Looks like there is overwhelmingly negative response towards snowdrop in Korea, what is the forums final take on it?

  • Was just going through pann and that shit vile but I also visited the original Korean forums and there are dozens of trending posts and it’s all negative

    I won’t post the netizen reaction here someone can prolly make a separate thread for it… but I wanted to know what the forums folks think of such things?

    Glorification of problematic aspects has always been a sore spot. I can’t think of an exact equivalent but this would be like romanticizing confederate soldiers here in the US I suppose.

    And 100% that would receive backlash. (Some support too from the racists but I digress)

    So what’s the verdict? Personally I really can’t even tell what’s fact and fiction so it’s not easy for me to determine.

  • Artistic freedom is them not being thrown into jail for it. Not freedom from public criticism 👀👀👀

    Easier to publish such stories as books or web novels/webtoons instead of a drama that needs continued sponsorship I suppose.

  • it's not a big issue as lot of korean people are liking the drama based on youtube comments. Forums are just filled with people nitpicking everything. So many were wishing for it to be cancelled before the drama aired so it doesn't sit right with them that this "issue" is being overlooked. It's just a loud minority.

  • it's not a big issue as lot of korean people are liking the drama based on youtube comments. Forums are just filled with people nitpicking everything. So many were wishing for it to be cancelled before the drama aired so it doesn't sit right with them that this "issue" is being overlooked. It's just a loud minority.

    This feels like a wrong take. YouTube comments are always positive…even for problematic people you can find support.

    But there are like dozen forum posts on theqoo trending rn and it’s all negative. It doesn’t look well.

  • Looks like there's a distort of history since they have showed NSA on good side, I don't know if it'll blow up. Pann is busy cherrypicking Jisoo's gifs to show that she can't act. Theqoo is where the response towards the show itself is bigger.

    I felt her acting was average. I won’t say terrible. There are many actors at that level who have dramas without being picked on this much.

    The theme of the show has added to her hate too I think. Jung Hae In is a good actor so I was looking forward a bit but let’s see.

  • This feels like a wrong take. YouTube comments are always positive…even for problematic people you can find support.

    But there are like dozen forum posts on theqoo trending rn and it’s all negative. It doesn’t look well.

    youtube is the majority. i hope i don't have to explain why in detail. Maybe the companies are filtering everything idk but this issue is still not big enough to cancel the drama. A lot of them are even praising the acting.

  • I felt her acting was average. I won’t say terrible. There are many actors at that level who have dramas without being picked on this much.

    The theme of the show has added to her hate too I think. Jung Hae In is a good actor so I was looking forward a bit but let’s see.

    Yup, I have read unbiased comments and they said that she was fine and she did better than they expected her to be.

    I was looking forward to it as well, the cast is great. Hope the backlash dies down.

  • I don't think majority on this forum would be able to comment on this since we are unaware of the korean side of history.

    You're Indian right?

    Do you remember what happened with the movie Padmavati?

    The movie was criticized for a lot of reasons including glorifying age old traditions.

    The people criticizing and having a discussion about it were not attacking their artistic freedom but the ones who burned the buses and giving death threats were💀

  • you guys do know that 85K korean people signed a petetion to cancel the drama right? Thats a big amount of people..

    Anyways them showing NSA on the good side by inserting the actual spy is the biggest problem right now.. I can understand how it enrages some Koreans since it's their country and their history, since a lot of I-fans watch these shows it gives off wrong information to them about history which isn't good at all. Ifans cry and ask korean people to learn WW and all that history whenever such scandal happens but lose that energy when it's the korean history itself.

    People need to keep the same energy. The sponsors may probably pull out after 3rd or 4th episode if the reception stays the same.

    Anyways about jisoo's acting, she is decent... Not good but not bad, but atleast she isnt sticking out as a sore thumb and well that's already huge for an idol actor cause standards are usually low for them.

    (Reminds of back in india when a movie on rani padmavati was released there was so much outrage some people actually lost lives over it and death threats were sent the the actors, its better to just not continue if people are that enraged about it me thinks, a life lost is a life lost at the end, some people take way more pride in their culture and history and would rather die than witness such stuff)

  • True true. What I find is a lot of fans on twitter invalidating the Korean criticism which…I don’t think we should talk over them.

  • Discussion does not happen on YouTube.

    it's not that the discussion is not happening. u don't know where to look

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  • I had a really nice SK feminist on Twitter recommend me some reading on the June uprising, so in addition to reading that, I'll watch Snowdrop.

    It's one thing to read the reactions and try to emphasize and form an opinion off of that, but considering the severity of what's actually going on here, I don't think simple summaries are gonna cut it.

    For the life of me, I just don't get the logic in all this or why they thought to make a "dark comedy" out of something so serious

  • it's not that the discussion is not happening. u don't know where to look

    External Content youtu.be
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    Perfectly capable I was talking about comments section that’s not conducive. I have been on the internet many years to know it. But sure you can continue to think the 100k signatures means nothing and is the silent minority that’s up to you 👀

  • Do you remember what happened with the movie Padmavati?

    The movie was criticized for a lot of reasons including glorifying age old traditions.

    The people criticizing and having a discussion about it were not attacking their artistic freedom but the ones who burned the buses and giving death threats were💀

    but still it was a commercial success. GP is completely different from Hindu Nationalist BJP supporters. If the movie is good, people would watch it regardless of the controversy.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • Like I said it would be like romanticizing the confederate soldiers here in the US. It would be met with stark criticism from anyone with an ounce of empathy.

    The historical context can’t be fully understood by us either I think. Best to see how this unfold in the next few weeks.

  • but still it was a commercial success. GP is completely different from Hindu Nationalist BJP supporters. If the movie is good, people would watch it regardless of the controversy.

  • I find it very telling how quick international Kpop fans are to "cancel" an idol for doing something they perceive as offensive according to their own (usually American) standards of political correctness, yet when it comes to native Koreans taking issue with something, i-fans are quick to dismiss them as irrational.

    It tells me that many fans who claim to love Korean music and culture actually have very little respect for the people who that culture belongs to.

    Anyway. I don't know much about Korean history, but from what I've seen, there's an issue with this drama glorifying the old regime that unjustly imprisoned and tortured student protesters, while framing them as North Korean spies. It very sounds serious. I don't know why YG thought this was a good choice as Jisoo's first drama.

    I hope international fans will understand that this controversy isn't about them. In fact, the blind shielding that some blinks are doing is actually adding fuel to the fire for Koreans. I don't know if this drama will be canceled, but I think that would probably be for the best to avoid further drama.

  • Thats the thing

    We dont know if its just a segment of very sensitive people who are criticizing it or if its a genuine problem with a lot of people

    I still think they should continue airing Snowdrop. I mean in the beginning of the first episode, they already showed a disclaimer saying the characters and events depicted in the drama are fiction. So it's upto the viewers to watch it or not.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • honestly unless they pull some major twist in episode 2 where they clearly state the ml is actually not a north korean spy i really dont see this getting to episode 3 and will get cancelled same as Joseon Exorcist

    the way the director and production team has been lying this whole time just makes it worse

    -ml is a nk spy

    -having activist song in background for the spy chase

    -having nsa not shoot main lead when he had a clear shot

    -nsa not immediately arresting dorm mother for interfering with capturing the spy

    -pretending nsa would cares about a warrant or no men allowed in dorm lol

  • Criticism is separate to commercial success as well. Both can independently exist. Problematic stuff can become hugely successful :eyes:

    I dont think bp or any popular group would want popularity through problematic stuff

    Like i can see why jisoo cant back down once she has committed to the series but someone at yge should have thought for her

    Its her first big project and she seems to really want to pursue acting so i hope things work out for her

  • I mean if you think about it even Bajirao Mastani & Jodhaa Akbhar are kinda controversial movies, but they were widely appreciated by masses. I don't think Snowdrop is anyway near as controversial as them, so I think they will be fine. I mean the drama already has a disclaimer saying it's characters & events are fiction.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • I still think they should continue airing Snowdrop. I mean in the beginning of the first episode, they already showed a disclaimer saying the characters and events depicted in the drama are fiction. So it's upto the viewers to watch it or not.

    practically every kdrama has one of those its even ones that arent historically relevant. even joseon exorcist had it didnt stop the outrage one bit and neither will this one

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