Looking at YG's annual report and thinking most of BP's 'overpriced' tickets only went to promoter and middlemen huh.
If the Born Pink Tour is estimated to have grossed 340M USD and the net profit is 104B won or 77M USD in today's currency, then the GP is only 23%. It should be noted that YG is only taking MG and not percentage like HYBE usually does.
For those who don't know, performers are often offered a guarantee, making the performance risk-free as they will be offered a set fee regardless of whether the show sells out, with the promoter shouldering any losses.
In percentage or profit sharing, it is high risk high reward, basically you have an agreement of profit share with the promoter. For 'profitable' concerts, this is more advantageous on the artists' side as you have more leverage and can get more % and money if the show did well.
With YG only taking MG/minimum guarantee (upfront fee) per concert, is it time to take the risk?