I've seen an influx of translation site articles about Koreans roasting Lisa's SEA and other international fans, but it really got me wondering how those articles and posts often end up trending and why are only the bad stuff translated and brought up to Korean netizens.
First of all, it's clear as day that the people doing that are intentionally fueling the xenophobes. They can complain about iroaches and SEA fans as much as they want under those posts.
Secondly, the translation sites cherry pick those kind of articles to make it seem like Lisa and Lisa fans are being targeted, when a lot of the posts barely crack 100 upvotes to begin with. 100 disgusting xenophobes aren't the whole public.
I just find it funny how they take the least important tweet or post with 10 comments, translate it into Korean and say "look at Lisa's i-roaches saying stupid shit again" and some people will eat it up.