Heechul Exposing Himself As A Misogynistic Trashbag. Again

  • I haven't seen any full translation but he's getting dragged to pieces, over a drunken live stream that ig was so out of pocket the host tried to mute him several times?

    The bits I've gotten so far are him calling women bitches, something about Japan and defending Kangin by calling him a manly man?

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    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

    Edited once, last by DaisyTheGenuine ().

  • I haven't seen any full translation but he's getting dragged to pieces, over a drunken live stream that ig was so out of pocket the host tried to mute him several times?

    The bits I've gotten so far are him calling women bitches, something about Japan and defending Kangin by calling him a manly man?

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    wait how can he be an incel

    pretty sure he gets laid every daY

    People throw round insults with out even knowing what they mean.

    Incel is a man that can not get laid.

    Maybe OP is looking for fuckboy or male slut, or player.

  • a lot of context needed

    he's sued people for badmouthing him on the net - fair

    he curses feminists- a red flag

    who is this kangin? did he assault someone? heechul was trying to defend him? - then a red flag

    man the day has come when someone who’s been into kpop for years still doesn’t know who kangin is :boompepe:

    kangin is an ex-suju member who got 2 duis and went on hiatus for awhile while still technically a member, but after he returned he got booted out anyway for some reason I can’t recall rn :boompepe:

  • a lot of context needed

    he's sued people for badmouthing him on the net - fair

    he curses feminists- a red flag

    who is this kangin? did he assault someone? heechul was trying to defend him? - then a red flag

    Kangin is an ex member who was notorious for multiple duis and assaults while he was in the group. Just a menace and it took way to long to get him out



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • These translations feel like taking out of context. And presented in a way to look a certain way.

    It’s annoying when people try to provide evidence, but then it’s edited. On top of that explaining what you’re supposed to see, instead of just showing it and make you decide for yourself.

    And I don’t think he has issues dating women, so clearly not an Incel.

    Douchebag?… sure if it’s really how it got represented here, but an Incel? No

  • DaisyTheGenuine

    Changed the title of the thread from “Heechul Exposing Himself As An Incel. Again” to “Heechul Exposing Himself As A Misogynistic Trashbag. Again”.
  • He is rambling while drunk and the host has to keep muting him as well, so to be fair to the translators, I think they're trying their best to translate and make sense of it. Updated the op with more context



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • He is rambling while drunk and the host has to keep muting him as well, so to be fair to the translators, I think they're trying their best to translate and make sense of it. Updated the op with more context

    So far it sounds like he is targeting specific people or community because they badmouthed him ?

    This community happens to be a feminist community? The OP says women are being attacked for reading a feminist book, which is true. But how exactly is he linked to that? Why was he going after that specific community?… was it because they are a feminist community or was it because they attacked him? If they really came after him first, shouldn’t he have the right to call it out? There is a lot of context missing here to make the right judgement :/

  • didn't he hook up with momo? i doubt she's the only woman in his dms

    People throw round insults with out even knowing what they mean.

    Incel is a man that can not get laid.

    Maybe OP is looking for fuckboy or male slut, or player.

    wait how can he be an incel

    pretty sure he gets laid every day

    Complete douchebag yes. Incel no.

    As far as I've understood it, incel has grown into its own subculture and ideology with certain key hallmarks, beliefs and behaviors. A man that can't get laid being the only definition of an incel is a bit antiquated imo

    Andrew Tate flexes about how much sex he gets. He's also high up in the incel/manospehere community



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • So far it sounds like he is targeting specific people or community because they badmouthed him ?

    This community happens to be a feminist community? The OP says women are being attacked for reading a feminist book, which is true. But how exactly is he linked to that? Why was he going after that specific community?… was it because they are a feminist community or was it because they attacked him? If they really came after him first, shouldn’t he have the right to call it out? There is a lot of context missing here to make the right judgement :/

    Heechul has said and done a lot of questionable things over the years that have gotten him in shit with the feminist communities, mainly because he likes to insert himself into conversations and deny misogyny whenever and wherever he can with pretty dumb logic.

    He's not even mad over something that was said to him or about him, it was something that was said about another YouTuber that is (allegedly) a well known and hated misogynist. Interesting friend choice he has but again, nothing new with him

    Regardless, in what situation is it okay to call them "those bitches" "those bastards"

    As far as the feminist book, seems to be a clear reference to how much harassment female idols get for basically nothing (ie Irene and the feminist book) while he can go online drunk, rambling and swearing.



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • As far as I've understood it, incel has grown into its own subculture and ideology with certain key hallmarks, beliefs and behaviors. A man that can't get laid being the only definition of an incel is a bit antiquated imo

    Andrew Tate flexes about how much sex he gets. He's also high up in the incel/manospehere community

    Incels looked up to Tate because he was a misogynistic punk that slept around, he was what the incels wish they could be.

  • As far as I've understood it, incel has grown into its own subculture and ideology with certain key hallmarks, beliefs and behaviors. A man that can't get laid being the only definition of an incel is a bit antiquated imo

    Andrew Tate flexes about how much sex he gets. He's also high up in the incel/manospehere community

    As I've understood it an incel is a person (usually a male) who can't get laid in real life so goes online and takes their anger/sexual frustration out on people (usually females) in the online world and is a bag of trash. So I guess it's just different understandings of the word.

    I have no idea who that person is so can't comment on it but if someone brags about it a lot it usually means they're not getting it near as much as they claim but their delicate little ego needs to inflate numbers to feel better about themselves.

  • As I've understood it an incel is a person (usually a male) who can't get laid in real life so goes online and takes their anger/sexual frustration out on people (usually females) in the online world and is a bag of trash. So I guess it's just different understandings of the word.

    I have no idea who that person is so can't comment on it but if someone brags about it a lot it usually means they're not getting it near as much as they claim but their delicate little ego needs to inflate numbers to feel better about themselves.

    That is probably all men.

    The saying is that males lie and exaggerate the amount of sex they are having, while females lie and understate the amount of sex they are having.

  • As far as I've understood it, incel has grown into its own subculture and ideology with certain key hallmarks, beliefs and behaviors. A man that can't get laid being the only definition of an incel is a bit antiquated imo

    Andrew Tate flexes about how much sex he gets. He's also high up in the incel/manospehere community

    i think he's more of a simp than an incel. isn't he a girl group stan? i often see him in variety shows dancing to gg music. that whole manosphere thing is just another grift. don't take it seriously

  • i think he's more of a simp than an incel. isn't he a girl group stan? i often see him in variety shows dancing to gg music. that whole manosphere thing is just another grift. don't take it seriously

    Yeah it's definitely not a grift



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • As far as I've understood it, incel has grown into its own subculture and ideology with certain key hallmarks, beliefs and behaviors. A man that can't get laid being the only definition of an incel is a bit antiquated imo

    Andrew Tate flexes about how much sex he gets. He's also high up in the incel/manospehere community

    andrew tate exploits incel

    he himself isnt one

    atleast as far as i know thats what incel means

    u r m o m g a y


  • Yeah it's definitely not a grift

    i mean dudes like tate and jordan peterson are making a lot of money by just repackaging common sense like exercise regularly and eat healthy and clean your room as some sort of profound wisdom that they just came up with last week and marketing it to a bunch of gullible dudes

  • seems like he has some ding dong woonga doonga problems

    why would you need to complain and they say "I've donated too but queitly"

    is he jelly of other celebs or wtf?

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  • I don’t follow him, he can very much be a douchebag, but he is not an incel, incels are more than a community of men who can’t get laid, it’s also about their view of society and their mindset towards it in general. Also called black pill community, meaning they see almost everything as impossible and pessimistic. I don’t think he fits into that category.

    About the slur… no, it’s not ok… u should be able to have a civilized conversation without using insults. Especially if u complain about insults.

  • sorry I know off topic.

    But where is Lisa on that Umbrella? That’s disrespectful :eyes:

    Ask the BP fans that came up with the umbrella.

  • One thing is for sure, he lurks or participate in weird part of the internet alot.

    He knows they vocab and what's being discussed there.

    I'm not sure why is he having this rather public meltdown right now.

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  • wait how can he be an incel

    pretty sure he gets laid every day

    he has a career living from petty fans that can drag his career if they want, like they did with Sungmin.

    Not going to defend Kangin, cos he is another a**hole.

    He knows his fame depends on these women, and he hates it.

    I think the dude is bitter. And i don`t know how Momo could date THAT

    did blackpink release a new album today?'s tweet - "#LALISA ACAB, aquí solo  respetamos a la POLISA " - TrendsmapID BI****S


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