At least they charted at 13 and put up Drake Numbers. Imagine how bad the other groups are going to do. Billboard always been racist and I’ve told y’all that. If they think my boys are below western artists despite them being better than avg then they think worse about other K-pop groups and solos. Years ago Jpop was popular in 2000 and they manipulated the charts because they were Asians. They have multiple #1s and still pulling numbers others won’t. Jungkook charted better than most groups. I’ve been a fan of them since they were like nugu and I am happy for what they accomplished. No body can’t take away from what they done. K-pop was known but not accepted or as big as now. I used to get laughed at by friends and fam for listening to them. Those same people listen to them now and spread their music. Haters were hating they had English songs but didn’t say sh*t about others but now mad they have a Korean song charting 🤣. Losers always hate when you’re the shit.
BTS are affected by the new rules for Hot 100 so will y’all Favs
OP is using internet explorer or?...
Noted with thanks?
BP doesn't rely on website sales to chart anyways
They will still chart better than they did in 2020 with all their singles cause the streams will be higher ✔️
This random anger... Billboard announces a new rule and your immediate thought is to trash on other groups/fandoms?? like did a fight happen or something I'm so confused
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