[marriage & in-laws] WILL I REGRET MARRYING A SHORT GUY?

  • [marriage & in-laws] WILL I REGRET MARRYING A SHORT GUY?

    (pic not included)

    Hello, I'm a woman in my early 30's
    Recently, I've been considering marrying my boyfriend of 2 years. My oppa is strongly opposing our marriage (T/N: when OP talks about her "oppa", she's referring to her actual brother, not her boyfriend).

    My boyfriend and I have similar specs but it's just that he's a bit on the shorter end. I'm 163 and my boyfriend is 168.
    My oppa is in the early 170's cm and he's a celibate. Ever since he was young, he was made fun of a lot and had a lot of stress because of his small frame and for being shorter than the other guys at his all-male middle and high school.

    So I think that's why he said that he doesn't want to get married and give birth to a kid that's shorter than others. I can understand my oppa's choice but he told me that marrying a man smaller than him and giving birth to a child is abuse, and he even gets angry with my parents who don't even oppose our marriage.

    I don't really look at a man's height and after dating my boyfriend, I still don't really experience any discomfort because of his height. But because of my brother's reaction, I wonder if height is really that much of an issue or a stress factor so I'm posting this on Pann.

    We can live just fine without a kid but I've always wanted at least 2 kids.. If I ever give birth to kids, will they get a lot of stress because of their height? What do you guys think about marrying a short guy?

    I'm adding this after reading your comments. It's not like my love for my boyfriend will change but if I give birth to kids, they will be the most important people to me so I'm asking for advice because I don't want to inflict stress on my kids. So seeing people calling me selfish and saying that my love for my boyfriend is lacking is just dumbfounding.

    In that case, I think that women who don't have these kind of thought are even weirder since they've never experienced living as men. Shouldn't one consider a family's medical past and their elderly's personality when considering marraige? What's more is that I've never thought of breaking up with him because of height. I'm asking for advice because I don't know how much of an issue it will be for my kid.

    post response:
    original post: here

    1. [+145, -24]
    There are a lot of short incels here so a lot of people are shielding short men. But please think realistically... I've seen a lot of mothers who although are accepting of their husband's short height, won't be as accepting of their kid's short height

    2. [+135, -54]
    Seems like all the comments here were written by short men... You guys are saying things like "I'm short but my kid is tall!" but in that case, there needs to be a tall gene in your ancestry for and luck for this to actually happen. In most cases, when the parents are short, the kid is also short. Nowadays, even short women are getting looked down upon in society, but much less than short men? They already start behind others. No matter how much money you have, if you're short, your dating life will fall behind others'... If I were you, I wouldn't get married... Do you know that a man who's 168 is really short...? But it's not like he was my husband nor my family, so I'm not saying to break everything apart!

    3. [+122, -48]
    (Male commentor) If a man has good specs and character, he'll be fine. Even if people look down on their height, as long as they don't get discouraged, they'll be fine

    4. [+108, -55]
    Why do I think that your oppa is jealous of your boyfriend? He's having it hard and has given up of marriage but a fellow short guy is still dreaming of marriage and is roaming around his little sister? That's the feeling I get.

    5. [+88, -32]
    How dare your oppa oppose to your marriage? Do you think that it's normal that he's forcing his beliefs unto others? Your oppa aside, you're also a woman who's back and forth with your own feelings so please just break up with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend is f*cking pitiful. I hate people like you guys..

    6. [+66, -5]
    My husband is 168 and I'm 159.. There's no hardship when it comes to our love but our kid is having such a hard time. Our kid is shorter than all his peers and I feel so sorry. If I knew that other kids would make him feel like this, I wouldn't have given birth to him

  • oh damn this is one of those problematic things

    in my fam my dad is 9cm taller than my mom

    and I am 8cm taller than my dad

    but my younger brother is even taller than me, like 6cm at least

    so I get why some people would have concerns but I believe that diet and all things we eat changed as much that no matter after who kid will take there is just no way that kid will be shorter than parents these days...

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  • I'm 5" tall or 152.2 cm and everyone in my family is way taller than me....

    Just reading this shit makes me face palm. Why would you not marry someone for love and have that family and be happy. Instead you wanna worry about your kids height? like I don't get it...I don't wanna get it just seems dumb as shit to me. Short People deserve love and happiness too.

  • short king mama ayeee

    my parents were on the shorter side so naturally, i became short. does it bother me that i am short, YES, but its not like i can blame my parents thats dumb LOL

    no but fr, this article kinda funny in a pathetic way, like why worry about height and ur kids heights. if u love a mfr, what's their height gotta do with it????? if ur kids are short thats their problem ;(;(;(;(;(;(;( they'll learn to deal with it. LOL

    imagewe are the two as oneimage

  • When I see posts like this - it's like a wake-up call and reminder that we really haven't progressed as much as we'd like to believe. T.T

    There's several layers here.

    Sure - it all seems so superficial and crazy that this is a thing but in real life, there are so many people thinking like this woman and the obvious elephant in the room that her older brother has some personal trauma that is not recognized. So again - mental and emotional care is NOT recognized or prioritized.

    Instead of recognizing the older brother's trauma for what it is, the woman is now seriously considering how if her future child is 'short,' how it would be for her child. Of course, it is the woman's choice and I hope she makes the choice that she can be happy and live with. I also hope her family can also help her older brother too. For clarification, I don't agree with the woman or her older bro. Just thinking how they got to this place.

    It is thoughts like this that has led to the whole human engineering and "Designer Baby" issue. Or how many parents abandon their baby because they aren't "perfect" to what they expect or want etc. It's terrible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Designer_baby

    Also, Asians grew taller today than their parents for the past several decades due to the introduction of milk into our regular diet. For example, in Thailand - commerical milk farms didn't get set-up until the 1960's as a special project between King Rama 9 and the Danish government sending over dairy cows - which a decade later becomes the Thai-Danish Dairy Farm and their milk is still sold today etc. Where I used to live in northern Japan, the village became a dairy village in addition to fishing around the same time period etc. Now the village is famous for its milk and ice cream.

    Edited once, last by Yinye ().

  • damn I'm 168 and luckily my wife who is about the same height as me decided that wasn't really an issue lol

    god didn't give me the height or looks but they did give me the

  • That is on a whole another level --- when it comes to race or even inter-racial/ethnicity in Asia. Just thinking back on how long it took my Chinese grandma to accept my mom since she wasn't Chinese.

    I totally get it. My grandmother was not invited to my uncle's wedding - yup, he married a white woman. His older brother gave in to his mother's wishes and married a Chinese woman. They are now divorced while his younger brother is still married to his white wife. The kicker? My grandmother isn't even full Asian herself. She bears a grudge towards her non-Asian mother who gave her up to her Chinese father at 3 years old.

  • I totally get it. My grandmother was not invited to my uncle's wedding - yup, he married a white woman. His older brother gave in to his mother's wishes and married a Chinese woman. They are now divorced while his younger brother is still married to his white wife. The kicker? My grandmother isn't even full Asian herself. She bears a grudge towards her non-Asian mother who gave her up to her Chinese father at 3 years old.

    Thanks for sharing ~ it's true that marriage lasts not because of race/ethnicity but about common values and strengthen of relationship between the two. I also think trauma impacts soooooo much the life choices one makes. I also realized it myself now that I'm older.

    My parents also divorced but not because of Chinese grandma and the family cultural drama - it's actually due to my Chinese father having an affair and it all came out because she got pregnant. Then all of a sudden my whole Chinese family accepted my mom fully and begged her not to leave/divorce.

    One day if I have time, I can write a story based on my family's drama...

    Edited once, last by Yinye ().

  • Thanks for sharing ~ it's true that marriage lasts not because of race/ethnicity but about common values and strengthen of relationship between the two. I also think trauma impacts soooooo much the life choices one makes. I also realized it myself now that I'm older.

    My parents also divorced but not because of Chinese grandma and the family cultural drama - it's actually due to my Chinese father having an affair and it all came out because she got pregnant. Then all of a sudden my whole Chinese family accepted my mom fully and begged her not to leave/divorce.

    One day if I have time, I can right a story based on my family's drama...

    Oh lord, this reads like my grandmother's case.

  • Oh lord, this reads like my grandmother's case.

  • We also had a milk revolution in south asia in 1970s

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