I guess
SM엔터 “글로벌 기준 부합 기업지배구조 도입” …“사외이사 1→4 과반 확대”
[동아닷컴] 주식회사 에스엠엔터테인먼트(대표이사 이성수, 탁영준, 이하 ‘에스엠’)는 글로벌 컨텐츠 기업에 걸맞은 글로벌 상위 수준의 기업지배구조(Governance)를 도입하기로 결정했다고 15일 밝혔다. 에스엠에 따르면 투명하고 전문성 높은 이사회 중심 경영구조로 개편하기…
SM will hiring more outside board directors . It's long overdue. Yes , please !
No wonder aespa getting a bunch of good news lately
SM also considering hiring woman directors. There're will be female perspective in their decision making. Amazing decision .
Will SM finally treated their female groups fairly?
Will SM finally be able to getting International hit like they always wanted?
Wil SM finally be able to do competent world tour?
Will SM finally able to giving proper comeback schedule between their artist?
and many more question that will be answered
Stay tuned