What are your favorite songs from TWICE 'Celebrate' Album? 15
Tick Tock (6) 40%
Flow Like Waves (4) 27%
Doughnut (4) 27%
That's All I'm Saying (3) 20%
Bitter Sweet (3) 20%
Sandcastle (3) 20%
Just be Yourself (3) 20%
Celebrate (2) 13%
Voices of Delight (2) 13%
What are your favorite songs from Celebrate album? This is a complete no-skip album for me, I love it so much and probably my second favorite Twice full album after Eyes Wide Open
You can choose no more than 3 from the poll (and yes, I'm including Just be Yourself and Doughnut because even though they are pre-released singles, they still belong with a family)
My favorite songs are Sandcastle and Tick Tock
And this is how I would rank each song on the album
1. Sandcastle
2. Tick Tock
3. Flow Like Waves/Just Be Yourself
4. Celebrate
5. Bitter Sweet
6. That's All I'm Saying
7. Voices of Delight
8. Doughnut