Gender and kpop/fandom

  • Recent talk got me interested in the topic and I thought these two articles were interesting.

    The first explores how female interests are downplayed and female-majority fandoms stigmatized.

    The Trivialisation Of Female Fans: Addressing Gender Stereotypes Around Fandoms | Feminism In India
    Celebrities have fans of all genders but while male fans are taken seriously, female fans are often dismissed hysteric and trivial

    The other looks at the differing expectations for male vs female idols

    How K-Pop Perpetuates Double Standards For Men And Women
    The popularity of K-pop groups and solo singers rests on their ability to fit into the moulds of what constitutes appropriate behaviour for men and women.

  • Batman movies - based on a comic book featuring a power fantasy - Awesome

    Twilight movies - based on a book and featuring a romance fantasy - Stupid

    Sports - defend it until you die mentality and obsession with players/teams - Awesome

    K-Pop - defend it until you die mentality and obsession with groups/members - Stupid

  • Women's musical interests are always objectified to sexual desires, while men do not have their interests objectified

    Female interests in general aren't taken seriously. I thought it was a really good point how a lot of female interests are seen as something women should "grow out of" whereas you don't see the same kind of rhetoric around sports fandoms for example.

    This article made a good point that female sexual desires are often derided and seen as overcoming sense while male sexual desires are more often accepted and mainstreamed.

    Gender in Fandom

  • Batman movies - based on a comic book featuring a power fantasy - Awesome

    Twilight movies - based on a book and featuring a romance fantasy - Stupid

    Sports - defend it until you die mentality and obsession with players/teams - Awesome

    K-Pop - defend it until you die mentality and obsession with groups/members - Stupid

    Yep, I experience this at work. Everyone thinks that being a huge fan of our local sports teams is totally normal. We even have dedicated days where we're allowed to break our business casual dress code to wear fan gear. Some of my coworkers spend big money on season tickets. But they laugh when I tell them I spent a few hundred on tickets to Monsta X. Smh

  • Female interests in general aren't taken seriously. I thought it was a really good point how a lot of female interests are seen as something women should "grow out of" whereas you don't see the same kind of rhetoric around sports fandoms for example.

    This article made a good point that female sexual desires are often derided and seen as overcoming sense while male sexual desires are more often accepted and mainstreamed.

    Products that are consumed by women are always considered low quality and childish. They usually use the argument that the main attraction of this product is something beautiful or sexual. Not that women don't have sexual interests over these products, in fact they can and should not be judged for this as men who have sexual interests over most of the things they consume but people don't care

  • This troubling truth spelled out in this thread makes me want to throw something. If only it could be so easy to smash as a plate. GODDAMN IT.

    You could try finding a rage room. They're all the .....rage now.

    All the Rage: New San Francisco ‘Smash Room' is a Break From Holiday Stress
    It’s a smash hit with stressed-out shoppers, who say they love it to pieces: a basement business where they can take refuge from the mall and unleash their…

    But yeah, it might make you feel better for a moment, but the problem isn't going anywhere soon.

  • Sports - defend it until you die mentality and obsession with players/teams - Awesome

    Where I live, adult males literally kill each other in mass fights after soccer games to "defend their faves". Every other month you get news about something like this.

    Still, fangirls get dragged for enjoying whatever they enjoy, even if no one is killed in the process.

  • someone show Teshub this thread the next time he posts SJW shit and then switches up and says "your oppa" all condescendingly to fangirls

    The "oppa"-ism is so offensive. It's derogatory and used to diminish and shut down female opinions, no matter how valid. He used it on me when we were discussing earthquakes and NCT. I don't even stan NCT! I'm just really interested in earthquakes, which isn't a particularly gendered interest AFAIK. Urgh. I was so irritated.

  • I am a man and I am fully aware of my privileges when no one has offended my interests as they did my female friends who also like boygroups.

    I want to make it clear that this thread is not about making all men seem like garbage. That's as problematic as what spurred this thread. No, the problem is IMO the societal and cultural values that have instilled this belief in ALL of us and many have swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Unfortunately, power corrupts, so select people will try to keep this going well into the next generation and beyond. It's up to the rest of us to denounce and fight that progression - and the first step is through opening people's eyes.

  • You could try finding a rage room. They're all the .....rage now.…m-holiday-stress/2761953/

    But yeah, it might make you feel better for a moment, but the problem isn't going anywhere soon.

    It'll make me feel more helpless when all I'm left with is a broken wrist and a bruised spirit :( So I see the practicality of not doing that, but it doesn't mean the urge isn't there.

  • I want to make it clear that this thread is not about making all men seem like garbage. That's as problematic as what spurred this thread. No, the problem is IMO the societal and cultural values that have instilled this belief in ALL of us and many have swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Unfortunately, power corrupts, so select people will try to keep this going well into the next generation and beyond. It's up to the rest of us to denounce and fight that progression - and the first step is through opening people's eyes.

    Exactly, some men act as if they've been posed as villains and it's just a matter of recognizing an issue and respecting women's tastes.

  • It's so easy to put humans against each other.

    Easiest way to control them.

    Be it sexism, be it racism, be it whatever.

    Honestly? If you wanna blame somebody? Blame those old farts that hold the reins of power.

    Women? Getting the low end of the deal? The old farts.

    Men? Getting attacked by women? The old farts.

    Don't even get me started on racism.

  • those old farts that hold the reins of power are all white men :nct31:

  • Great articles, and something that should be addressed more often. I hope people don't take this as an attack on them if they displayed this behavior but as an opportunity to recognize where they themselves have partaken in this way of thinking themselves (I have too) and learn and grow from it

    Growing up in a misogynistic culture, sexism is deeply rooted in many aspects of our thinking in many ways we wouldn't even expect and it's all just about taking responsibility and unlearning it

    This is way too deep for kpop


    It's not about kpop, it's about how actions within the kpop community (and elsewhere) reflect on how we view women. If you don't have the capacity or want to understand why women are upset right now, stay out of it

  • I think you've completely misunderstood what the women in here are saying right now. They're not attacking men (at least OP wasn't and the other posts I've read), they're talking about how we as culture disvalue women and thus their interests and view it/them as lesser

    Sometimes we need to take responsibility for the culture we help contribute to and change our ways (I'm guilty of whats being discussed right now actually). Being told you're wrong is not always an attack, it's an opportunity to change

    I hate to see feminism once again be misinterpreted as men vs women

  • I really think trying to point the finger at someone is counterproductive at this stage in the game. This is ingrained in our society and I'm pretty sure each of us has let it color our thoughts and/or actions at one point or another. But should that matter? I don't think so. I think what matters is that we move on to right the wrongs. That's the only way to true progress - not standing around arguing about whose fault it was. We as a whole need to move forward.

  • I think you've completely misunderstood what the women in here are saying right now. They're not attacking men (at least OP wasn't and the other posts I've read), they're talking about how we as culture disvalue women and thus their interests and view it/them as lesser

    Sometimes we need to take responsibility for the culture we help contribute to and change our ways (I'm guilty of whats being discussed right now actually). Being told you're wrong is not always an attack, it's an opportunity to change

    I hate to see feminism once again be misinterpreted as men vs women

    ah no, I was just saying that it is intended in order to make sure that men and women don't band together.

    Eh, it's a dream of mine when humans finally become one.

    But I am sure that will never happen as long as I'm alive.

  • ah no, I was just saying that it is intended in order to make sure that men and women don't band together.

    Eh, it's a dream of mine when humans finally become one.

    But I am sure that will never happen as long as I'm alive.

    Men and women should be able to come together under feminism. Feminism was never about getting power over men or flipping spots. It's about everyone being equal.

  • ah no, I was just saying that it is intended in order to make sure that men and women don't band together.

    Eh, it's a dream of mine when humans finally become one.

    But I am sure that will never happen as long as I'm alive.

    Yeah, but I also disagree with just blaming it on the old and rich in power. Yes, they're responsible for a lot of things but not everything. When something is on a cultural level like this, it's also on us everyday people to make changes. It's the everyday people who perpetuate this way of thinking and keep it running, what we need to do is educate ourselves and others and change that. The exact situation that just caused this thread to be made wasn't by a billionaire, it was by a normal forum-using kpop fan

    Blaming it on the powerful is easy but it won't change anything or help women in any shape or form because 1) the powerful don't care and 2) this is on every individual's way of thinking, the rich and powerful don't control our thoughts

    We can only band together and change the world if we ourselves are actually trying and changing on an individual level

  • I want to make it clear that this thread is not about making all men seem like garbage. That's as problematic as what spurred this thread. No, the problem is IMO the societal and cultural values that have instilled this belief in ALL of us and many have swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Unfortunately, power corrupts, so select people will try to keep this going well into the next generation and beyond. It's up to the rest of us to denounce and fight that progression - and the first step is through opening people's eyes.

    Not all men energy.

    If you feel the need to say that first line we have already lost :pepepizza:

  • Women's musical interests are always objectified to sexual desires, while men do not have their interests objectified

    I am not sure about this, Male Kpop fans are often assumed to be perverts or weird, and Men liking Female Singers/Performers in general is almost always assumed to be because of their Sexual Desires

    I think this is as much about Hetero-normativity and applies beyond Music to all forms of Entertainment

    Here are some assumptions I think most people have;

    Male fan of Male Tennis = "he likes Tennis"

    Male fan of Female Tennis = "he watches because he thinks they are hot"

    Female Fan of Male Tennis = "she is just trying to impress boys by acting like she is into sports"

    Female fan of Female Tennis = "she is all about Women empowerment, probably a Feminist"

    Male fan of a "Masculine" Male Singer = "he is a Fan of that Artists Music"

    Male fan of a "Feminine" Male Singer = "he is Gay"

    Male fan of Female Singer = "he thinks she is hot, or he is Gay no middle ground"

    Female fan of Male Singer = "crazy girls obsessing over a handsome boy"

    Female Fan of Female Singer = "she likes her Music"

    I felt I had to split the "Male fan of Male Singer" into 2 categories because there does appear to be a stark difference in perception based on who the Singer is and the Mainstream perception of that artist, and I put quotation marks around Masculine and Feminine for obvious reasons.

  • feminism also helps men, not least because it breaks many stereotypes of toxic masculinity

    Yep, sexism and toxic masculinity harms men as well. A lot of men are expected to conform to a narrow idea of what being a man is. I have a male acquaintance who not only has stated that he will never vote for a female political candidate (don't get me started), but also would never choose to consume any product that he thinks are targeted towards females. He won't even let his toddler nephew own a toy that is purple or turquoise or any other color that he deems "girly". He would definitely never be a fan of or when deign to listen to a boy group cuz that's "for girls".

    I think that kind of thinking can affect bg sales. Both genders are likely to listen to ggs. Even if a gg is targeted towards male fans, it's not seen as weird for women to be fans. Women have always been expected to just accept the male gaze cuz male wants are mainstreamed. Men are less likely to do the reverse. When people try to assert that bgs will buy anything their faves put out regardless of quality, I wonder if they also consider that the stigma of boy groups (especially ones seen as "effeminate") can restrict their sales regardless of quality. Anyway, let me say this again, popularity =/= quality.

  • Yeah, but I also disagree with just blaming it on the old and rich in power. Yes, they're responsible for a lot of things but not everything. When something is on a cultural level like this, it's also on us everyday people to make changes. It's the everyday people who perpetuate this way of thinking and keep it running, what we need to do is educate ourselves and others and change that. The exact situation that just caused this thread to be made wasn't by a billionaire, it was by a normal forum-using kpop fan

    Blaming it on the powerful is easy but it won't change anything or help women in any shape or form because 1) the powerful don't care and 2) this is on every individual's way of thinking, the rich and powerful don't control our thoughts

    We can only band together and change the world if we ourselves are actually trying and changing on an individual level

    Solely putting blame on the rich and powerful is just a way to absolve ourselves of any responsibility to do the hard work of examining our own attitudes and working toward change.

  • Good men will not take offense to “men are garbage” 100% of all men who do so are bigoted. Pandering to them is a waste of time. And actually defeats the entire purpose of having such discussions.

    I don't think it does. I'm not apologizing, I'm trying to shoot it down before we come to that and waste time on it. I hear you, so let's not waste time on this.

  • I don't think it does. I'm not apologizing, I'm trying to shoot it down before we come to that and waste time on it. I hear you, so let's not waste time on this.

    For me responses like yours undermine the discussion as well as those other useless empty vessels who should just be ignored so that’s why I want to explicitly call it out.

    I encourage people to generalize and write about men in the collective. It weeds out the bigots in the quickest way possible.

    The entire point of such debates is to make those type of men feel uncomfortable and called out. Because they are the actual problem. When you give an out like “not all men” it’s not nearly as effective.

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