Do you ever check your dreams meaning and interpretation?
i never remember my dreams, otherwise i would.
I try to remember some dreams if they are fking ridiculous
I had this dream where I live in a place that is covered by a giant barrier dome thingy, and for whatever reason I was catapulted out of the place and landed outside the dome into the ocean. A shark came at me and I grab on the fin and rode it back into the city
How should I interpret this?
my dreams also make me moody all day
whats the meaning?
whats the meaning?
idk. dreammods didn't help.
My dreams are always a mix of ridiculous and boring, so it's both too much and too little to describe. It's impossible to search for the meaning...
My dreams are way too weird for that
My dreams are very repetitive and always revolve around the same three themes: running in slow motion, having to hide in shelters or caves from shelling or nuclear bombing, and dying of illness.
Running in slow motion apparently means you're going through a hard time, the dying of illness one is pretty self explanatory, and the bombing/shelling is again a sign of immense stress.
But while I appreciate the warning my brain appears to be sending me, the unpleasant dreams definitely aren't helping with stress reduction.
LMAO I was just talking about that in the guild, my last dream was about Namjoon and me being "kinda close" if you know what I mean
Day dreamed about Biden oppar dating Trump oppar in a park.
It means never too old for anything.
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