I'm really annoyed by kpop stans minimizing non kpop singers

  • I guess annoyed is a strong word but I've been around in the scene and these types of soloists are very famous and legitimate in their own right. Not every kpop song is popular, especially since digital streaming has always been very important. I'm REALLY sick of it. The industry has been saturated with more and more idols, which is fine but other artists (indie, krock, khiphop, alternative) are always getting disrespected. Gayos, or year end shows are FILLED with idols now. Very few artists outside of kpop which is a shame -- there's so many strong soloists, performers and genres that have a right to perform. They also get PAID less, with Sohyang, a gospel singer and Korea's best vocalist EVER getting paid a FRACTION of what an idol makes in an appearance.

    It's OKAY if you favs don't win. Like I liked Next Level BUT I can wholeheartedly say that I think Lee Mujin's Traffic Light is the best/biggest song of 2021. People have been throwing out hate way too easily these days, and disrespecting singers that have a right to be there and win as well. The K indie industry is DYING. Bolbbalgan4 was my last hope until they broke up. Krock is having a resurgence thankfully, but all these genres, trot too (a genre very unique to Korea) all are a part of the MUSIC industry and just saying "sajegi" really minimizes the amount of effort these people are putting and deserving to win.

    They're NEVER going to get as much recognition as a top kpop idol but there should be an amount of decency and respect. It's hard for many to even GET on shows, Lee Mujin's agency has 10 people. Several fade away every year. They're getting disrespected at award shows.

    I've seen it with AKMU, Bol4, Lee Mujin, Lim Young-woong, Ben, Yoon Mirae...there's always someone out there discrediting them. Especially since many of them come from competition shows, where they can get the funding to even release songs. It's a slippery slope out there.

    I'm not calling out just Lisa fans before anyone comes for me, I'm calling out all the girl group stans and boy group stans that Lee Mujin is going to/has won against. Let's have some decency here. World's not going to end after 1 loss.

  • International K-pop fans only care about idol groups and international popularity.

    Soloists and musical groups that are only big domestically are nothing to them.

    Remember when Busker Busker won against 2 of the biggest kgroups that year with the rookie award? My gosh like 2 fansites had to close down for a week because they got comments on how ugly they all were.

  • Same it's so annoying like not everyone is obsessed with Kpop idols like you least of all in Korea, where there are other singers who share the spotlight with those idols and deserve some respect.

    Exactly...Kpop singers aren't everything and while I expected that no one would know him I wasn't expecting them to randomly start terrorizing him for no fault of his own LOL. There's also no need to call a 20 year old a hag as well. The guy is really young.

  • I ain't seeing this in the Inkigayo thread.

    For sure, I'm seeing a few people talk shit about the song. And what's wrong with that? Songs don't have feelings and artists who are unable to take criticism of their own work will not be artists for very long.

    Sometimes I think y'all can't handle the slightest amount of negativity.

  • I ain't seeing this in the Inkigayo thread.

    For sure, I'm seeing a few people talk shit about the song. And what's wrong with that? Songs don't have feelings and artists who are unable to take criticism of their own work will not be artists for very long.

    Sometimes I think y'all can't handle the slightest amount of negativity.

    This place is pretty fine! There's a lot of lurkers here on Twitter and Youtube I'm kinda annoyed about. Allkpop generally has a troll problem but nothing like this unlike Twitter.

    Also I'm expecting a ton of people to not like the song, my point was calling him bad names, disliking/badmouthing him, calling him a hag, accusing him of sajaegi (a crime) is a bit much.

  • Exactly...Kpop singers aren't everything and while I expected that no one would know him I wasn't expecting them to randomly start terrorizing him for no fault of his own LOL. There's also no need to call a 20 year old a hag as well. The guy is really young.

    Unless you're interested in other Korean music genres besides Kpop, I don't expect anyone to know either but being rude isn't necessary and it's funny because those Kpop idols they love could be fans and enjoying his music a lot too since it's popular there

    I'm the same age as him, a hag??^^ He's amazing for gaining success at that age

  • I ain't seeing this in the Inkigayo thread.

    For sure, I'm seeing a few people talk shit about the song. And what's wrong with that? Songs don't have feelings and artists who are unable to take criticism of their own work will not be artists for very long.

    Sometimes I think y'all can't handle the slightest amount of negativity.

    Rather than handling negativity for no good reason, I think some kpop fans should learn to handle their faves losing without being disrespectful to other artists. There's a difference between hating a song and being a typical kpop stan where unless it's their faves, they're irrelevant

  • This has been a thing for years and will never change.

    It will get worse the more international kpop gets as it becomes more far removed from SK. Groups now don't do as much in SK (understandably) which just means fans are also more unaware and ignorant about other artists there/the domestic environment.

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