Who's a western celeb you dislike or lowkey irritates you?
justin bieber
the whole Kardashian family I avoid them like the plague
taylor swift: her fans just annoy me
nicki minaj: always hating on somebody, but I still like her
all the kardashians: demons on this earth, KIM RUINED marilyn MONROE's dress with her DAMN BBL!
selena gomez and hailey bieber: no comment
rupaul: evil person, frauding, stealing, faking, MINING into the earth to STEAL oil. list goes ON.
the weeknd: sinister MAN sinister. HATE him.
scooter braun: SINISTER
megan trainor: something not right about her.
director of euphoria: idiot
taikki waititi: can't spell his name but he directed thor and he ruined it for me
mindy kaling: weird woman. just sinister woman no clue about her, made velma ruined my life.
lady gaga: making TERRIBLE music as of recently. ALWAYS belting. STOP!
doja cat: demonic energy, sinner, ungrateful to fans, always rude, acting a fool online, just evil energy exuding from her
kanye west: I like his music, I like his ART but HE needs to CHILL out. what he did to KIM (STILL HATE HER) was sinister.
pete davidson: ugly tattoos
MGK and megan fox: ANNOYING
there's more I just CANNOT remember
There’s a few 😭
Harry styles- I like his music. What bothers me about him was the entire thing with Olivia Wilde. It was so shady to me like that made me see him in a different light, it rubbed me the wrong way.
Mark Wahlberg (absolute garbage person)
The Kardashians (they have funny gifs tho)
Timothy Chalamet (just don’t like his vibe)
Ryan Reynolds (idk I feel like he’s fake)
James Franco (I’ve heard some bad stuff about him)
Kevin Hart (he’s funny but I’m not a big fan of him)
Machine gun Kelly
Chris Brown
Leonardo DiCaprio
Shia LaBeouf
Any of the baldwins
Kanye West (all that’s highlighted is self explanatory)
all of Depps
Gal Gaddot
taylor swift: her fans just annoy me
nicki minaj: always hating on somebody, but I still like her
all the kardashians: demons on this earth, KIM RUINED marilyn MONROE's dress with her DAMN BBL!
brie larson: entitled, literal worst character in the marvel universe, thinks she is a girlboss
selena gomez and hailey bieber: no comment
rupaul: evil person, frauding, stealing, faking, MINING into the earth to STEAL oil. list goes ON.
the weeknd: sinister MAN sinister. HATE him.
scooter braun: SINISTER
megan trainor: something not right about her.
director of euphoria: idiot
taikki waititi: can't spell his name but he directed thor and he ruined it for me
mindy kaling: weird woman. just sinister woman no clue about her, made velma ruined my life.
lady gaga: making TERRIBLE music as of recently. ALWAYS belting. STOP!
almost FORGET doja cat: demonic energy, sinner, ungrateful to fans, always rude, acting a fool online, just evil energy exuding from her
kanye west: I like his music, I like his ART but HE needs to CHILL out. what he did to KIM (STILL HATE HER) was sinister.
pete davidson: ugly tattoos
MGK and megan fox: ANNOYING
there's more I just CANNOT remember
pete davidson's reason just being ugly tattoos LMAOOOO
Honestly surprised James Cordon hasn’t made an appearance yet
All the Kasrdashians and Jenners. ESPECIALLY Kylie
Chris Brown - domestic abuser who think's HE's the victim
Any anti-vaxx and/or MAGA celebrity
Guy Sebastian (might need to be Aussie to know him) - bible thumping, happy-clapping, "I'm such a nice guy" hypocrite
Meghan Trainor - Awful music, awful person
Scooter Braun - for what he did to TayTay. General POS
hmm the weeknd recently
Okay let's go
Adam Levine
Matthew Davis
Nate Buzolic (so many of the TVD/TO men are problematic af)
T. Swift
Justin Bieber
Brad Pitt
Jim Carrey
James Franco
Mark Wahlberg
Lena Dunham
The Weeknd
Demi Lovato
Kardashian clan (the whole family and all relatives except for the children basically)
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