Frequent comebacks are hurting Twice

  • It's no secret that Twice is overworked, they have a CB every month basically. And it is too much. Like there are so many comebacks one after another, they'll do a Korean comeback followed immediately by a Japanese one.

    I'm not excited for between 1&2 at all, I mean we just had Celebrate. Twice feels like Marvel phase 4, there is so much content it gives you fatigue cuz you can't keep up.

    Formula of Love: O+T=<3 was their 3rd full album, normally full albums are a big deal for groups, there's more promotion, etc. But with Twice it was like: eh another one. The feels was their first all-English single and the promotion sucked, they released a teaser in August when the song dropped in October. WTF?

    And I like the music feels like they're just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. I think after this CB they need to take a break, think about what direction they wanna go in, have some rest and let people miss them a little. That way when they come back people will be hyped.

  • Is the title track for their next album talk that talk? Bc i heard the snippet from the highlight medley yesterday and that song doesn’t sound like it’s gonna do damage and take charts by storm, i’m sorry to say

  • Lord I'm tired of this nonsense. Twice being overworked is so 3 years ago. Literally. If you actually follow them on any social media you'll know they just had a break and most have been chilling since the tour finished. A couple members were travelling together, hell Jihyo has a vlog up of her holiday with sejeong.

    Their language CB's are for two different markets, if anything lack of promotions in Japan is hurting their japanese fanbase not too much content.

    If you think this is content fatigue you really don't know what 2017-18 was like in Twiceland. Also FOL was dropped right before their tour, you really expect them to prioritise going on TV shows to promote vs resting and isolating before tour during a pandemic?

  • 2018 was alot worse

    They had Candy Pop, and then What is Love and then Wake Me Up, and DTNA 3 months after WIL, and then BDZ literally a month later and then Yes or Yes and THEN The Best Thing I Ever Did. Compared to that this is nothing lol and i feel like if the girls themselves felt overworked they wouldn't have resigned. Scientist -> TTT is already one of their longest hiatuses ever

  • The thing is most idols especially JYPE idols don't have another source of income other than music. You all need to stop comparing Blackpink to everyone.

    Blackpink literally have their own tik Tok , instagram accounts, YouTube channels, huge model contracts which others don't have.

    Twice just opened their individual accounts. Give them time to branch out and explore their solo careers first before you force to go on a hiatus.

    Also they only had like 2 comebacks so far. seriously chill with your fake concern.

  • We’re tired the same opinions everyday, their last cb was released like 6 months ago. Their TT not being great don’t undermine the fact their b-sides are great. Even their Japanese discography is so much better than some kpop group’s discographies.

    a) If you can t handle opinions without being triggered don't comment cuz that's what's tiring.

    b) I didn't say the b sides weren't good, I like the b-sides (especially conversation and last waltz)

    c) I didn't say their Japanese comebacks were bad.

  • They had MONTHS after the tour as time off.

    Alright jezz, I didn't realize the Once fandom was this bad. You're acting as if I just insulted Twices entire bloodline. Like chill, I'm not saying they're the most horrible group to ever exist in all mankind.

    Funny how in all my posts (and some of them weren't really nice to some groups) this is the only one where people are up in arms.

  • Alright jezz, I didn't realize the Once fandom was this bad. You're acting as if I just insulted Twices entire bloodline. Like chill, I'm not saying they're the most horrible group to ever exist in all mankind.

    Funny how in all my posts (and some of them weren't really nice to some groups) this is the only one where people are up in arms.

    You spread misinformation by saying Twice is currently overworked, we corrected you. And saying that Twice is overworked when they aren't would obviously strike a nerve with the fandom. The phrase is constantly used as a fake concern to make backhanded remarks about Twice and people are sick of it. You can't say something that's a surefire way to piss a fandom off and then act surprised when they get pissed off. I read your post and I don't think you were attacking them. Just please don't be as careless with your wording.

    💞 💞

  • surefire way to piss a fandom off

    I am not "spreading misinformation", I am saying my opinion. I did not write this saying "these are the absolute facts". I feel (emphasis on feel) like they have been having too many CB and that some time to regroup would be nice. It's just what it feels like to me. It doesn't mean I am right, I could just perceive it wrong. Maybe I didn't really notice the hiatus they were on much, so they looked overworked to me.

    But it still doesn't excuse your (and others' behavior). Coming here putting words in my mouth, pretending I'm some huge thrice (do we still use that?). This is also a new account so I don't know what people usually post here or what "triggers" fandoms. If this topic triggers you so much then don't comment. Scroll on by.

  • I do listen actually, I listen to them every comeback. If you bothered to notice I literally recommend someone good Twice Japanese songs in this thread just a few comments up. But you don't really care about that.

    I do agree they should time the release more but Twice doesn't comeback that much as they used to. If you arent excited that cools but that's more of a you thing

  • And I like the music feels like they're just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks.

    But it's working for twice globally. Imagine if that one song doesn't stick. The group loses it's status. Twice has been very lucky that one song hits with global audience out of their multiple releases. It's been done since 2017.

    2017- likey

    2018- what is love

    2019- fancy

    2020- i can't stop me

    2021- the feels

    They have had one hit every year which is why they are the top girl group.

    Red velvet is similar to twice. they had one hit every year to be a top group.

    2017- peekaboo

    2018- badboy


    2021- none

    2021 they didn't and that was game over for them.

    This is what top groups do even bts. release multiple songs every year and one sticks.

    Kpop companies should never attempt to do a blackpink. It will work if the first release every year is a hit like 2017 aiiyl 2018 d4 2019 ktl. But if the first song doesn't click, the year can only be saved with a hit second release or it's a huge loss. Blackpink has three releases in 2020 two releases in 2022 and both these years they only need 1 hit to keep their top group status.

  • Yes, 2021 was "game over" for Red Velvet. That explains how they came back with their biggest sales ever the following year, and it's not even over. :rolleyes:

    for the love of god and all that is holy, I DID NOT MENTION BLACKPINK.

    You sound agitated. Is it because they haven't been in your area for so long? :/ I can imagine everything else feeling "frequent" by comparison.

  • You sound agitated

    I am agitated. Like people keep mentioning blackpink when I didnt mention them or compare them with twice at all.

    They keep acting like I'm insulting twice. Like I'm saying their songs are bad when I'm not.

    Like I'm okay with disagreeing with someone, I like talking with people about stuff.

    But when you have people who don't even read what you wrote and just project their stuff into gets annoying.

  • Ive and aespa and itzy have been above red velvet this year. I meant that the other groups have become bigger than red velvet globally.

    You suggested they hadn't any hits since 2019 and that was "game over" for them, which is blatantly dishonest. They are still a top girl group in their 8th year, even without all the media play SM rains down on Aespa. And you're kidding yourself if you think a group like Itzy is genuinely bigger than Red Velvet.

    It's probably because what you're saying makes no sense if not from the perspective of someone whose favorite group has been on a long hiatus. When you put them into the proper context, Twice's releases have objectively been reasonably infrequent this year.

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