What are some groups you know who dissapeared and nobody ever really knew what happend?
I have 3 on my mind, all on the more underrated side, where I only got some kind of informations on a few members in 2 of them
- Vermuda, debuted in 2017 and than never released more than their debut song. When the boygroup BE:FIRST debuted in Japan (who are one of the most famous bpygroups in Japan btw) their member Junon revealed that he was living in Korea for 2 years and suposed to join the group as a new member, however they just ended it before he was even able to promote with them and release music and so he went back to Japan in 2019.
- LUCENTE, I really liked their debut release and ws sad when it got deleted from YT half a year later ine arly 2019 and that they also cancled their first workdtour out of nowhere without saying what happend. Only in 2021 when 2 former membes called Kogun and Parkha had apeared on a Japanese survival show a year before in 2020 and they were set to redebut in Japan, they revealed that LUCENTE was not really on a good path to begin with when they debuted and since the disolvment of the group was so sudden, they only opend up 2 years later when being sure they couldn't get in trouble, to say that the group was actually disbanded after existing for just a little time, however a few of the members had been still with the company, alto it seemed that those who left the company were not too happy with that some members decided to stay.
- SUPERKIND, they debuted in 2022 and after like a year went gone and its so silent around them, nobody knows anything and fans are still hoping for any sign of the members
Do you have any groups that just vanished and nobody really knows what happend?