BabyMetal Avengers Momoko is indeed going on Girls Planet 999

  • It wasn’t too known whether the girl in the vid was her or not, but it seems as it’s confirmed now

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  • ? Unexpected.

    Does this mean she'll leave Babymetal if she ends up in the final group?

    The "Avengers" in the group Babymetal are just a rotational group of 3 girls who go on stage to dance and are essentially a named background dancing group to Babymetal who are Nakamoto Suzuka and Kukuchi Moa. The Avengers members aren't listed as actual "members" of Babymetal. Only one girl is on at a time and takes the place were Yui would have been placed. But yes I'm sure she would leave Babymetal Avengers team if she makes the final group.

  • ? Unexpected.

    Does this mean she'll leave Babymetal if she ends up in the final group?

    BABYMETAL is only SuMetal at this point, and 1 more. The other girl left, and they have backup dancers called the avengers, which is what this girl is

  • I just read the participant-list and wow ... since Avex almost got broke they really try to put their people in each available survivalshow huh? (and than they send an girl who works for them as editor ... oh my)

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • I just read the participant-list and wow ... since Avex almost got broke they really try to put their people in each available survivalshow huh? (and than they send an girl who works for them as editor ... oh my)

    No wonder their P/E ratio is so low. At least they have one right now. See they handle almost if not all the YG/SM groups and many other American acts too. Surprising they had such a hard time but I can see it in their financials.

  • No wonder their P/E ratio is so low. At least they have one right now. See they handle almost if not all the YG/SM groups and many other American acts too. Surprising they had such a hard time but I can see it in their financials.

    Don't know if what they do even helped them anything since Mika of INTERSECTION is now in a Chinese boygroup and IDK if INTERSECTION will work without him. Also it looks kinda bad for WARPs UP since Rikimaru and Santa are also in this Chinese group now wich means Mingjun and Languyi are alone and all I see so far for them is Languyi is curently dropping some song-covers on Youtube and its kinda bad tho since WAPRs UP had a 1 year hiatus right after they debuted in 2019 and only worked as a group after being back for less than 5 months before 2 member went to this Chinese show ... Avex is just ... and instead of cancling artists or trainees as they said they would do to save money, they didn't cicked anyone out and of cause made contracts to more artists than needed because Avex is still very broke but recently signed Elle Teresa and I'm like "Oh my" ... and on top of all they will get into contracts with more artists since SKY-HI who owns his own agency now will debut a boygroup soon that gets co-signed with Avex than ... its just weird what Avex is doing since they announced to be broke

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • No wonder their P/E ratio is so low. At least they have one right now. See they handle almost if not all the YG/SM groups and many other American acts too. Surprising they had such a hard time but I can see it in their financials.

    When did they announce that they were bankrupt. I saw they paid about a 6% dividend in March of this year.

  • I just read the participant-list and wow ... since Avex almost got broke they really try to put their people in each available survivalshow huh? (and than they send an girl who works for them as editor ... oh my)

    It can be just the matter that Avex is one of few Japanese agencies with proper training system. Thus, its current and past rosters are more skilled by Japanese average.

    Don't know if what they do even helped them anything since Mika of INTERSECTION is now in a Chinese boygroup and IDK if INTERSECTION will work without him. Also it looks kinda bad for WARPs UP since Rikimaru and Santa are also in this Chinese group now wich means Mingjun and Languyi are alone and all I see so far for them is Languyi is curently dropping some song-covers on Youtube and its kinda bad tho since WAPRs UP had a 1 year hiatus right after they debuted in 2019 and only worked as a group after being back for less than 5 months before 2 member went to this Chinese show ... Avex is just ... and instead of cancling artists or trainees as they said they would do to save money, they didn't cicked anyone out and of cause made contracts to more artists than needed because Avex is still very broke but recently signed Elle Teresa and I'm like "Oh my" ... and on top of all they will get into contracts with more artists since SKY-HI who owns his own agency now will debut a boygroup soon that gets co-signed with Avex than ... its just weird what Avex is doing since they announced to be broke

    Yes, the income portion Avex gets from its boys in China likely is bigger than what it can make out of them. Keep in mind that Avex invests 0 yuan into INTO1.

    Indeed, Avex has terminated its contracts with some artists selling less than 2k copies of each single. And, you can't say anyone selling less than 10k copies relevant. Thus, Avex still fosters numerous obscure artists.

    Avex desperately needs a big artist with an exclusive contract with it. All big names under its wings, Avex merely is the music distributor/mediator of. It gains much smaller cut off the income these big names make.

    When did they announce that they were bankrupt. I saw they paid about a 6% dividend in March of this year.

    I saw no one in this thread said it gone bankrupt. But, to gain profit off selling its only office building cannot mean the business is going good.

  • When did they announce that they were bankrupt. I saw they paid about a 6% dividend in March of this year.

    In the middle of 2020 they stated that they were loosing income and especially during covid because one of their biggest incomes didn't happend, wich is A-Nation, a big festival with extremly many artists performing 3 days in a row where over 100K people are visitors and other things. It was also stated that many artists sold less CDs and even the most famous artists begun to loose relevancy in Japan since the most people preffer different artists these days. Ask for example a Japanese person if they would preffer Ayumi Hamasaki from Avex or let's say Kenshi Yonezu. Of cause many people might have memories of Ayumi's old songs but not much of her newer stuff and so most people who know both would probably say they like Kenshi Yonezu more. The company also just put their music on sides like Spotify in the maybe past 2 years and it even took them to drop the music of newer artists more as half a year after they debuted so it was also a bad move to let people wait so long since even tho Japanese people still buy a lot CDs the numbers are going down in sales.

    After a lot famouse artists under Avex also disbanded, went on hiatus or even changed labels it begun to get worse with the company since they most of the time debut groups nowadays who don't really have fans. It took FAKY for example 6 years till they even got any kind of popular in Japan and many other artists of Avex seem to only have a small fanbase wich isn't really growing. Avex also dosn't really promotes their people so the chance to get them popular these days is very small. In the biography-drama about Ayumi Hamasaki you see how heavly they promoted their artists in the 90s and early 2000s but nowadays there is like ZERO promotions. Ask people in Japan for example if they ever heard of GENIC or Kalen Anzai and most don't even know who these people are, just saying.

    Outside of Ayumi Hamasaki the only popular artists still under Avex are just Nissy (for productions, promotions are under his own agency Nissy Enteetainment), SKY-HI (for productions, he recently opend his own agency BMSG), Misako Uno, Shuta Sueyoshi, Shinjiro Atae, Koda Kumi, Wagakki Band, Hirai Dai and Da-iCE. But most of these named people droped in sales and popularity a bit over the years and even tho Hirai Dai seems to be pretty popular since the past 2 years he dosn't even sells that much.

    There are a lot famous artists co-signed with Avex like Snow Man, EXILE TRIBE, Daichi Miura,... and Avex also has contracts to a few Korean agencies, aswell as a contract with Carly Rea Japson and Katy Petty but Avex literally earns almost nothing from the co-signed artists and it dosn't even brings Avex anything to have some stocks on companys like YG and SM so yeah ...

    Back as Avex opend up on how many money they were loosing they also said their trainee-academy had more as 100 people in it and seeing on how many groups and soloists avex debutes each year and how little people drop out of Avex it looks like if Avex is keeping their trainees for years without making a good use of them. Because if you look at it, the last group Avex debuted was GENIC formed in 2019 and debuted in 2020. And GENIC are just 7 people so there are still way too many trainees under Avex who arn't debuting

    It was also by the way a big shame that AAA disbanded in 2020 because they sold quit a lot and their solo-activities arn't as good selling as their group-stuff so well ...

    In Autum 2020 Avex than announced a small list of things they had planned to do in order to not fully go bankrupt, but instead of kicking a few trainees out and finding a good way to save money or earn more money, all Avex did was selling their 8 floor large building, re-locating 100+ trainees from 1 building to another, putting all their MVs and live-clips on a Chinese website in hope to gain fans in China who could be interested into JPop (wich is a big fail) and in order to get more "Chinese fans" they begun to randomly promote WARPs UP in China because "Mingjun and Languyi are Chinese so WARPs UP is the perfect group to fish the Chinese people" wich also didn't quit worked since the MVs of cause were only on Youtube and than Avex said they might kick out some artists who don't sell enough or might even lost fame but Avex didn't really kicked anyone so far that could really save them money ... and than all of a sudden Avex just randomly droped 5 dudes into a Chinese survival show almost making a fool out of them since the member of 1 group didn't even knew how to dance ... oh well and now Avex recently signed a contract to a female rapper called Elle Teresa who's not even too popular in Japan wich means that could in the worst case dosn't even end good for both sides, neither Elle Teresa nor Avex ... but who knows ....

    And by the way back as Avex was about to sell their building they even had a full plan on each floor with example photos on their website so you could even see how Avex looks on the inside because they wanted to let the possible new owner of that building know what he is about to buy and so you really saw what a big money eating building that was when even 1 entire floor was just dedicated to feed the people while there were 2 floors full of only dance-studios oof

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

    Edited once, last by JiminieKookie ().

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