Today BlackPink had its concert at the Gymnastics.
And BTS had its free concert at the Pusan Asiad Stadium.
I don't know how long the BlackPink concert lasted . I do know that the BTS concert lasted for about 90 minutes.
I don't know how much % of the BlackPink concert was foreign. It is said that about 40% of the BTS concert attendees were foreign.
But to my eyes , the K-O-R-E-A-N-S seemed to be talking more about the concert of someone which was probably attended by a 95% plus K-O-R-E-A-N attendance, and there seems to be more clips available on the person's concert than these of BTS and BlackPink so far.
Is the wall of someone who did have the highest number of paying guests in a concert in K-O-R-E-A the highest grossing concert in the 2020s in K-O-R-E-A that hard to break?
It seems all the things I have spoken for the last 10 years are coming home to roost big.
As long as she is there, the Koreans will not appreciate the value of all these major KPop acts and their dedications and their values and their worth.
Most KPop fans are awed by their faves' perfs, but I am more overwhelmed by the stubbornness of the Koreans who continue to stick with a singer who even now is staying mostly domestic, and if the two biggest celebs of the world can't dislodge her, who can.