Is being ''anti-social'' a social construct?

  • Hello queens,kings and inbetweens

    Firstly,I'd like to say that this is supposed to be more of a ramble on my part rather than an academic piece,so please do enlighten me if you have different views or feelings.

    I've seen a lot of people,especially online,claim to be ''anti-social''.As someone who is ridiculously introverted and has a whole one(1) friend in my life,I believe there is no such thing.That word is just a coping technique for us hopeless loners.Humans are social beings,that is a scientific fact.It's part of what makes us feel fulfilled.

    Another thing is some people thinking that introverted = anti-social.The way I see it,being introverted simply means that you function better alone or in smaller circles,it also means that you recover your energy more efficiently while in solitude.It doesn't mean that you don't like human interaction.

    There are also people like myself who would love to socialize,but their raging anxiety makes that very difficult.There's no worse feeling than wanting to do something but being held back by the demons in your head.

  • Away from my computer i am completely anti-social. I do not have any relationships/friendships. I can't just go to someones house and hang out. I can't just call up a friend to meet up.

    On the computer im more "outgoing" it's easier for me to be something i'm not behind text and a screen. In reality I have severe trust issues and i don't want to be around anyone.

    I am extremely introverted. I'd rather be at home alone inside my room, than out there dealing with people. I keep my friend circle online small maybe 5-6 people right now in a chat.

    I also have anxiety issues due to trauma and severe issues which also makes the above more amplified.

  • If people are loud about being anti-social, then they really arent anti-social.

    Anti-social people are just comfortable doing their own thing without sharing it with others.

    What they might be is a social outcast. They desire to be part of the society or groups, but they are rejected. So they made their own social group aka social rejects but to make it sound like a choice they call it anti-social.

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  • I know what you mean. I am an introvert and have had social anxiety for most of my adult life. I do have a couple of friends but am someone who has never been reliant on friendships as I have been abused and hurt by them a lot throughout my life. I don't choose to be that way, it's just the way it is. People can be so ignorant at times, just because someone isn't a social person doesn't mean they like to be alone 24/7. I do like company whether it be human or animal, especially when I'm depressed or vulnerable. Social functions just drain me and I'm better with one on one than a whole group.

    Unfortunately for folk like us, the world is a social place and introverts are thought of as those "weird loner" types that don't fit in. Maybe if people took the time to understand us more rather than make judgements, we wouldn't have so much anxiety. I like to think of introversion as a personality type, not a disorder and there are benefits to it.

  • No, it's not a social construct because the term itself is being misused. And not being sociable isn't socially accepted either. And to be honest, being proud of not being sociable seems more like a niche thing.

    I believe the term "anti-social" has become an aesthetic at this point.

    "Introversion" denotes preference. You CHOOSE to engage in solitary activities and you don't get shy when you have to face social interactions. "anti-social" IMO feels more like the opposite of it although I don't really like the use of this term in the context at hand.

  • Are we the same person ? :pepewhat:

  • If people are loud about being anti-social, then they really arent anti-social.

    Anti-social people are just comfortable doing their own thing without sharing it with others.

    What they might be is a social outcast. They desire to be part of the society or groups, but they are rejected. So they made their own social group aka social rejects but to make it sound like a choice they call it anti-social.

    No, it's not a social construct because the term itself is being misused. And not being sociable isn't socially accepted either. And to be honest, being proud of not being sociable seems more like a niche thing.

    I believe the term "anti-social" has become an aesthetic at this point.

    "Introversion" denotes preference. You CHOOSE to engage in solitary activities and you don't get shy when you have to face social interactions. "anti-social" IMO feels more like the opposite of it although I don't really like the use of this term in the context at hand.

    Ah I see,I never looked at it from that angle.Thanks for your input!

  • isnt it more of a social norm than a social construct

    edit: at least where I'm from, we expect people to be sociable and if they aren't then we think they're rude.

    Oh yes,being social and approachable is definitely expected.I think being ''anti-social'' is a construct though since I don't find it to be objectively possible to completely dislike socializing.

    I'm an extrovert when it comes to texting behind a screen, but when it comes to talking in person, I'm an introvert :shyr: that's why I have more online friends than real-life friends

    I absolutely relate lol

  • apart from what others think, it's possible to be antisocial. it could be considered a social construct, but doesn't have to be.

    there are people who can be popular if they wish, but would rather avoid others. it isn't always misanthropy and sometimes it can be a response to trauma, past and possible anxiety of future traumatic experience.

    sometimes people just drain you and you don't think you can be bothered to try to socialize. there are probably better examples.

  • Not particularly

    ...but Ive understood the meaning anti social as someone who doesn't agree or actively goes against societal norms, hence we have thing like anti social personality disorder or behaviour, somewhat in line with sociopathy.

    However Being an introvert doesn't equal being antisocial though, it just limits how social interactive you can be but doesn't necessarily mean you can't or don't want to socialise.

    Most people tend to use the word antisocial cause its easier to explain lack of participation in social events , even though thats not really what introverts are necessarily.

    I think some people can be classed as Asocial, a general dislike of socialising and just perfering solitary activity, not to say they can't socialise, they can perfectly fine but when given the chance they just don't want to.

    this is exactly how I am introverted and asocial. I only socialise when needed or feel like it (which isn't very often one or twice a year maybe in person) but otherwise I perfer being alone and somewhat unreachable lol. I'm lucky to have friends that understand this and have stuck with me for more than 15 years.

  • I'm an extrovert when it comes to texting behind a screen, but when it comes to talking in person, I'm an introvert :shyr: that's why I have more online friends than real-life friends

    This is really random and off topic for sure, but I really love your signature and your stan list is immaculate. Sorry for going off topic like that, I just thought of that and something told me I should tell you. Have a great day/night!

  • i think there are definitely people that feel anti-social sometimes, though i don't think its a good long term descriptor for reasons you listed. but there have definitely been times when i really didn't want to talk to or see anyone and even running into one of my family members in the kitchen annoyed me a little bit lol. i would say that is anti-social behavior.

  • Your take on the whole "anti-social" label really resonates with me. It's like people toss around the term without really understanding what it means. Being introverted doesn't automatically make you anti-social, right? It's just how we're wired, preferring smaller circles or solo time to recharge. And man, that anxiety piece hits close to home. Wanting to connect but feeling like your own brain's working against you?

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