This was the moment Rainbow entered my Top 10

  • 2nd favorite rain performance ever after f(x) Lachata.

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  • Drew I thought you were going to say it was when this MV came out

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  • Drew I thought you were going to say it was when this MV came out

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    That's one of my favorite songs EVER!!!!

    There were so many great groups that it wasn't easy to make my top 10. Even a song this legendary wasn't enough until that live performance of Sweet Dream.

  • I miss 2nd gen style so fucking much.

    This song is a perfect example of the kind of musical style that they did in 2nd gen that they just don't do anymore.

    And it's so fucking good.

    Songs were heavily vocal based. And melodic.

    Also had an underlying R&B influence that they've totally jettisoned now.

    I just fucking miss this style.

    It's so much better than what the industry has moved to.

  • Doesn't it also feel like kpop now is more about the SPECTACLE than the actual music?

    It's like they figure people watch kpop more than they listen to it. So go big on the MV and concepts but put as little effort as possible into quality music.

  • Doesn't it also feel like kpop now is more about the SPECTACLE than the actual music?

    It's like they figure people watch kpop more than they listen to it. So go big on the MV and concepts but put as little effort as possible into quality music.

    That's why I've actually become more into smaller groups than I was last gen.

    They seem to be less spectacle.

  • emanresu ; Drew_B <--

    As far as '2nd Gen' K-pop (RAINBOW , etc) , versus that which follows (3rd , 4th Gen) ... K-pop Music has always been 'Western Music' styles that were 'recycled / tweaked' in a manner that is *attractive* to ASIAN Music Listeners (FANS) ... NOTHING wrong with K-pop Music doing that ... And K-pop Music did *better* in particular , with the 'synchronized dancing' aspects (styling , presentation) than 'Western Music' did (my view) ... But also , one can argue that what was '2nd Gen' *NEW* for K-pop Music listeners , was a situation of Concepts that were 'Low Hanging Fruit' (proven already) from 'Western Nation' Pop Music ... So , with the '3rd Gen' K-pop Music , most *all* of the *attractive* 'Western Pop Music' Concepts had *already* been *done* by the '2nd Gen' K-pop Groups ... So , you end up with a lot of FAN comments as 'This is nothing new (concept) ... This was STOLEN from some other Pop Music Group ... Etc. ' ... ... Which , my observation would be as 'WHY is ANYONE surprised that it is this way now ???' ... WHAT Music Concepts are LEFT that are worth 'stealing' and converting into K-pop Music ??? ... How about the *GRUNGE MUSIC* style ??? (Spare me that one as K-pop Music) ... And also , with '2nd Gen' , the VISUAL aspect had not been fully 'Amped Up' via YOUTUBE MVs quite yet ... There was still a bit more emphasis on VOCAL skills ... With '3rd Gen' and onwards , you have VISUAL aspects and YOUTUBE as being a DOMINANT PART of K-pop Music (true for ALL Global Pop Music) ... 'Back in the Day' (1950s USA) , there was often an expection that Pop Music Artists could play MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , and at least (steal) Compose somewhat their own SONGS ... That has changed quite a bit too ... But , you do have SOME like IU who still Compose their own songs ... But even there , IU has NOT much TIME to COMPOSE songs ... So , you have *GHOST SONG WRITERS* that propose ideas to various K-pop Groups (Artists) ... And some *member* of a K-pop Group *takes credit* for Compostion of a SONG , that is a bit questionable in certain ways (was it really the GHOST SONG WRITER).


    And the notion of SOLD OUT *DOME CONCERTS* in JAPAN for K-pop Music , is *already done* too ... Along with BTS Group SELLING OUT in the USA , which I had an almost inevitable feeling about *some* K-Pop Music Group (BTS) becoming a GLOBAL success ... After all , a LOT of people alive on EARTH are ASIANS.


    I would say that COVID-19 has *lessened* my feeling that PRChina *ENTERTAINMENT AGENCIES* will *take over* the ASIA Entertainment Business ... More likely , the PRChina *Entertainment Agencies* will HIDE BEHIND firms like JYPe and HYBE (S.KOREA Agencies) , to disguise their *control* over the situation (of ASIA Based Music and Entertainment in general).


    After all , *everyone* knew it that SHINHWA WORLD RESORT (JEJU ISLAND , KR) was *owned* by a (Wealthy $$$ BILLIONAIRE USD) PRChina Citizen , right ??? ... And so , the 'YG REPUBLIQUE' situation there (G-Dragon's Coffee Shop , Seungri's Noodle Shack , etc) was actually a situation of *BIG BANG* Group working for PRChina , right ??? ... 'YG REPUBLIQUE' is no more at SHINHWA WORLD RESORT ... Maybe one could AUCTION the 'LIGHT FIXTURE' from the 'G-D COFFEE HOUSE' for a BIG PROFIT via EBAY website ??? ... What I mean to say , is the 'ANYTHING FOR MONEY PROFIT' is now just *OUT THERE* and VISIBLE for K-pop FANS , as of the '3rd Gen' K-pop Groups ... And that transition actually took place with the '2nd Gen' K-pop Groups and K-pop Agencies ... BIG BANG Group made a LOT of earnings (most ???) via JAPAN Music Sales (Dome Concert Tours , etc) ... BIG BANG members even own RESIDENCES in JAPAN ... Which 'begs the question' as to just 'HOW MUCH' that say BIG BANG or BTS even 'cares' about S.KOREA FANS ... NOW , you have GLOBAL Music AGENCIES like *UNIVERAL MUSIC GROUP* (UMG = World's Largest Record Label) taking *ownership shares* in *ASIA Based* K-pop Music ... An example of that would be TRI.BE Group ('Shin Kicker TIGER' and 'Elly LE EXID' TR Agency) ... Okay , enough chatter from me on that ... :)

    Edited once, last by krell ().

  • @emanresu ; Drew_B <--

    As far as RAINBOW Group (member JAE KYUNG , etc) , the issue for them was that KARA Group was so *successful* in JAPAN (and S.KOREA too) , that RAINBOW Group was a '2nd Fiddle After Thought' for DSP Agency (both KARA and RAINBOW Groups are DSP Agency) ... And somehow , RAINBOW Group just never had a 'Break Through' SONG that was *popular* in either S.KOREA and/or JAPAN ... That would LIFT them to the level of say even 4MINUTE Group (member HYUNA) ... The VISUAL aspect of RAINBOW Group is outstanding ... 'Bad Luck' happens to Good K-pop Groups = RAINBOW Group ... BUT , RAINBOW Group got to *release* quite a few MVs over time via DSP Agency ... And the RAINBOW members have *some* VISIBILITY in K-Entertainment as a result ... Also , *some* MONEY in their BANK ACCOUNTS too ... I would say JAE KYUNG is the one who has *best* been able to transition into ACTRESS work (and Fashion Model Shoots as a result).

    JAE KYUNG (RAINBOW) ; FILA Underwear Photo Shoot

    (Looking GOOD at Age 32 , Other Info too)

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