Is this baiting for simping? 😏
You are an idol. Choose 5 AKP users to be your top fans.
I will be the most uncoordinated but funny Idol ever
my fan club will consist of:
ThePhantomThief - head president 'cause he won't resist my incredibly dorky charms
HwaGoose - she'll be the fan club leader because she's been there for me for years
AyanEva - she'll support me as long as I find a way to introduce her to &Team's "K"
BTS-ae-1320 - because i have such immaculate taste in music she will love everything I can't sing
Hopkinz - will spread the word about me making sure no one forgets the nugu's.
I will go with superyeah, Yama-Chan, thebadguy, DaisyTheGenuine and Tatiana1820 .
I need fighters in my squad.
Yes sir, at your service sir ! When i love i never count the wounds !
The richest
All I know is I Stan sveznalica
I stan you too, actually we are debuting together and getting our group disbanded in a week (or less)!
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