Can you imagine bringing so much "lunch" to school?

  • is this even just a lunch?

    looks like a food festa lol


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  • Can not imagine bringing any kind of lunch to school because in my country school offer that to us. That's why we have one of the highest taxes in the world.

  • Where do you live? Also what kind of lunches did u get?

    In Finland. It is basically like some low quality lunch restaurant. Different kind of soups, macaroni box, spinach pies, fish sticks, potatoes, meatballs, rice, some salads, sausages, milk and bread. Depends on day.

  • Where is this picture from?

    It looks normal for me. I always went to school with an extra bag for food containing lunch (a main course like pasta, some kind of meat or fish with side dish, etc. plus dessert like chocolate, pudding or a piece of cake), some fruits (like apple, pear or sometimes stewed fruit), a sandwich and a flask with some kind of drink.

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  • Where is this picture from?

    It looks normal for me. I always went to school with an extra bag for food containing lunch (a main course like pasta, some kind of meat or fish with side dish, etc. plus dessert like chocolate, pudding or a piece of cake), some fruits (like apple, pear or sometimes stewed fruit), a sandwich and a flask with some kind of drink.

    Picture is from Korean show Nineteen to Twenty.

    I thing it's difference in culture. For example I only would take some one or two bread rolls with cheese or ham and that was it. Here in Poland most kids eat breakfast, they go to school. In school they would eat that food they've took from home, and then after lessons go straight to home to eat lunch.

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  • Picture is from Korean show Nineteen to Twenty.

    I thing it's difference in culture. For example I only would take some one or two bread rolls with cheese or ham and that was it. Here in Poland most kids eat breakfast, they go to school. In school they would eat that food they've took from home, and then after lessons go straight to home to eat lunch.

    Agreed, definetly a difference in culture and maybe a difference in time tables? In elementary school we had lessons from 8 o'clock and was supposed to arrive at half past 7, then we had lessons until 4 pm and I arrived at home half past 4. That would be a long time for me with only one sandwich but I guess it would be manageable. But in high school I had lessons from 8 am until 7 pm and that I could not withstand without more to eat. It is kind of a choice to bring lunch to school or order lunch at the school but the canteen offered terrible food so everyone who could came with home cooked meals. Did you have shorter school time tables or did you all just power through the day with one meal? (I am sorry if I sound little exaggerated, I don't mean to, I am just curious.)

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  • Agreed, definetly a difference in culture and maybe a difference in time tables? In elementary school we had lessons from 8 o'clock and was supposed to arrive at half past 7, then we had lessons until 4 pm and I arrived at home half past 4. That would be a long time for me with only one sandwich but I guess it would be manageable. But in high school I had lessons from 8 am until 7 pm and that I could not withstand without more to eat. It is kind of a choice to bring lunch to school or order lunch at the school but the canteen offered terrible food so everyone who could came with home cooked meals. Did you have shorter school time tables or did you all just power through the day with one meal? (I am sorry if I sound little exaggerated, I don't mean to, I am just curious.)

    In my time in high school we didn't had 'clear' schedule for school in terms, it wasn't the same each day but because I remember it well how grueling it was I can share it:

    Mon: 8AM-5PM or 7AM to 4PM - this depended on in which PE and English language group you were

    Tue: 10:30AM-6:30PM

    Wed: 7AM-3PM

    Thu: 8AM-2PM

    Fri: 7AM-3PM

    The weirdest shit for me was who on earth decided that one day you stay to 6:30 so you are back home around 7PM and next day school starts at 7... but in the morning :clown:

    as for food we had little shop in which they've sold croissants, baguettes, bread rolls, snacks, and some drinks in cans or little bottles

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  • This is just a guess based on a Korean youtuber I watch, but it's probably because they have a bunch of small side dishes to go with the main meal.

    I find it impractical to eat in school (or work) as you would at home, though, if my guess is correct....especially giving kids that many small dishes.

  • It sounds so harsh. If your school sometimes has such long days, there should be "two lunches," or am I a "dreamer"? My school has two types of weeks: they are called even and odd ones. In the first type, we also had to stay the whole school day. So it happens once in two weeks. However, our teachers always give us the possibility of having two lunches. And that's normal and how it should be.

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