Yea i kinda did lost my composure and got too serious but in my defense newjeans are my favorite group and its hard seeing their future destroyed like this. Im really pissed of at hybe, they should have solved this issue internally instead of going public and giving haters such a massive opportunity to drag newjeans through the mud and causing massive damage to newjeans' reputation .

ILLIT's Magnetic achieves 3rd PAK!!! They become the 2nd ever Kpop group in history to reach a Perfect All-Kill with their debut song
I expected the first was BP when I saw the title.
Their debut song is still my fave of theirs
I am so happy I blocked a certain idiot.
Such a peaceful life I have now.
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Imagine achieving something as big as this and people are only cheering because they think this is going to trigger someone else.
This Group seems to have the biggest token stans ever
I checked out their album yesterday out of curiosity and I really liked it! It got multiple listens. I'm not trying to shade New Jeans, but I prefer ILLIT's sound. I listened to New Jeans a few weeks ago to see what the fuss is about and the albums were relatively pleasant but didn't connect with me. Just a personal preference.
I know neither HYBE nor YG stans won't like me saying this, but both group became a huge success in their debut era because of the massive boost from their seniors and their companies.
I mean, sure let's say, congrats to them, but we shouldn't ignore facts like Blackpink was hyped before their debut because people thought they will be the next 2NE1, and back in 2016, Youtube wasn't included in PAK system yet, so they could achieve PAK much easier. I mean, SSAK3 achieved PAK in 1 day and 15 hours or so. 😅 In ILLIT case, it's a bit harder, because Youtube is included now, so no one can achieve PAK before 6 days. So, in my eyes, ILLIT's achievement is better, and more organic, but I still think if a group outside BIG4 does this, it's a bigger flex, because we expect this from a BIG4 group.
The comments under the tweets are fun to read, tho.🤣
I checked out their album yesterday out of curiosity and I really liked it! It got multiple listens. I'm not trying to shade New Jeans, but I prefer ILLIT's sound. I listened to New Jeans a few weeks ago to see what the fuss is about and the albums were relatively pleasant but didn't connect with me. Just a personal preference.
Same with me actually even though Newjeans music is also on the easy listening side it didn't also connect with me, but I liked ILLIT's songs though I have a beef with My World because it's very short (how can you call that 1:47 mins a song that's more like an intro lol) so I bet if they'll stick to their sound, I'll stan them (as of now I'm a casual fan).
So how many PAKs did they get? More than BP I hope
It's 33 PAKs now
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I noticed they have been selling a lot of albums too lately. 17k yesterday, 16k today.
Anyway, I think their music is cute and well produced but it sounds too young for me, it’s not my thing. I liked NJs first release but after that, not so much. I also felt like Illits target audience was younger than NJs that’s why I believed there was enough room for the two.
Woke up with ILLIT 55th PAKs it seems they were not affected in this issue at least what their music streams and chart look like their ULs also increased and their bside song Lucky Girl Syndrome is also climbing up on charts.
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