Lol even Koreans say that Noze should be an Idol due to her visuals

  • I think some people that always think a pretty girl should be an idol stop thinking that way. I have seen that about Korea's dancing & rapper competition, whenever they see the pretty one, they feel like these people will be less skilled or worse. They can be pretty and good at it. She definitely amazing dancer, she is the leader of her crew after all.

    Besides, even if she debut in an idol group, doesn't necessarily meaning that the group will succeed. Too many groups debut nowadays

  • But can she... idk sing?

    not every idol can sing or rap or even dance tho lol visuals has always been the main thing in idol world and for idols' fans

    but I am always so surprised whenever I see things like the one in op. do ppl even realize that being an idol is not a top dream for all ppl even pretty ones? not everyone want to connect themselves with such industry... besides she might actually try to be a trainee or to do audition at least and quit or didn't pass

  • I'm surprised that she's seen as the weakest and how much her visuals are praised. She's pretty, but there are a lot of pretty dancers there imo?

    I like her as a person and as a dancer (from what I've seen until now), I actually really liked her performances, and she stood out to me with her moves.

    (Not that I know a lot about it, but that's just my opinion).

    I wish people would stop talking about her visuals though. Imo it invalidates her as a person and dancer.

  • honestly she's one of the weaker ones and definitely the weakest leader...

    i hope we get to see somthing better from her because so far its been gushing over her looks, beating her and stealing her choreo

    But she managed to be the center for her own choreo I feel so happy for her though


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  • I think some people that always think a pretty girl should be an idol stop thinking that way. I have seen that about Korea's dancing & rapper competition, whenever they see the pretty one, they feel like these people will be less skilled or worse. They can be pretty and good at it. She definitely amazing dancer, she is the leader of her crew after all.

    Besides, even if she debut in an idol group, doesn't necessarily meaning that the group will succeed. Too many groups debut nowadays

    Right? Like there are so many nugu groups with pretty members as well even if Noze were to debut as an idol it doesn't guarantee that she might be successful.

    At least she is successful in doing what she loves doing now which is dancing and is even the leader of her own team

  • But she managed to be the center for her own choreo I feel so happy for her though


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    tbh i dont think she deserved to be the center-

    i never even noticed her, my eyes were on leejung and gabees terrible afro

    but then again, whatever boa says goes.

    r o s e s   a n d   p e a c h e s

  • i have a feeling noze is going to get eaten up by these other dancers.

    mnet seems to be building up a "im pretty so every looks down on me" kind of role for noze, the way they've built a "im an idol but i improve in every episode" role for chaeyeon. it's true that noze got attention for being pretty, and chaeyeon cant possibly improve her dancing so quickly. i dont like where mnet is going with these.

    also simeez/yeojin shouldve been center in the first one even though both messed up....

    r o s e s   a n d   p e a c h e s

  • i have a feeling noze is going to get eaten up by these other dancers.

    mnet seems to be building up a "im pretty so every looks down on me" kind of role for noze, the way they've built a "im an idol but i improve in every episode" role for chaeyeon. it's true that noze got attention for being pretty, and chaeyeon cant possibly improve her dancing so quickly. i dont like where mnet is going with these.

    also simeez/yeojin shouldve been center in the first one even though both messed up....

    Yes, MNET totally going on that narration for now. I thought Honey J or Lee Jung could win that center battle. That is why there is controversy regarding the judge before this show even starts. Judging from the preview of next week's episode, it seems Simeez doing a lot of job than the chosen center

  • Yes, MNET totally going on that narration for now. I thought Honey J or Lee Jung could win that center battle. That is why there is controversy regarding the judge before this show even starts.

    the problem is that i think if its not mnet themselves, then the judges sympathize with chaeyeon and noze because they've definitely been called "just a pretty face" too. the whole thing is about dancers and the judges are 2 idols, one not even a senior idol.

    i wouldve digested it if instead of taeyong, daniel had been a judge. daniel was a b-boy + trained in modern dance and ballet. even boa, despite her great experience, is an idol and hasn't trained in any specific dance form other than what was necessary as an idol afaik.

    but other than the judging the whole narrative forming is annoying since we know how this is going to end. chaeyeon/noze will win at the end and mnet will go on and on about, idols can be dancers too/dont look down on pretty people. and the fans would gobble this up seeing how they heap praise on chaeyeon even for some bland performances...

    r o s e s   a n d   p e a c h e s

  • tbh i dont think she deserved to be the center-

    i never even noticed her, my eyes were on leejung and gabees terrible afro

    but then again, whatever boa says goes.

    yeah pretty much... not bc leejung is my fave but she was better in that particular mission, but then again I kind of feel bad that dancers were looking down on Noze just because she is pretty.

    I think she did a good job regardless but my issue with her is her lack of charisma. She really needs to loosen up more imo

  • the problem is that i think if its not mnet themselves, then the judges sympathize with chaeyeon and noze because they've definitely been called "just a pretty face" too. the whole thing is about dancers and the judges are 2 idols, one not even a senior idol.

    i wouldve digested it if instead of taeyong, daniel had been a judge. daniel was a b-boy + trained in modern dance and ballet. even boa, despite her great experience, is an idol and hasn't trained in any specific dance form other than what was necessary as an idol afaik.

    but other than the judging the whole narrative forming is annoying since we know how this is going to end. chaeyeon/noze will win at the end and mnet will go on and on about, idols can be dancers too/dont look down on pretty people. and the fans would gobble this up seeing how they heap praise on chaeyeon even for some bland performances...

    I also have similar kind of view as you regarding the judge. Tbh, some contestants could easily switch their roles with the judges. Both of them are really good dancers but they are more suited to judge shows like Hit The Stage or Dancing High.

    No offense, I'm not that surprised if Noze wins but if it's Chaeyeon, can't help to think the show is rigged. I'm really curious about the other dancer's reaction toward the judge. I think I has seen a short clip of Monika talking back to the 2 judge, I couldn't find the full video about it

  • I also have similar kind of view as you regarding the judge. Tbh, some contestants could easily switch their roles with the judges. Both of them are really good dancers but they are more suited to judge shows like Hit The Stage or Dancing High.

    No offense, I'm not that surprised if Noze wins but if it's Chaeyeon, can't help to think the show is rigged. I'm really curious about the other dancer's reaction toward the judge. I think I has seen a short clip of Monika talking back to the 2 judge, I couldn't find the full video about it

    Is there a "winner" for this next mission? Because I thought it was just choosing a center, and then filming a MV.

    Or from the sneak peak there's a part whereby dancers call out the "weakest dancer".

    Like I think if there is an eventual winner at the end of the entire series it's a team win rather than an individual win?

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