Another case of ifan cultural hypocrisy

  • In regards to the reactions some Koreans had to Aespa "company version" dance video.

    Different cultures, different feelings

    Female office worker erotica is HUGE in East Asia. Just showing up to work, an attractive "office lady" in Korea or Japan can easily become a target for sexualization or unwanted attention from male coworkers. So it's no surprise why some Korean women might be sensitive to seeing young women dancing in tight fitting office clothes to an audience that includes a lot of children

    It's like how ifans lose their heads over someone wearing a durag but to a Korean they can't understand why a rag would bother them so much. If you're not part of the culture don't barge in acting like you're better than them and coming to criticize their feelings

  • Anything is fucking erotica if you make it. Now shut up. ;-)

    I'm not talking on an individual basis, but what they perceive as a collective society. It's like the schoolgirl thing, obviously most Westerners would view it as highly perverse but for many Japanese they are so used to it they are numb to the concept

  • The fact that you are missing the whole point that sexual harassment happens bc some men are shit and sick at the head is amazing. Sure, let's put the blame on clothes bc some can't control their d inside their pants! Sure!

    Not you again trying to distort my main message. I'm not discussing blame here, that's a whole other topic. Here I'm discussing the feelings of some women in Korea when they see "office lady" concepts being used in certain ways

  • I'm not talking on an individual basis, but what they perceive as a collective society. It's like the schoolgirl thing, obviously most Westerners would view it as highly perverse but for many Japanese they are so used to it they are numb to the concept

    LMAO? And theyre not used to office girls? What now after this? Gonna insinuate that eastern women are stay-at-homes that only cooks and clean for their man? LMAOOO. FFS suits are even becoming into a dress form. But god forbid a cropped shirt.

  • LMAO? And theyre not used to office girls? What now after this? Gonna insinuate that eastern women are stay-at-homes that only cooks and clean for their man? LMAOOO. FFS suits are even becoming into a dress form. But god forbid a cropped shirt.

    Now you're veering to an entire different point and fabricating "insinuations".

    Like I said in the OP, there's differences in perceptions based on culture. We can't really understand unless we had the same experiences as them growing up in their country. There are some Koreans who had a problem seeing Aespa dance with those office clothes. To us non-Koreans, it seems like a random or trivial thing to get upset about, but I'm saying you can't criticize them without being part of their culture. And one of the differences in culture I mentioned is how the "office lady" trope is highly sexualized in their countries, at least compared to the West

  • The fact that you are missing the whole point that sexual harassment happens bc some men are shit and sick at the head is amazing. Sure, let's put the blame on clothes bc some can't control their d inside their pants! Sure!

    This! Women should be able wear whatever they want whenever they want without a bunch of men being the pword.

  • Now you're veering to an entire different point and fabricating "insinuations".

    Like I said in the OP, there's differences in perceptions based on culture. We can't really understand unless we are part and had the same experiences as them. There are some Koreans who had a problem seeing Aespa dance with those office clothes. To us non-Koreans, it seems like a random or trivial thing to get upset about, but I'm saying you can't criticize them without being part of their culture. And one of the differences in culture I mentioned is how the "office lady" trope is highly sexualized in their countries, at least compared to the West

    And you based it upon shitTy minority translation that even got clowned on in Daum. And you’re out here insinuating it’s a cultural perception? I just have to laugh.

    • Official Post

    Tell me you've ever spoken to an actual woman without telling me you've never spoken to an actual woman.

  • And you say a shitTy minority translation that even got clowned on in Daum. And you’re out here insinuating it’s a cultural perception? I just have to laugh.

    People who complain about things are usually the vocal minority. That's the same thing in the US. But you can't be a hypocrite and act like they are absolutely baseless to be angry. You're not part of their culture, you haven't had the experiences they had. You can say "I'm my opinion I don't see a problem", but don't try to belittle or invalidate their feelings

  • Not you again trying to distort my main message. I'm not discussing blame here, that's a whole other topic. Here I'm discussing the feelings of some women in Korea when they see "office lady" concepts being used in certain ways

    Hi again kkkkk

    I'm trying nothing, but if you are going to criticize something please do it right.

    We are on the middle of a "fight" that takes places forever which is the SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Thinking that clothes are the main point of this "act", it's totally wrong and just an invalidation of women right, blaming victims and just excusing the act.

    Stop trying to take sides on things like this. The mentality needs to change bc sexual harassment happens to children, babies, women, kids, men and anyone, so clothes clearly aren't the fault.

    The moment people understand that all sexual harassment happens bc some are shit, sick in the head, overall coward and criminals then we can say that the point was understood. So stuff with your "i fans hypocrisy" and go learn about this subject IF you care so much, or stay in ignorance while bullshiting on internet.

  • " for sexualization and unwanted attention of men "

    i have a better idea why don't we let girls wear tight suits, sexy nurse outfit or even just go out naked if they wanted

    and stop always blaming things on how girls dress or looks

    and use this time to educate men that they are human and not some kind of pig who can't keep their hands out of everybody

  • " for sexualization and unwanted attention of men "

    i have a better idea why don't we let girls wear tight suits, sexy nurse outfit or even just go out naked if they wanted

    and stop always blaming things on how girls dress or looks

    and use this time to educate men that they are human and not some kind of pig who can't keep their hands out of everybody

    Of course, but you are talking about things from an ideal perspective. Why do you think thousands of Korean women went to protest in the streets? I don't think anybody is blaming Aespa, this is entirely their company's decision, and their company is mostly controlled by older men.

  • To me personally I don't care what Aespa wears. I'm saying don't invalidate those who have different feelings on it, especially those who come from a different culture from you

    These feelings comes from the fact that the wearers, including aespa, are viewed sexually. So if you’re not invalidating their feelings, then you’re also condoning their sexual harrassment LMAO.

  • Of course, but you are talking about things from an ideal perspective. Why do you think thousands of Korean women went to protest in the streets? I don't think anybody is blaming Aespa, this is entirely their company's decision, and their company is mostly controlled by older men.

    nobody is to blame in this issue

    the fact that you are all making such a big thing out of this

    it's a suit damn they didn't wear hooker outfit '-'

    why are you acting like it's the most sexualizing thing you ever see of you like

    maybe you should try to watch some porn you'll be less narrow minded

  • Hi again kkkkk

    I'm trying nothing, but if you are going to criticize something please do it right.

    We are on the middle of a "fight" that takes places forever which is the SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Thinking that clothes are the main point of this "act", it's totally wrong and just an invalidation of women right, blaming victims and just excusing the act.

    Stop trying to take sides on things like this. The mentality needs to change bc sexual harassment happens to children, babies, women, kids, men and anyone, so clothes clearly aren't the fault.

    The moment people understand that all sexual harassment happens bc some are shit, sick in the head, overall coward and criminals then we can say that the point was understood. So stuff with your "i fans hypocrisy" and go learn about this subject IF you care so much, or stay in ignorance while bullshiting on internet.

    Again, you are going into a whole other topic that deservers its own thread. Yes, there's huge problems with women's and children's safety and rights, especially in Korea. We all know who those responsible are (mostly men), but this isn't the issue here. This is discussing the reaction some Koreans had when viewing the dance video. They have their reasons, and it's typically associated with their culture.

  • Well, you getting harassed, isn't Aespa's fault. Like I don't understand this mentality, so what if blackpink sexualized nurse outfit!! Or Aespa sexualized office outfits!! Would the sexual harassment sky rocket in South Korea!! Like this makes no sense to me. Like nobody is going to watch blackpink or Aespa and then decide to harass women. They are reaching.

    I don't think anybody is blaming Aespa. They are just doing their jobs. It just seems when certain Koreans saw it they thought it was distasteful and that falls entirely on the company, as they organized it.

  • Again, you are going into a whole other topic that deservers its own thread. Yes, there's huge problems with women's safety and rights, especially in Korea. We all know who those responsible are (mostly men), but this isn't the issue here. This is discussing the reaction some Koreans had when viewing the dance video. They have their reasons, and it's typically associated with their culture.

    A culture still controlled by old men and their old mentality which includes putting the blame on women in whatever case.

    A culture should be their traditional clothes, foods, music, arts and etc.

    Sexual harassment has nothing to do with culture, it has to do with mentality. We are in a moment of progression and by this we can't admit such "thoughts" that sexual harassment happens bc of a woman clothes neither we can accept it as part of their culture. This isn't a cultural thing, this is an abusive situation that we, women, suffer everyday and it needs to change.

    We need to fight this mentality and correct the wrong ones that still fight the wrong cause. We can't condemn women everyday bc of their clothes as our target should be the criminals. So yes, i fans have every right to react and discuss this as this isn't a culture thing solely on S.K., this happens all around the world.

    So i will repeat again for you, man, to understand. SEXUAL HARASSMENT ISN'T A CULTURAL THING.

  • Female office worker erotica is HUGE in East Asia.

    Yeah… let’s act as if this isn’t the case in the west too.

    Anyway… women being sexually harassed at work has nothing to do with the clothes they are wearing… believe me! And blaming other women for other women being sexually harassed is ridiculous and has nothing to do with cultural differences. As if only in East Asia women being the victim of sexual harassment at work.

    #MeToo Movement… Hello ?

    You’re being obtuse here :rolleyes:

    Edited 2 times, last by SandyBee3 ().

  • You do realize that Allkpop article is based on literally a few comments the journalist found and managed to pull out of her ass. Literally didn’t even source where this “hot topic” is from. No one in Korea is talking about it. No other website/forum/or media is talking about.

    It’s not on Pann, The Qoo, Naver nothing. None of the international translation websites EXCEPT Allkpop wrote about it. Shady as fuck because some stupid journalist decided to write an article about 3 comments and turn it into a “controversy” lmao.

    You’re really making a mountain out of a mole hill here. But I would expect no less from Allkpops resident misogynist.

  • You do realize that Allkpop article is based on literally a few comments the journalist found and managed to pull out of her ass. Literally didn’t even source where this “hot topic” is from. No one in Korea is talking about it. No other website/forum/or media is talking about.

    It’s not on Pann, The Qoo, Naver nothing. None of the international translation websites EXCEPT Allkpop wrote about it. Shady as fuck because some stupid journalist decided to write an article about 3 comments and turn it into a “controversy” lmao.

    You’re really making a mountain out of a mole hill here. But I would expect no less from Allkpops resident misogynist.

    Actually the ones who made a mountain out of a molehill are the Korean males who went into their communities to bash the original Instiz thread and calling the women who posted the question “Is this sexualization?” as mentally ill. Then it got picked up by some journalists. The original post of Instiz got taken down for that reason because the male community narrative became “ugly women think any attractive woman doing anything is sexualization”.

  • Really giving me Jenny's nurse outfit scandal flashback :pepe-life-support:

    Also you thinking that women in the west are not victim of sexual harrassment :pepe-life-support:

    I'm really getting fucking tired of the 'iT's cUlTuRaL' argument.

    Culture is a key aspect often. In some cultures light touching between opposite sex people is nothing, in others it could land the man in jail or the woman in more traditional ones.

  • Culture is a key aspect often. In some cultures light touching between opposite sex people is nothing, in others it could land the man in jail or the woman in more traditional ones.

    Gotta love how you describe sexual harrassment.

    Anyway, something trash is trash in every culture, sorry to break it to you. 8-years old getting married to adults is allowed in some country, and guess what ? That's still trash. LGBT people are persecuted in some countries, and guess what ? That's still trash.

    Sexual harassment ? Always trash. It's just that women don't have yet the power to stand up to it in some countries. That DOESN'T mean that they are okay with it or don't suffer from it.

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