Will you purchase Ateez's LE badge? 9
Yes (7) 78%
I can try (2) 22%
No (0) 0%
As you are aware, Ateez's comeback is right around the corner and we're hoping to have at least a group LE badge for the atinys.
Atinys are not much active in this forum so we need to be sure if we have at least 10 interested buyers who want and can purchase the badge for sure.
LE badge cost around 1000 akorns and 950 akorns if we do the preorder.
Let me know if you're interested in getting their badge, I hope we reach at least the minimum requirements.
Copying the taglist posted by xx-jenn-xx
Interested in sign ups so far -
Still unconfirmed
@xd-jenn-xx and I think submission in September would be fine, are you all okay with it?