is there any KPOP company that really treat their idol right ???
Seconds before me
As others said, P Nation comes to mind.
but all of their artist are senior and have a lot of experience so company isnt really involve in term of music
But after all its true they really treat them right
Konnect Entertainment CEO Kang Daniel really treat well his artist Kang Daniel. He gave him time to rest when he needed time, he continuously sue his haters, invest lot of money in his comeback, give fans of the artist the best quality merchs and if ever there's a disfonctionment in a merchs he send another set for free, listen and takes fans suggestions into considerations, he gave hima house to live by himself, let him work with his friends, and never force him to do something he doesn't want...
Dreamcatcher's Happy Face Ent
Konnect Entertainment CEO Kang Daniel really treat well his artist Kang Daniel. He gave him time to rest when he needed time, he continuously sue his haters, invest lot of money in his comeback, give fans of the artist the best quality merchs and if ever there's a disfonctionment in a merchs he send another set for free, listen and takes fans suggestions into considerations, he gave hima house to live by himself, let him work with his friends, and never force him to do something he doesn't want...
But i wonder if there will be any kpop group debuted from daniel company ??
Dreamcatcher's Happy Face Ent
Maybe they treat DC right but not Dal Shabet
but all of their artist are senior and have a lot of experience so company isnt really involve in term of music
But after all its true they really treat them right
Also i think it's too early to say that. Let's see how they do in a few years...
even when we do complain they immediately give us what we want
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