One thing I learnt being on kpop Twitter

  • The more you engage with toxic Stans the more toxic your timeline is. And guess what that toxic behaviour doesn't always start with the other fandom but from the people you choose to follow who are always getting into these useless fights.

    U can have a very peaceful tl if u choose to follow the correct people.

    And don't forget with what tweets you interact be it in likes,rt

    I have been on kpop Twitter mostly last one year and I'd say I have done a good job avoiding as much toxicity as I could

    🌸ꗥ~ꗥ🌸 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐀 🌸ꗥ~ꗥ🌸

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  • How to avoid toxic people:

    1. Follow official group and artist accounts
    2. Switch the timeline to only see conent of the accounts you follow
    3. Do not use the searchbar to search for usless crap if you hate toxic people so much cause you wouldn't even see this shit if you would the fuck not go into the searchbar
    4. If you follow fan-accounts who behave like little cunts than unfollow them and block them imediatly

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • The main thing I learned from Kpop Twitter is stay the hell away.

    Failing that:

    1. Don't engage in fanwars. You will win exactly nothing.

    2. Some people deliberately try to goad people into saying nasty things, which they will then use as proof that said fandom is having it out for another fandom.

    3. Some other people charge like bulls when they see only 1 person from a fandom saying something shitty and start a whole dumb fanwar.

    4. Often, people starting fanwars are not even from the fandom they pretend to like. They'll say something like: "Kpop group X sucks. Kpop group Y cleared them!" They're not even a stan of Y, but fans of X will start insulting group Y.

    5. People who insult innocent idols because of some dumb fanwar are the dumbest of all.

    Recently learned:

    6. It looks like people can gain money when there is more interaction with their tweet or something, because there are suddenly lots of AI bots talking generc stuff and instead of blocking, people still like this shit.

    7. Elon Musk made twitter worse. An accomplishment I did not think possible.


    Nobody sane cares about your dumb fanwar where you insult some other group's members in heinous way. It just exposes you as a moron. Grown-ups using playground insults that even 4th graders would literally find childish, need to book a room in an asylum.

    The only fun fanwar I have seen in a long time is Trump-supporters crying and having temper tantrums about Taylor Swift.

  • Even though I don't even have an account, there are times when I have come across some kpop Twitter drama. (like fan wars, antis, fans messing up etc...)

    Lately, Twitter has been acting weird for me (probably because of the fact I have no account) that I end up not at all or very seldomly come across any twitter drama.

    I guess it is good for me to miss out on that stuff.

  • How to avoid toxic people:

    1. Follow official group and artist accounts
    2. Switch the timeline to only see conent of the accounts you follow
    3. Do not use the searchbar to search for usless crap if you hate toxic people so much cause you wouldn't even see this shit if you would the fuck not go into the searchbar
    4. If you follow fan-accounts who behave like little cunts than unfollow them and block them imediatly

    Yes, only follow official accounts or kpop news related accounts, avoid most fan accounts if possible.

  • I deleted Twitter, Kpop stans are annoying.

    I don't use Twitter, and I feel like this is the best place to be for K-Pop.


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  • I deleted Twitter, Kpop stans are annoying.

    Best decision ever it will save your sanity. Those people are clowns 🤡 with a capital C and the toxicity isn't just amongst a few people they follow but they themselves as they buy into alot of foolish bs with no evidence or research at all they are what you're enemies would call useful idiots. People that will serve a destructive cause even at their own expense if they think they are doing something "good" hence the whole fake woke virtue signaling phenomenon that has taken social media by storm. People thought the church of trump was bad nah these people are worse they happily claim to be against bullying while also telling someone to kys because they didn't agree with something they said and are triggered by literally everything, so bad that it would have been better for us in Korea to remain closed like Japan does with it's entertainment industry they have massive success and thrive without issues and are not pushed influenced or gaslit by bs from immature clowns in western countries telling Asians in countries 6,000miles away how to live etc🤡

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