should pitbulls be allowed as pets?

  • Every time you read stories like this, its always the pit bulls, every SINGLE time

    Mother left fighting for her life after she tried to shield children from family pit bulls in fatal mauling
    Mom has ‘an uncountable amount of stitches and bite marks over her entire body including her face’

    Centuries of breeding resulted in a perfect killing dog, no amount of training can guarantee they wont just switch off and kill someone

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  • why is this in klounge

    its selfmate fault lol

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  • Some people love those breeds and swear by them, and always hype them up. Yes ANY breed of dog can turn on you, any breed of dog can bite you. But I personally am deathly afraid of pitbulls. They scare the living shit out of me. I'm not gonna lie, I don't trust them. I used to work at a kennel there was one that was abused and abandoned, he was sweet but It still scared me, I always had this fear that he could one day just snap. They are so unpredictable. Good for the people who trust them and see the good in them. I, for one, will never take that risk. And yes, I'm aware of "a chihuahua can hurt you worse then a pitbull story" in fact no dog bite is ever pleasant, no attack would ever be pleasant. But I would trust my dachshund, our german shepherd, and our Golden Retriever over a Pitbull.

  • Yes. Technically, there is only one actual "pit bull" breed, but stories like the linked ones take "anything that looks kind of blocky" and if you did that with any breed and labeled it "dalmatians" or "daschunds" you would come to the same conclusion that it's something to be feared.

    There needs to be more repercussions for terrible owners; dogs have been bred to be loyal and try so, so hard to make their owners happy. It's awful the miserable way that American laws, at least, repay them for that.

    let's be friends


  • Some people love those breeds and swear by them, and always hype them up. Yes ANY breed of dog can turn on you, any breed of dog can bite you. But I personally am deathly afraid of pitbulls. They scare the living shit out of me. I'm not gonna lie, I don't trust them. I used to work at a kennel there was one that was abused and abandoned, he was sweet but It still scared me, I always had this fear that he could one day just snap. They are so unpredictable. Good for the people who trust them and see the good in them. I, for one, will never take that risk. And yes, I'm aware of "a chihuahua can hurt you worse then a pitbull story" in fact no dog bite is ever pleasant, no attack would ever be pleasant. But I would trust my dachshund, our german shepherd, and our Golden Retriever over a Pitbull.

    pitbulls bite force is just too fucking strong. If they latch on you, you are dead unless someone can shoot them in the next 10 sec.

    I saw a vid of one attacking a small kid, the dad kept stabbing the mofo but it wasnt letting go even after it was stabbed 10 times.

    I almost got attacked by one when I was young. The only reason it didnt get me was bc the owner put his own arm in his mouth. Im pretty sure he lost that arm.

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  • Yes. Technically, there is only one actual "pit bull" breed, but stories like the linked ones take "anything that looks kind of blocky" and if you did that with any breed and labeled it "dalmatians" or "daschunds" you would come to the same conclusion that it's something to be feared.

    There needs to be more repercussions for terrible owners; dogs have been bred to be loyal and try so, so hard to make their owners happy. It's awful the miserable way that American laws, at least, repay them for that.

    I think any dog breed with bite force that is stronger than bears should not be a pet.

    if we consider bears too dangerous to be pets, then same should go toward dog breeds that can kill as easy as bears.

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  • pitbulls bite force is just too fucking strong. If they latch on you, you are dead unless someone can shoot them in the next 10 sec.

    I saw a vid of one attacking a small kid, the dad kept stabbing the mofo but it wasnt letting go even after it was stabbed 10 times.

    I almost got attacked by one when I was young. The only reason it didnt get me was bc the owner put his own arm in his mouth. Im pretty sure he lost that arm.

    I believe they can "lock their jaw" which other breeds can't. So getting them off someone is definitely impossible. They have been bred for whatever reason and used for the wrong reasons. One of them is dog fighting. They have strength other breeds don't. There's a reason they are illegal in most places to even own. But again, everyone has their story and lovers and owners will claim they are the sweetest, loving, friendliest, loyal dogs.

    I just don't buy it.

  • I believe they can "lock their jaw" which other breeds can't. So getting them off someone is definitely impossible. They have been bred for whatever reason and used for the wrong reasons. One of them is dog fighting. They have strength other breeds don't. There's a reason they are illegal in most places to even own. But again, everyone has their story and lovers and owners will claim they are the sweetest, loving, friendliest, loyal dogs.

    I just don't buy it.

    someone with an unfriendly pitbull moved into my parents neighborhood and I had unfortunate encounter of meeting it for the first time this weekend. It literally tries to pull toward any young child or other dogs it sees. Its a disaster bounding to happen. I ordered pepper spray for my parents. I hope it works

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  • Pit bulls don't even rank in the top ten of dogs with the strongest bite force.

    ban them all

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  • Yes, ban all dogs except those tiny cute ones ( i don't know the name). I have been chased by a pitbull before. I almost died. Please, if you are walking your dog hold them well. I will just be walking on the streets minding my own business and one dog will start chasing me. i hate this.

    i hate it wen someone's dog is chasing you but the owner is like its harmlesssss

    like i dont give a fuck, it shouldnt be chasing me

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  • No, I don't think so. There are always stories of people being mauled by them and I think they should be banned. I'm not a dog person anyway and am always frightened of those breeds or any aggressive dogs.

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    this is interesting info

    for me pitbulls are for advanced owners

  • i honestly dont trust any dog with a teeth big enough to hurt me but bigger dogs regardless of race scare me the most because you can't really fight with them, golden retrievers, collies, huskys and the list goes on and on...

    about the story tho I don't know about others but I woudln't let any toddler near a dog let alone a dog they didn't grew up with, I feel for the mother she probably didn't know better

  • i honestly dont trust any dog with a teeth big enough to hurt me but bigger dogs regardless of race scare me the most because you can't really fight with them, golden retrievers, collies, huskys and the list goes on and on...

    about the story tho I don't know about others but I woudln't let any toddler near a dog let alone a dog they didn't grew up with, I feel for the mother she probably didn't know better

    goldens are an exceptions

    they are like chillest creatures, they just dont really attack anyone

    as their name suggests they have been breed to retrieve things, not really to hunt and kill

    I think the history of why a certain breed exist really plays into their behaviors

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  • What I don't understand is why ordinary people insist on owning such breeds in the first place.

    Aren't there enough dog breeds out there who haven't been bred to be aggressive killers?

    It's like people who can barely drive a Mini Cooper without killing someone buying racing cars that can go 300 mph. All it is, it's a fatal accident waiting to happen.

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