How do you differentiate legit criticism and hate when it comes to idols

  • I think it’s 3 simple criteria

    - stick to facts: if there’s obvious evidence of something then that’s legit criticism

    - if something is only based on your opinion or preferences, clearly state that they are. Same with evidence that’s not fully conclusive

    - no personal attacks. No slutshaming, no threats, nothing that demeans them unless there’s evidence of them being a piece of **** to others

  • "It wasn't good but I hope they improve next time! :pleading: "


    People only comment the second way and be like "I'm not toxic!" :pepe-clown-gear:

    At least have self awareness that you love being just as toxic as the people you're getting back at. ;judgingpepe:

  • I'm not a huge fan of their vocal color, not my style. I prefer this.


    Did they not get vocal lessons? Listening to them makes my ear bleeds... please for the love of God stab my ears with this chopstick so I never have to listen such trash again....

  • common sense, avoid being in echo chamber where everyone recites the same opinion as you (these type of people when they see an opinion slightly different from them thinks the world is out there against their faves), also have an open mind (people can have a different opinion then yours) and finally have a bit of thick skin mate.

  • fair:

    Their dance line doesn't synchronize well.

    The vocals were out of tune.

    The album sold poorly.

    I didn't like the song.

    The performance was boring (the to me is implied).


    X is talentless.

    Y are flops.

    That fandom is losers.

    Your ugly and your momma dresses you funny.

  • idk maybe people’s ears do bleed you know? Poor them, should go to emt rather than whining in this site because afaik we don’t provide free consultations. Healthcare IS kinda expensive

  • I dont think there is much "legit criticism" going on in AKP lol. Only a few folks like me who can be objective.

    99 percent of negative opinions come from trolls and antis. There's a couple SM and Army stans who literally talk out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to "reviewing" other groups like BP or other GGs. They'll say they hate a certain song cause it's messy and too experimental and goes everywhere, then when the group puts out a easy going, simpler chill song, they turn around and say that the song is boring and doesnt go anywhere lol.

    Meanwhile they'll lavish all kinds of praise on their own groups' mid releases lol. If their groups release an experimental, noisy song, all they do is talk about how creative, inventive, original they are. And if their group releases a simple generic song, they talk about how smooth and chill it is lol.

  • I think it’s 3 simple criteria

    - stick to facts: if there’s obvious evidence of something then that’s legit criticism

    - if something is only based on your opinion or preferences, clearly state that they are. Same with evidence that’s not fully conclusive

    - no personal attacks. No slutshaming, no threats, nothing that demeans them unless there’s evidence of them being a piece of **** to others

    Unfortunately this doesn't work because some fans are immature and take everything too personal. 2 some others live through their faves soo this leads them to get offended on their behalf even if whatever was said was not bad. They take it Asif you personally attacked them, leaving no chance to reason with them.

    People need to Learn to live their own lives and get some self esteem. You are not xyz idol or group you are not their family lover or friends. Remove yourself from the situation and you won't be stressed out etc. Your life doesn't revolve around them or kpop. Once people master this, only then can we actually have sane formal discussions and debates about things

  • I use the word "flop" so much. Am I a hater? =O

  • Criticism: They sound bad

    Might sound like hate but is not: They need vocal lessons. Because this is actually true if you really sound bad. Asking someone to have vocal lessons is not hate, it is meant to improve on their weakness and protect their voice

    Hate: They make my ears bleed

    AKP style hate: Lol xxx fandom dare come for our faves back then when their own faves sound like tgat

    AKP style hate counter play with more hate: Lol don't worry because our faves be slaying the charts while your faves flop with noise music

    The moment you bring up fandom it is more or less already hate, REGARDLESS OF WHO STARTED IT

  • Well hate for me is when it's not true and your attacking the person personally on their physics "plastic face" , slutshame them, call them racist with no proof, well pretty much attacking them on a non objective thing etc....

    but i'll consider something as a critics if it target an idol skills or a song

    like if someone go around saying " X idols sing so bad that they make my ears bleed" or " This song is so bad that i prefer to die than continue to listen to this song"

    it'll actually make me laugh because first i know people are overreacting and it's not what they'll really do, it most probably people trying to do some 2nd degree while expressing their negative opinion about a thing so i'll not go around crying about how X person hate my favs because they don't like how they dance

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

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  • In this forum, I don’t even need to read the posts of some people, I already know what they will say. When I see a BTS thread, no matter the subject, I already know who will post and what they will say. The thing about haters is that they are so predictable.

  • I think there's more of a 3-way split, namely legit criticism, personal opinion/preference and hating.

    'I dislike that song', 'I can't stand her/his voice' isn't legit criticism nor hating, it's just a personal opinion: what someone likes or dislike differs between persons.

    Problems arise when people start to pose their personal opinion as the Truth that everyone should agree with, or as others start to interpret personal opinions as being sold as the Truth.

    Hating or hate trolling examples: like when someone gets excessively harsh, rude or exaggerating in their negative commenting.

    Or when someone's negative commenting unusually, suspiciously only targets some specific group(s).

    I don't fully agree with the saying 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all' - you should be able to comment critically - but there's a core of truth in that saying: why would someone go out of their way to only visit all the negative threads about a group and add their own bashing to it, or why would someone constantly comment negatively or lowkey shading when it's about one group or artist? That points to strong dislike to the point of hating.

    In this forum, I don’t even need to read the posts of some people, I already know what they will say. When I see a BTS thread, no matter the subject, I already know who will post and what they will say. The thing about haters is that they are so predictable.

    This, kind of.

    You can't pretend to be a constructive or legit criticism poster, when you make a habit of only posting negatively or in negative threads about a group, and only this way for 1 or for a few groups.

    Same btw when it comes to smileys, if someone only posts love/like smileys on negative posts about a group.

    'No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.'


  • Oh, additionally, those categories overlap partially: you can post legit criticism and still be a hater or hating on a group, when all you do is constantly only post negative 'criticism' all the time that seems to target one group and just that group.

    Good criticism shouldn't only focus on the negative, but should be a mix of strengths and weaknesses, things that are done well, that are done badly and that should/could improve or that have improved (or deteriorated).

    'No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.'


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