In my time as a kpop fan, I've seen more than a few comments about people being too old for kpop. I've also talked with some guys who have received flack for being a male who enjoys kpop. I've never understood this mindset. Why are people trying to gatekeep who can enjoy kpop? It's just a category of music. I won't even call it a genre, because it includes so many different genres and musical styles. I don't understand why people think you have to be a certain age or a certain gender to enjoy it. Do people do this with other types of music? Do you have to stop listening to R&B at a certain point? Rap? Can you be a guy and listen to showtunes? Be a girl and listen to death metal? Why not? Can't people just enjoy what they enjoy? I don't think I have ever heard anyone admonish someone for listening to American Top 40. Why is kpop treated differently?

Are there people who shouldn't listen to kpop? (aka, should older people or males not listen to kpop?)
To add on top of what other people said, the people who are going to be all racist and xenophobic and be like: "oH tHoSe ChInEsE bOyS". Just no. Aside from that (and what the people above me already said), I agree with you. People should be allowed to listen to the music they want and not be condemned for it.
North Koreans? Theyll get in trouble for that lol
Yep. I'd have to look it up, but I think I heard seven North Koreans were killed in the past decade because they were caught listening to it. Publicly executed on top of that. Let me see if I can find the article.
North Korea Executes People for Watching K-Pop, Rights Group Says - The New York Times (
Found it!
oli london should stop listening to kpop
Okay, lol, maybe him
oh, I didn't think about that. You know, i have on occasion run into someone discussion kpop who just does not seem to enjoy kpop at all. Like whyyyyyyyy. Instead of hanging around and bringing people down, why not find something that actually brings you joy and go discuss that with people?
To add on top of what other people said, the people who are going to be all racist and xenophobic and be like: "oH tHoSe ChInEsE bOyS". Just no. Aside from that (and what the people above me already said), I agree with you. People should be allowed to listen to the music they want and not be condemned for it.
I have run into a few people who had weird race ideas considering they listen to kpop. I do not get that at all.
Yep. I'd have to look it up, but I think I heard seven North Koreans were killed in the past decade because they were caught listening to it. Publicly executed on top of that. Let me see if I can find the article.
North Korea Executes People for Watching K-Pop, Rights Group Says - The New York Times (
Found it!
Damn publicly executed. I heard that the gov made anyone who distributed kpop "disappear" but I didn't think they'd be that open and callous
Kinda crazy to think SK used to play kpop loudly over speakers to NK to take the piss but knowing how crazy NK are they could've started shit over that. Kpop could've started a semi war. Imagine starting a war over music lol
North Koreans? Theyll get in trouble for that lol
It's so sad that they can actually get into life-threatening trouble for enjoying music. I know that some people actually try to infiltrate NK with pop culture from other countries so that those citizens can see what the outside world is like. The government tries so hard to convince the people that other countries are in terrible condition and that NK's system is the best. It's awful.
North Korea Is Executing People Over ‘Vicious Cancer’ K-Pop, Rights Group WarnsAt least seven people have been put to death in the last decade for watching or distributing the South Korean music, according to the Transitional Justice… -
As long as you still enjoy it, I don't think it matters whether you fit in the average demo. Besides, as kpop itself ages and develops a longer history and some of the more popular groups keep promoting, I think we'll see greater numbers of older fans. I personally can not wait to have more idols performing in their 30s. I would love to see more mature concepts as well. There's room for both young idols doing bright school concepts and older idols doing darker concepts with maybe more variety in subject matter. They don't always have to sing about love. They can sing about the life experiences they have attained.
Yep. I'd have to look it up, but I think I heard seven North Koreans were killed in the past decade because they were caught listening to it. Publicly executed on top of that. Let me see if I can find the article.
North Korea Executes People for Watching K-Pop, Rights Group Says - The New York Times (
Found it!
You were faster than me!
Okay, lol, maybe him
on a serious note i read through your OP after commenting, and i genuinely that kpop is open to absolutely anyone that is going to appreciate and respect kpop for what it is. i feel like anyone that puts down another legitimate groups that works hard and hasn't done anything to get the dragged the way they do doesn't deserve to listen to kpop. someone like that doesn't deserve to enjoy the music their faves put out imo
it might be gatekeeping but we don't need the negativity.
that makes 3 votes for oli london lol
on a serious note i read through your OP after commenting, and i genuinely that kpop is open to absolutely anyone that is going to appreciate and respect kpop for what it is. i feel like anyone that puts down another legitimate groups that works hard and hasn't done anything to get the dragged the way they do doesn't deserve to listen to kpop. someone like that doesn't deserve to enjoy the music their faves put out imo
it might be gatekeeping but we don't need the negativity.
I don't consider disliking trolls and toxicity to be gatekeeping. I'm more talking about looking down on fans for who they are and discriminating based on age, gender, race etc....
that makes 3 votes for oli london lol
Pls ... that guy blocked me on Twitter
and he is pathetic and ew ... everything about that guy is painfukll
yeah, i get it. they can be intimidating at your age, especially if they're doing something unusual
IDK when he became popular again but I think it was 2019, right? A few weeks later some Youtuber begun to get involved into sending him messages and shit and everyone comented they did the same and got blocked and the Youtuber was like "I wait till he blocks me lol" and he got blocked and than more people said they also sended crappy fan-art and got blocked and some people said they want to see it themself and said they would send crapy things they dre on paint xD and well thats how I got blocked cause I wanted to see if he really blocks everyone
IDK when he became popular again but I think it was 2019, right? A few weeks later some Youtuber begun to get involved into sending him messages and shit and everyone comented they did the same and got blocked and the Youtuber was like "I wait till he blocks me lol" and he got blocked and than more people said they also sended crappy fan-art and got blocked and some people said they want to see it themself and said they would send crapy things they dre on paint xD and well thats how I got blocked cause I wanted to see if he really blocks everyone
And I guess he does lol
True, but I think we should be careful to not judge people quickly and harshly because we fear something happening. That leads to people getting discriminated against just cuz they're different and that's not fair to them. Unless they are actually doing something harmful, indecent, or damaging to society, it's on us to manage our fears, not on them to change their behavior just to make us more comfortable.
It's so non-sensical, but that does happen and not just in kpop. I know of plenty of people who listen to Beyonce or admires Magic Johnson, but would be loathe to have a black family move into their neighborhood. Or how about when kpop idols themselves use parts of rap or r&b culture in their music/image, but look down on African Americans. That happens too. It's weird as heck.
Exactly! I think some people are afraid of liking things. If I sit behind my wall and just sneer at everyone else for the stupid stuff they like, then I'm not having to risk looking stupid by liking things myself.
Exactly! I think some people are afraid of liking things. If I sit behind my wall and just sneer at everyone else for the stupid stuff they like, then I'm not having to risk looking stupid by liking things myself.
right? Maybe what they like is not liking things. Maybe they enjoy negativity. Whatever, that's fine. I enjoy griping sometimes with likeminded people. I just wish they would stop spreading it around when people are trying to be happy.
I think I may have mislead people with the title. Maybe I should change it. I wasn't really looking for suggestions of people who shouldn't and that's kinda what this has become. It was really more about, why do people look down on some people for liking kpop just because they don't fit into the average demographic.
Changed the title of the thread from “Are there people who shouldn't listen to kpop?” to “Are there people who shouldn't listen to kpop? (aka, should older people or males not listen to kpop?)”. -
Ah well, I think people may find it childish since its mostly targeted towards a younger audience. Juvenile, maybe. I know many also just have internalized misogyny and since a lot of women enjoy kpop, they look down on it as "something little girls like".
While the target demo may be younger people, I don't think the music itself is childish.... well, not all of it. There may be some songs that sound more young, but there are plenty of other styles and concepts as well.
I do think that stuff women like tends to be looked down on as immature and that says a whole lot about our cultures.
Agreed. Like one time, I knew someone who hated K-Pop and I knew they liked a lot of Western rap, so I showed them God's Menu since it has a bit of rap in the beginning and I figured even if they quit listening by the time only the first rap was over, they would at least learn that not all K-Pop music is over the top cutesy like they thought. I watched them listen to the song and asked what they thought of it and they said they liked it, they just didn't like how they couldn't understand it and preferred songs they could understand. I didn't agree, but decided it was best to agree to disagree on this. That's one thing.
If they think foreign music is weird, I try to show them songs that are foreign, but could pass for English songs ("Gone" by Rose, "Empire" by Wengie ft. Minnie, "The Feels" by Twice and stuff like that) to prove that not all foreign songs are like that because they may genuinely not know better. Or I show them a song similar to type type of music they normally listen to, like I did with the person I knew I mentioned earlier. If they still refuse to listen to reason, then I can get upset at them a bit more.
I know! That baffles me! Asians are no better or worse than any other race (no offense intended) and should be treated as such: a normal person. Don't go too far and fetishize them and worship the ground they walk on, but also don't send them hate or generalize/stereotype them. It's really not that hard (at least for me)! Have a great day/night!
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