After Iz*ONE is so boring '-'

  • To be honest the after Iz*One is even more boring than the Ex-IOI project

    not that the girls aren't talented or what but their after Iz*One project feel uneventful, the only after Izone project who was interesting was IVE

    After-IOI was better because it was so interesting and exciting to see all these girls debut in new GG and see how they'll evolve and be ready to stan all these new girgroup

    but after Izone is so boring and i feel like i'm not the only one who feel like this :

    - Eunbi and Yuri did their solo debut people talked about it one week, and no i see no thread about their latest activities

    - Minju was announce as the futur host of Where is my destination and get it beauty with Dara, and nobody talked about it, proving how little people are interest in her after-izone project

    - sakura, chaewon and Chaeyeon are MIA

    - everybody stop following Hitomi and Nako because they are back in Japan

    - same for Hyewon nobody is talking about her anymore

    - and Now Yena announce her solo debut coming soon and i heard nobody on the forum talking about it or even trending on Twitter

    honestly i feel like not debuting in new Girlgroups killed all the hype these girls had thanks to produce 48 and Izone

    Only Wonyoung and Yujin are safe because them debuting in a new GG make people interest in them again or even more than they were before

    debuting as soloist is the worst decision their agency could take for the girls, soloist rely a lot on general public and none of the soloist in Izone had enough recognition among the public to be hype by the GP for their debut

    and #2 soloist sales are always lower than groups, only wanna one soloist sales well and big soloist

    even if their debut did decently in sales, i wouldn't be surprise that their sales become lower, because most people buy their album because they want to support them after their Izone days, but once these peoples notice that the izone soloist aren't as interesting than they were in a group their sales will go down

    the same things happened to wanna one members who went solo, like jihoon, Jisung, jaehwan, sungwoon,

  • Becoming a soloist is better than ending up like most of the IOI members, in flop groups cause their fans care about that member only. The truth is, it can be hard for smaller companies to find members with as much appeal as the other member. Yujin and Wonyoung are safe cause they're from starship which had many groups who did fairly well and many talented and interesting trainees. For smaller companies it's much harder. Eunbi alone sells more than rocket punch. You cannot tell me she'd be better of in a group when it's woollim we're talking about

  • Well I wrote just days back about Yena's acting debut

    I also answered question of one person about Minju, like yesterday

    People recently talked about Hyewon and Daehwi

    Chaeyeon was hot topic during early episodes of Street Woman Fighter

    Eunbi is 27, it was obvious that unless she will have high budget catchy MV her career will slowly start to decline, with potential calls for OST's, and small acting gigs as 'best friend of female lead' character

  • Most of them didn't end up in groups because their companies already debuted groups right after P48 (yuehua/Woollim), the companies are too small/nugu to really try (8D/Urban Works), or the company got bought by RBW which probably changed their plans (WM). Hitomi/Nako are still going strong in AKB/HKT48. And the only two actual new post P48 groups (IVE and the HYBE group) will do much better than any post-IOI group did.

    I still think they should've added Yena to Everglow but it is what it is. Just like with all of the other ex- Produce members from seasons past, only some members will remain super relevant while others continue making decent money but kinda leave the spotlight. The same exact thing happens to any kpop group really after they disband or some members decide to not renew contracts. Its just normal.

  • I honestly feel like some of them saw what happened to post I.O.I groups and instead of trying to fix the mistakes, got scared and decided to play it safe since they saw soloists like Chungha and Somi doing the best.

    The issue with this is that being put in a group wasn't the problem, the same way being a soloist isn't the solution.

    No matter what path they take, it needs to be done well.

    For Woolim, honestly if they had any sense, they would have waited to debut Rocket Punch and Save Takahashi Juri and the other Produce Girlies for a group (like what HYBE is doing with Yunjin). But instead, they lost Chaewon and don't know how to promote Eunbi.

    For Minju, I honestly expected better from her company. I can't believe Hyewon's company actually managed to promote her better.

    For Yena, gonna be honest, never saw her solo potential. She should have debuted with Everglow, but since that ship has sailed, she is now better off redebuting in a new group with 4 members than as a soloist. Maybe if her company can snatch a well known trainee like Yurina.

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