... is the fans. I'm not gonna address antis as they are just shit in whatever situation
So, I know this will be controversial and some will say I'm just an anti, fake concern, not your bias not your problem type of things so yes, this is my opinion as a neutral person with all of these scandalous. And I'm talking about the fans reaction towards these scandals, not the people involved directly, just the fans reaction..
Let's start! When a situation like what's happening rn happens I always stay neutral as people lie easily so it's necessary time and proofs to make me say things on internet. But it really, really shocked me how some are so low that the excuses are horrible.
"Bullying is not serious, move on, shut up, my bias was an innocent kid with no ill intention" : This is such a weak excuse. Imagine defending someone bc he/she were kids when the victims were kids too and in most cases, as everybody knows, SUICIDE is the only solution bullied kids "found", so yes, let's not act like bullying is not a serious matter.
"Why call out on internet? Why didn't the victim came to my bias to see if he/she didn't change?": First of all, when YOU are in the wrong it's YOU who have to come to the victims, not the other way. If you really changed and wants to make a public career, just be a decent human being and go asking forgiveness to the ones you hurt when a "kid", just do the right thing bc I find reaaaaaaaally hypocrite when famous people wait to be called out and then they ask forgiveness like ?? You should do it first, not the other way... My opinion.
"He/she changed. Stop running my bias career": as I said above, if you have a dirty past, clean it first before coming to television faking being a "angel" who never did wrong. You will be call out anyways, just be aware of your situation. It's really beautiful when people change, but if the victims are still waiting for your apology... Probably there will be controversies in your career.
"The bullying wasn't serious": WHO ARE YOU TO DEFINE THE SITUATION AS SERIOUS OR A JOKE? This here really annoys me bc it's not you who was hurt, humiliated and for sure not you who thought about ending your life bc of the shits attitude of others towards you. Kids can and some are evil. Let's not pretend kids are just innocents human being playing about excluding others . Stop invalidating bullied kids just bc you love your bias so blindly that you lost your morals!
I'm not gonna address the scandals neither involve the celebrities, but there are some users here who really should stop treating situations like this as a "funny thing". And I'm talking more about your reactions, not the scandals. The reactions are severe and sad. It's ok to defend your faves, but don't use such a much needed cause of human evolution as something stupid just to defend celebrities who may be or not be good people.
PS: I'm talking about reactions bc of the news, not reactions bc someone was trying to shit your faves. I'm talking about defending not from antis, just blindly defending and just aiming at making the cause less worth just to fit your narrative.
This was long.... Sorry if you arrived here kkk and yes, it wasn't my bias, but I'm not talking about your bias, I'm talking about the fans reactions. Hope this is clear.