If you make your own 2024 Electoral College map, and you get it right (or almost right), you get 1,000 Akorns.

  • There are less than 100 days left until Election Day. 95 days left to be exact. Go.


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  • IDK shit about the USA-Elections but I hope Camila Harris wins, cause Trump is the totally wrong guy for that job

    I was talking about using an interactive map to predict what states will be won by the Republican and Democrat:

    270towin map.png


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  • ok and what color is yellow for now?

    Yellow is always the color for a third party candidate on that website (but the third party candidate could be a member of the Libertarian Party, Green Party, and so on)


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    Probably about like this. MI, VA, and PA are at high risk for Democrats - they are going to have to spend big money campaigning in those states. AZ remains vulnerable for Republicans. If Democrats take all four, they win - but they can't afford to lose any of them.

    Neither side can get a runaway Electoral College victory this time.

  • AZ remains vulnerable for Republicans.

    I have doubt for AZ. I don't know if Kamala or Trump will win it.

    Neither side can get a runaway Electoral College victory this time.

    I don't get what you mean by this. RFK Jr (independent) is not on the ballot on all 50 states and DC, and he has bad polling just like every other third party candidate.


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  • Just that the EC will be close. Neither side is going to get 350+ EC votes.

    Yeah I think that'll likely happen.


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  • 4NIA4 What's your guess using the Electoral College map?


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  • Your not going to like it, I don't predict Elections. Wth, for the fun of it.

    Based on the Media's jig is up before the Election. Harris is a lunatic.


    Third party candidates haven't carried a single state since 1968.

    It's been Republican vs. Democrat since the 19th century, so make a map with just the Republican nominee vs the Democratic nominee.


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  • idk California could go for Kennedy. GOP and Independents collaborate and vote for independent out numbers Dems.

    Same with Washington.
    Harris is too far out to even consider marginally acceptable. TDS now is the same as TDS then and is all found to be false.

    It might not happen this time, the GOP/IDP collaborative idea is planted. If the Dems keep putting out these types of candidates, It'll happen.

    Edited once, last by 4NIA4 ().

  • idk California could go for Kennedy. GOP and Independents collaborate and vote for independent out numbers Dems.

    Same with Washington.
    Harris is too far out to even consider marginally acceptable. TDS now is the same as TDS then and is all found to be false.

    It might not happen this time, the GOP/IDP collaborative idea is planted. If the Dems keep putting out these types of candidates, It'll happen.

    Kennedy's polling is too low.


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  • I think it'll be like this:

    The reason why I put Florida as "Likely Republican" is because Florida is usually won by the Republican nominee for president, but Obama of the Democratic Party carried Florida in both 2008 and 2012.


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  • Presently overall it is a disruptive vote more than trying to win the election. It would be a significant recognition of a third party. More then third parties have gotten before. Who knows in a few election cycles, it can evolve to be a national contender.

    Look how the French election went. Three political parties, where two parties collaborated to win over a majority party.

  • Presently overall it is a disruptive vote more than trying to win the election. It would be a significant recognition of a third party. More then third parties have gotten before. Who knows in a few election cycles, it can evolve to be a national contender.

    Look how the French election went. Three political parties, where two parties collaborated to win over a majority party.

    The last major third party candidate (in this case, independent candidate Ross Perot) didn't win a single electoral vote, but he won enough votes to cause a spoiler effect in the 1992 and 1996 presidential elections.

    Other countries use the Electoral College but in a different way when you compare it to the United States.


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  • Rose Perot made some third party inroads.

    Here’s How Third‑Party Candidates Have Changed Elections | HISTORY
    America’s two‑party political system makes it difficult for candidates from outside the Republican and Democratic parties to win presidential elections.

    About all I can add is how California State Dems have eliminated third parties from the Ballot. The TWO highest vote count candidates during the Primary advance to the main election. WIth the exception of office for US President. Dems eliminate the third party spoiler effect.

    btw we suffer from the 'Two Party Virus".

  • That map confused me because Democrats have always been blue, and Republicans have always been red in the Electoral College map.


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  • That map confused me because Democrats have always been blue, and Republicans have always been red in the Electoral College map.

    The sheer delusion of that map confused me until I realized who posted it. Getting the colors wrong is just part of the unhinged charm I suppose.

  • The sheer delusion of that map confused me until I realized who posted it.

    Third party candidates don't have a chance to cause the spoiler effect this year. Maybe we'll see some faithless electors on Election Day just like in 2016.


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  • That map confused me because Democrats have always been blue, and Republicans have always been red in the Electoral College map.

    Its how the website map generator does the colors.

    Electoral College Calculator and Map Generator

    Photoshopped mapR2B2024b.jpg

    I'm planning on what to buy with a bunch of akorns. XD

    IVE badge maybe.

    Getting the colors wrong is just part of the unhinged charm I suppose.

    A sliding door with Dog :-)https://online.hillsdale.edu/p…rxism-socialism-communism


    Edited once, last by 4NIA4 ().

  • Its how the website map generator does the colors.


    Photoshopped mapR2B2024b.jpg

    Try this because this looks more modern. That Electoral College map generator looks like it was made with a Windows application from the 1990s or something similar.

    Blank 2024 Electoral Map - 270toWin
    2024 electoral map that starts at 0-0, with all states shown as undecided.


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    Edited once, last by bethesda ().

  • Going for the newly enlightened scenario.


    No third party candidate is in all 50 states.

    The closest third party candidate to being in all 50 states are Chase Oliver of the Libertarian Party and Jill Stein of the Green Party.

    Chase Oliver is on the ballot in 36 states, and Jill Stein is on the ballot in 24 states.

    Third-party and independent candidates for the 2024 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

    I think this would be completely accurate to your views (without any third party candidate involved):



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  • Its was fun to speculate. No intent to cause political bad feelings. A little pushback to cause balance. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Politics is tricky to talk about.

  • StelloMomoDay Do you wanna make your own Electoral College map? 1,000 Akorns if you get it right or almost right


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  • I'll make one soon

    Here ya go


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  • I have doubt for AZ. I don't know if Kamala or Trump will win it.

    If the Native Americans go on horseback again like last time for Biden, AZ might go for Harris again:


    Thought that was nice, as they had to travel very far to be able to vote.

  • If the Native Americans go on horseback again like last time for Biden, AZ might go for Harris again:


    Thought that was nice, as they had to travel very far to be able to vote.

    There's something called Republicans for Harris. Have you heard about that? That might help Harris win Arizona.

    Political pundits mark Arizona as a "toss-up" "swing state" or something when it comes to polling.


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  • TheHeretic  4NIA4 Do you want to try again? Here's the 2024 consensus map. Unlimited tries until election day!

    2024 Consensus map.png

    Keep in mind that some states are obviously Republican like Alaska just like some states are obviously Democratic like California.


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  • Do you want to try again?

    No changes to my map. PA is weaker now for Democrats because Harris didn't pick Shapiro. AZ is leaning more Republican than it was, but its cartel-controlled state government will have the final say. Republicans now have a shot at VA and NH. Democrats are losing more Black support than they think over the immigration issue, but their overvote in CA and NY will remain large enough that they will still probably achieve a popular vote victory.

    Trump's chances have improved since the RFK Jr. endorsement. Big Government skeptics of all political persuasions are lining up behind him. Kamala's imbecilities will be exposed even to the Joyful Welfare Statists at the first debate - if it actually happens - and her polling will get steadily worse from here, but I still don't see any big changes in the Electoral College map before November.


  • 293066-270towin-jpg

    Why did you put Kamala Harris as the winner of all of Maine's 4 electoral votes? Maine splits its electoral votes.

    Look at Maine in 2016:


    Look at Maine in 2020:


    Did her chances of winning all of Maine's electoral votes improve or something? The last time that either a Democrat or Republican won all of Maine's electoral votes was in 2012:



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  • Do you want to try again? Here's the 2024 consensus map. Unlimited tries until election day!

    I'm not informed enough to make a serious prediction. I think Pennsylvania is redder than the polls are letting on. Based on this Month Harris and Trump rallies in Philly.

    Added Sep 5 2024 - I'd predict this map, but it wouldn't be right.

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    Edited once, last by 4NIA4 ().


    The only swing states you got wrong are Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Maine.

    Michigan and Pennsylvania were won by Trump, and 3 of Maine's electoral votes were won by Harris, with 1 electoral vote of Maine being awarded to Trump.


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  • Trump had a great organization in PA but I am still surprised he managed to overcome the big-time fraud in Detroit and win MI. Other states voted as expected.

    The Democrat ticket could not have been better designed to antagonize men - so it's not a surprise that young Hispanic and Black men moved to Trump in such large numbers. The free stuff promised isn't worth four years of insults and demonization from your own government.

  • Trump had a great organization in PA but I am still surprised he managed to overcome the big-time fraud in Detroit and win MI. Other states voted as expected.

    Kamala Harris would've had a better organization in PA if she chose Josh Shapiro for VP.

    Trump won MI probably because of Protect The Vote. You've probably heard of it.


    That's the website in case you don't know what it is.


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