. Looks like they have no normal fans left..
    10. This is the level of their fandom.
    11. A fandom that can't take the heat so they're coming for blood.
    12. Weren't Big Bang fans like this tooㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. This is basically cyber bullying... and not just once or twice either .
    13. Do they think donating and throwing around money makes you a good influence? Is all of this worth throwing away the fandom's image? Their fandom is problematic is more ways than one.
    14. I seriously don't understand why Jimin picked a s*x criminal song in the first place. Doesn't he have other solo songs? What was the reason for picking that song exactly?
  • Armys should just ignore and block this reporter on twitter. It is expected that media will put out negative articles / do smear campaign when the comeback is near.

    Some armys have received dms from journalist asking for interviews. Better not to agree to those.

    I don't think HYBE even responded yet.

  • Its gets more attention because of the fact BTS is seen as a more socially oriented group that fights for causes etc and Army's like to say they are the same and put out this fake self righteous image. When in reality they act like animals like all fandoms do in response to any negative news about their favs even if the negative news is justified. Other fandoms don't get as much attention in this regard because they don't claim to be the fucking Pope.

  • dude... like I get that they're mad because technically this was weird that they said bts worked with a sex criminal when the crime was exposed after he collabed with others for the song, but it wasn't cool that hybe continues to push this song knowing that an asshole is gonna benefit off of it while trying to have a "healing" image

    Usually, I shit on HYBE, but I don't think that there's anything that they can do about it. The album is already printed and probably ready to ship in other countries. Also, they know that this outrage is only in small bubble. They are stupid for responding with 'NO COMMENT' tho. Like, atleast pretend to be ignorant if you don't plan on doing anything. Their PR team needs to be replaced.

  • Usually, I shit on HYBE, but I don't think that there's anything that they can do about it. The album is already printed and probably ready to ship in other countries. Also, they know that this outrage is only in small bubble. They are stupid for responding with 'NO COMMENT' tho. Like, atleast pretend to be ignorant if you don't plan on doing anything. Their PR team needs to be replaced.

    I know this album has been in the works for awhile, but to my knowledge this guy has been exposed for over a year or two by this point? They could've easy either selected a different song or perhaps recording it without his contributions; that way he doesn't get any profit from this new version.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think BTS or Jimin deserve hate for this since they aren't responsible for this man's actions. But given that it's still an on going case and the victim has passed, I can understand why this bothers people.

  • Ugh.. Of course, entertainment industry is dirty, just because kpop is marketed as smth pure doesn't mean it is actually pure, a lot of shitty ppl are there and everyone works with everyone regardless so nothing surprising about such involvement of this dude in the music of 'the purest of all purest' BTS. Also it's obvious that nobody would delete songs this dude worked on completely but seriously was it necessary to include it in upcoming album?.. I do understand that ppl in k-industry might not know about scandals in, for example, western industry for obvious reasons, but it's not like HYBE isn't aware about this dude (with who they 1) work in same industry and 2) worked on not only one song even) scandal which goes on for year or so already. For real, couldn't they prevent putting such song on album while it's still an ongoing scandal and nothing is clear yet? Especially considering that such move is obviously damaging for artist image especially when they announce that "BTS chose songs themselves" so now Jimin went from one scandal straight to another one and both are showing him as some insensible dude... If back then they stopped the release of that Japanese song due to scandal in which Japanese creator was involved even tho song was basically ready I don't see why they couldn't stop it this time or change tracklist even now. Hybe is such a damn mess lately... What a shjtty company, seriously...

  • I know this album has been in the works for awhile, but to my knowledge this guy has been exposed for over a year or two by this point? They could've easy either selected a different song or perhaps recording it without his contributions; that way he doesn't get any profit from this new version.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think BTS or Jimin deserve hate for this since they aren't responsible for this man's actions. But given that it's still an on going case and the victim has passed, I can understand why this bothers people.

    I'm sure Jimin is not aware of Bobby Chung, besides he's only a minor contributor in Filter. He's so busy, I highly doubt he knows something. I mean, I didn't even know who that man is until this little outrage. However, HYBE should've been extra careful when it comes to this thing. I don't think HYBE or other companies care that much either. Unless, majority of people or fans are boycotting, they won't do anything.

  • This is why twitter should change rules and allow only users posting under their real name, as well as with all proper data.

    Maybe then we wouldn't have all those brainless "fans" posting whatever they want to

    they don't need to do that, just banning people who send death threats should be enough

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