Be honest. When was the last time you were impressed by a record?
That's exactly how I felt about fx
With 20 new achievement threads made everyday for groups I become less and less impressed by anything these days.
Especially streaming achievements. Fandom culture makes these achievements insignificant so not sure why fandoms continue to post about their fans not having a life.
I'm trying to think of the last time I saw an achievement and thought WOW OK THATS SOMETHING TO POST ABOUT.
If I'm being honest I'm gonna say Blackpink album selling 1 million. That's the last noteworthy record that's impressive.
I think the next time I'll be impressed by anything is if a girl group can sell 1 million albums in first week. Come on Aespa you can do it lol
did f(x) sell 1 million?
Groups hitting their first million sales are always surprising for me. Especially when they are somehow unexpected.
Stray Kids' exponential growth from In Life to NOEASY sales, for example.
It was crazy!
Also, Seventeen hitting their first million sales with a mini album, not a full album, was surprising for me as well. Especially since An Ode (their previous and second full album) was considered a flop for many people.
Since they hit their first million, their sales have been consistently high, which is nice!
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