looks like tzuyu might not renew her contract with jyp...

  • i just came across this interview of tzuyu’s father, i tried to check it’s legitimacy but nothing pops up probably cause it’s in chinese but since this was posted by her global fan union itself i’m assuming it’s true. based on her father’s words it doesn’t seem like she’ll renew her contract once it’s up, understandable considering jyp has basically done nothing for her compared to sm and yg despite her being the most popular member.


  • If this was in 2019 the interview makes sense. JYP's greedy ass had just put Twice through the fucking ringer, the man made them do 6 comebacks a year from 2017-2018. No wonder Tzuyu (and everyone else) was going through difficult times. JYP took full advantage of these hardworking, kind, and selfless personalities and ran them into the ground like pack mules.

    If Tzuyu or anyone else doesnt renew their contracts in 2022, JYP will only have himself to blame. If he had given them a regular schedule, these girls would probably be the next APINK but way bigger, they would have stayed together for 10+ years and sold 15M albums at least.

    As a side note, this is why i think Somi left JYP. She knew what was going on with Twice back in 2018 and told JYP NO THANKS lol.

  • That's interview from like 2019? which means the money which is split to agency and then 9 members wasn't there yet,

    I think they've started to really earn proper profit in late 2019, then 2020, and now in 2021. Especially if you take a look how much their sales has grown.

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  • We will see. It doesnt matter what the fans or even her father says at the end of the day Tzuyu's decision is what matters. She is a already an adult.

    agreed, a part of me hopes that she’ll renew her contract and another part of me hopes that she won’t but as you said at the end of the day what tzuyu wants to do is all that matters.

  • jyp should’ve pushed her more. she had so much potential, literally could’ve been the next yoona/suzy with CF deals and modeling contracts... and on top of that she’s still so young. jyp needs to start giving the girls some solo activities. they’ve established themselves as a group, now i think it’s time the members start thinking about their individual careers. it’s just my opinion though, i know how much they value promoting as a group

  • personally i think leaving JYP would be the best for her

    tzuyu doesn't seem like someone who dream of being a singer or hope to do this forever

    i think she mostly use the idol career as a first step in the entertainement to maybe become an actress

    and it's clear that until Twice is doing well as a group JYP isn't ready to make them do solo activities

    and i doubt she'll be ready to wait 10 years to go into acting

    considering that theres tons of actors in korea, and that drama don't usually hire actor idols who are more than 10+ years in the industry with no acting experience

    i think if she want to pursue an acting career , the best for her would be to go now, she did enough money with twice, she's still young to go into acting and make some experience here and there, and take the advantage of being of twice still having some momentum in contrary of waiting of Twice losing momentum who would have been benefit for her solo career

    she might even wants to become an actress in china or taiwan

    but until she's out of JYP her solo career will go nowhere

  • jyp should’ve pushed her more. she had so much potential, literally could’ve been the next yoona/suzy with CF deals and modeling contracts... and on top of that she’s still so young. jyp needs to start giving the girls some solo activities. they’ve established themselves as a group, now i think it’s time the members start thinking about their individual careers. it’s just my opinion though, i know how much they value promoting as a group

    when twice had just debuted the hype around her was crazy, people were calling her the next suzy. she would’ve been just as popular individually as irene and jisoo if she was pushed more, but they have recently starting doing more solo activities so let’s see how it goes.

  • i honestly doubt she can have any solo career in korea considering how less jyp has promoted her, she was the most popular during debut in korea and now she’s the 5th most popular and there’s also the accent problem. she can’t have a career in china either unless she starts sucking up to ccp (which she hopefully won’t) but she can definitely have a good career in taiwan. personally i feel like if she leaves twice she’ll just go back to taiwan and lay low while doing some modeling stuff, but she did mention interest in acting.

  • i honestly doubt she can have any solo career in korea considering how less jyp has promoted her, she was the most popular during debut in korea and now she’s the 5th most popular and there’s also the accent problem. she can’t have a career in china either unless she starts sucking up to ccp (which she hopefully won’t) but she can definitely have a good career in taiwan. personally i feel like if she leaves twice she’ll just go back to taiwan and lay low while doing some modeling stuff, but she did mention interest in acting.

    i personnally think that she can pursue an acting career in Korea

    accent isn't the problem, and even the lack of promotion of JYP isn't a problem if she start to gain some experience soon and not wait forever

    Sooyoung, yuri and seohyun weren't the most popular of SNSD but they all have a successfull acting career now

    what can be the biggest problem for her in Korea is that she's a foreigner, and i can't think of any foreigner in korea who have a lot of lead role in drama etc... i think most of the actors in Korea are korean

    so yes i think she can pursue a career in Taiwan, but she might want to target china more since there's more money to make in china than there's in Taiwan

  • With Tzuyu I wonder if she's one of the idols who got into this at a very young age, matured, and realized it's not what she wants. She doesn't seem like she enjoys many aspects of being an idol, not that we see her much. I may be wrong, but it doesn't look like she finds much fun in it.

  • With Tzuyu I wonder if she's one of the idols who got into this at a very young age, matured, and realized it's not what she wants. She doesn't seem like she enjoys many aspects of being an idol, not that we see her much. I may be wrong, but it doesn't look like she finds much fun in it.

    sometimes i wonder about that too, but she has talked about wanting to do a lot of stuff and she always sounds excited when talking about them and recently she also talked about her melody project coming soon and she sounded so happy about it but then in another live she mentions that there have been some complications and she doesn’t know when it’ll come out. i feel like her being disinterested has more so to do with the company not letting her do what she wants rather than her being not wanting to be a idol anymore, i think she adores the other members and loves being a part of twice but again that’s just how i feel.

  • wrong, they did plenty for her until the flag scandal, when they thought it was time for her to keep a low profile...

    that scandal could happen to anyone, its not that tzuyu was overly promoted and got herself into a scandal, this could also happen to jackson wang, in his debut years he was showing his hong kong identity everywhere even wearing hong kong flag etc, look what he's doing rn

  • wrong, they did plenty for her until the flag scandal, when they thought it was time for her to keep a low profile...

    i respect your opinion but plenty? the only thing they did for her was the lg ad, which was the biggest endorsement of her individual career and that was a mess. other than that i don’t think they did anything special. even in the mv’s she barely gets screen time despite the main visual, compare that to all the other groups visuals and it’ll be obvious. it’s also been years and she’s the only member without a melody project but she’s finally getting one so ig that’s good.

  • I don't know if any of the foreign line will renew their contracts even though they are so popular. JYP rarely gives them opportunities and it is on purpose. Remember Jackson said he was not allowed to promote in Korea and Sana/Momo's opportunities are mostly from Japan side. They rarely get solo opportunities in Korea.

    The way JYP exploited them to the point where multiple members experienced anxiety is appalling. Even if Tzuyu renews her contract, tbh it's a big question whether Mina or Jeongyeon will. Though some members have solo shoots in the past (Mostly Nayeon tbqh) Tzuyu has zero? It doesn't make sense. Everything she wears is sold out quickly. I'm sure she already has multiple offers for CFs. Her melody project was supposed to come out weeks ago and it is still being delayed. JYP knows he exploited them & won't be getting more from them... that's why he is debuting so many groups in 2022.

  • I don't know if any of the foreign line will renew their contracts even though they are so popular. JYP rarely gives them opportunities and it is on purpose. Remember Jackson said he was not allowed to promote in Korea and Sana/Momo's opportunities are mostly from Japan side. They rarely get solo opportunities in Korea.

    The way JYP exploited them to the point where multiple members experienced anxiety is appalling. Even if Tzuyu renews her contract, tbh it's a big question whether Mina or Jeongyeon will. Though some members have solo shoots in the past (Mostly Nayeon tbqh) Tzuyu has zero? It doesn't make sense. Everything she wears is sold out quickly. I'm sure she already has multiple offers for CFs. Her melody project was supposed to come out weeks ago and it is still being delayed. JYP knows he exploited them & won't be getting more from them... that's why he is debuting so many groups in 2022.

    the company doesn’t even do the bare minimum for them anymore, it’s also annoying how the songs are constantly out of their range and the choreos only keep getting harder knowing well that they’ll get hate for their encore stages, the company doesn’t even bother hiring a proper vocal coach and teaching them the proper vocal technique instead they continue to make them use the half-air-half-sound technique and they don’t do anything to protect them from the hate either. they all deserve so much better at this point.

  • It may be because she feels despite putting her best foot forward, that other factors, like the company are holding her back. But I also think she may just be done with the industry, because it's always fast-paced and exhausting. I'm always stunned when groups renew, like Apink did and BEG because I know I'd totally burn out after. There's the constant scrutiny, saesangs, cameras, comeback prep which is painful, and pressure to keep up with singing and such. And if she feels she's not getting anything much out of it? Yeah, I'd leave too. She has modelling all set up for her, and certainly famous brands would love to work with her. It's just sad to think about ;(

  • The way her attitude changed in 2019 shows something big happened behind the scene but there is something more important that happened in 2019 that points even more that she would probably not renew her contract. The company started treating her as if they knew she won't renew.

  • i respect your opinion but plenty? the only thing they did for her was the lg ad, which was the biggest endorsement of her individual career and that was a mess. other than that i don’t think they did anything special. even in the mv’s she barely gets screen time despite the main visual, compare that to all the other groups visuals and it’ll be obvious. it’s also been years and she’s the only member without a melody project but she’s finally getting one so ig that’s good.

    I mean compared to other members she actually had solo CFs, but yes you're right I only remember two and the fact she was pushed more in some group promos. But, that is normal considering she holds the visual position

    With the fact Twice were supposed to aim at the Chinese market with planned activities until that happened and did a 180° turn in concept with Cheer Up,

    Tzuyu promotion was planned but got canceled, is what I wanted to say.

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