not at people keep calling SHINee "mid-tier" when they are 2nd best selling their generation
Your success stan era
Your success stan era
After 14 years my time has arrived
But now I got a table to throw into people face
But now I got a table to throw into people face
flex on those mid tier group stans lulu oppar!!!!!
Imagine if they had debuted in this day and age of instant streams and enhanced social medias!
What they've achieved is truly wonderful!
Yes they nugu tier
Even if they didn't have the peaks of groups like BigBang or SuJu, their fandom and sales talks for themselves... on the top 4 of boygroups from that gen for sure. My theory is because they debuted later than any of those groups, people compare them more to the likes of EXO (same company and started 3rd gen) so they think that everything on 2nd gen below TVXQ or BigBang was mid-tier.
tru tru
Couldn't agree more
You shouldn't be lumping together solo sales with group sales, especially in an inconsistent manner (the Wonder Girls figure does not include solos).
That being said, I do agree that SHINee is one of the top groups of their generation.
I'm still suprised at WG sale
I thought they will be top 5 or over 1M for sure
Yes they nugu tier
Right beside jichu
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