IDOLS are for public consumption and their personal LIVES can be talked about- it is our business

  • Quote

    Forum Members = who literally post discriminating posts against certain group, race, culture, sex, gender-identity, religion and - THOSE should be regulated, and I personally feel that we should call out EVERY SINGLE one of these HATE FILLED racist trolls.

    When OP gets called out in their own thread but cannot take the heat... welp :pathead:

  • i think the dumbest thing ever is getting caught up in arguing about what you can and cant say. lets just say whatever we want! no matter how mean, insulting, whatever it is!

    no more telling people whats right and wrong or what they can and cant do.

    i think its more fun that way anyways.

    my philosophy is that if youre offended by something then leave! if you cant handle someone saying a certain word or giving a certain opinion, don't try to meddle with their free speech and make them change, either you change or just leave the conversation.

    i know this is a pretty unpopular take and im not expecting people to agree or anything - i just think all this arguing that occurs everywhere about what people can and cant do is such a waste of time

  • When OP gets called out in their own thread but cannot take the heat... welp :pathead:

    reminds me of the chinese saying about hypocrisy


    Only the official is allowed to light a fire

    a commoner isn't even allowed to start a light (lantern?)

  • I don’t disagree. People will always talk about celebrities.

    I can’t stand people who “clean out searchs” “talk hush hush” or whatever tf when half the time the news will be leaked a few hours later anyway 😭

    It’s just cringe af.

    With that said people can say talking about certain topic is distasteful to them. That’s their opinion and they’re entitled to share it. Just like you do. Just ignore them and continue talking about the stuff you want to.

  • You're right you can say what you want, however that does not absolve you of consequences to your callous actions and for using someone's personal struggles as a way to mock someone, (I.e. in this situation it was an neurotypical person using autistic as an insult when talking to an person who has autism) which lead to me stepping in.

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • You're right you can say what you want, however that does not absolve you of consequences to your callous actions and for using someone's personal struggles as a way to mock someone, (I.e. in this situation it was an neurotypical person using autistic as an insult when talking to an person who has autism) which lead to me stepping in.

    I think this is the first time you face palm reacted me my friend lol

  • Free speech is you not going to jail for saying stuff.

    Every website/platform/space can have rules about what they find acceptable. So no one is meddling with anyone’s free speech. You can open a website or blog and say as much trash as you want about kpop. No one will put you in jail for it 👍

  • A difference of opinion is fun when people can talk it out without using personal insults or getting their egos involved. That's healthy and productive debate. Personal attacks don't do anything but distract; there's no fun in that.

    OP shoots themself in the foot by using disparaging remarks and doing way too much. They derail their own threads, which otherwise would have been good for discussion had they stuck to their main point and kept it at that. That's pure stupidity.

  • A difference of opinion is fun when people can talk it out without using personal insults or getting their egos involved. That's healthy and productive debate. Personal attacks don't do anything but distract; there's no fun in that.

    \_*~*_/ i think its pretty fun...

  • Free speech is you not going to jail for saying stuff.

    Every website/platform/space can have rules about what they find acceptable. So no one is meddling with anyone’s free speech. You can open a website or blog and say as much trash as you want about kpop. No one will put you in jail for it 👍

    i think you know what i mean. im not talking about free speech in the legal sense but just as a concept. freedom to say whatever you like. of course i have that freedom, and someone getting mad at me about it doesnt change that fact. what im saying is that i dont see the point in telling people that they can/cant say something.

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