What is the most outrageous price you've seen on something?
I grew up near a lake and state park which was a huge tourist attraction for out of towners so I'm used to seeing things be hideously overpriced in the area around the park, but there's one place that charges $20 for a meal that's 4 chicken strips and a side of fries. It's literally a $7 childrens meal at any other place in town. And to top it off their "gimmick" is that there are no plates so you're eating it off of wax paper.
I hate that place with a burning passion.
Designer sunglasses.
Some of the big names like D&G, Fendi, ray ban cost like £300 minuim. Yeah designer brands get silly prices but the insane thing thing is almost almost the lenses are made by one brand Luxottica so there is very little if no difference at all in the actual shades themselves. Almost any sunglasses from reputable sources will do the same job no matter if you bought at a designer outlet or your local opticians. Your simply paying for the name most of the time unless toy get extras like diamonds or gold frames or whatever. It’s a massive rip off.
I have an old pair of Pradas I got on sale a few years ago for around £50 and they still perform the exact same as current designs and don’t look out of place at all because it’s a generic design that most shades have anyway. Meanwhile my cousin is rocking £400 Guccis which kinda look ugly lol.
NBA Basketball Game Ticket. A Grand USD for a 2nd level seat.
I was looking for a cafe in my eara I want to go to soon, because they havn't put the opening times on the door or an window. However they arn't to be found on Google and so I looked if there was some other place online that was recomended by people. Found some places on Google and TripAdvisor. There was a Vegan cafe with Japanese name. I looked on their website and it looked pretty standart like you expect from most places in Germany aka. a normal bakery-area where you buy bread and cake and some random black benches with red fake leather and stone wall in the background with a glas roof blah blah. The staff was also listed with pictures, normal looking European people I guess. Nothing that would make you say "wow fancy", just like any of the boring typical German cafes you know.
However I looked at their menue and it shooked me. 6€ for black coffee, 9€ for a cinamon roll, 2€ if you want some vegan whiped cream for your drink or desert ... either inflation hit so hard allready that they have to go up like crazy or they take a weird bonus on the food just for "cause it's bio and vegan" 😶
I have this app on my phone that many people use here in Germany to order food. It's called Liferando. Basicly many of your local food places are on the list. You insert your postcode and see what stores are available, if they are open, how much you have to spend in order to be able to buy, if they charge you a fee for delivering, ... and so on. However there is a sushi place in my city who wants a redicioulus amount of 60€ + 8€ for delivery ... if you look at how much food you get by spending 60€ you can feed 6-10 people with that and I find the price just weird. Compared to this there is a sushi place just 2 streets away who only wants you to spend 10 bucks (and free delivery) and even tho it's just 10 bucks you can still allready eat a lot of sushi
Watched a Youtuber doing her makeup with stuff that she called "Prettiest make up I have ever seen" she I kid you not spend 800€ + 50€ shipping on 1 eyeshadow pallete, 3 lipsticks, 1 highlighter, 1 blush and 1 make up. She broke the cost down at the end to get the money back and she said in order to not get broke during the month she needs to get at least 100K views on that video or else she payed more for the makeup than she was earning with showing it
I just watched a documentary some hours ago about a American couple who builds dog houses for 3.000-4.000$ + 500$ shipping and sends them around the globe. They interviewed a coustomer and the people who got a 1.500$ custom made dog bed randomly said "I am so obessed, we love it, we had to have that. It's so stylish and fits so well to our home. We love how our dogs couddle in there each evening, was totally worth it since our dogs are part of our family and so we had to give them something back" I don't quit understand how people can spend so much on a dog bed or dog house
You know those TikTok accounts where people only show what they shop on Amazon? One woman presented her favourite K-beauty from Amazon and said "everything is under 50$" I laught as she presented a 35$ lipbalm in the size of what other people might consider a "sample" and another time the same woman talked about "affordable sunblock" and every freaking product she showed was 30-50$ ... where is this affordable? I mean emagine you pay rent and gas/electricity/water, your wifi and phone and need food and you are left with only a tiny bit money... than thats not affordable dude. Most people allready find it expensive when sunscreen is over 8 bucks and here the TikToker be like "ah its cheap lol just 40$" ... eh no?
2 days ago I watched a video of a guy eating 100€ (~ 105$) worth of Pho in Vietnam and I can't understand how you can pay so much money for a noodle soup (BTW that guy also claimed he only did the video cause his video's sponsor payed him enough to be able to trow it out like that or else he would've never done that video)
Did you ever saw the videos where people buy colored pencils from Gucci and Louis Vuitton? 1K for pencils who are woth 30 bucks just cause the pencil case has the brand's logo on it ... not even Kim Kardashian would do that. I mean people where doing the "What do celebrity use" videos and figured that the pencils she gave her kids are less than 100$ and even Britney Spears uses dollar store paint ...
basically any "event" like sporting or concert or amusement park or whatever where they jack up the prices but
there was a time where going to the toilets cost money in China and later they changed it that toilets were free but toilet paper $$$ lol
I once went to a clothes outlet and saw a 80€ plain shirt. I got out of there so freaking fast.
Water bottles for 6 to 10 bucks in places where there is less options
Grocery shopping has basically doubled in price it seems
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