I was 6, going on 7, when I travelled to Iceland for the first time.
We went there by a ferry.
I couldn't speak anything else but my native language, which is a bit similar to Icelandic. (even though I could tiny bit of Danish)
I can't remember if I even understood what the others were saying.
Someone has told me something I don't remember from the trip, but it was that some boy fell and I laughed at him falling and this boy yelled at me: "ÞEGIÐU"
Some few years later, I actually learned this word, even though I didn't know how it was spelled.
I have been a few times in Iceland again.
And when I was 8 years old, I went to Denmark by plane.
I remember that when I arrived in the airport, I randomly started speaking Danish. (I was bilingual at that age)
I guess I was thinking "In Denmark, you have to speak Danish" lol
and then my mother told me that I didn't have to speak it.
Well... I have often been in Denmark or at least Danish airports.
I even was in Denmark some months ago.