Worst teacher you've ever had?
I can only think about the teacher who used the word "disabled" as an insult in class and once told me as a joke that he would date me after I graduated.
Toss up between
2nd grade teacher - regularly screamed at us for no reason also most people believed her to be racist because she was overly terrible to black and latino students in her class. I remember once we were cleaning out our desks and she thought one of the black girls in my class wasn't doing it so she literally went and tipped over her desk and almost hit her with it.
high school Spanish teacher - rude, hateful, and mean to everyone... made extremely inappropriate comments to girls in his classes and was allegedly fired for sexual harassment of another teacher (no one knows for sure... he just up and left at the end of one year and they didn't even have a replacement lined up for him)
My secondary school maths teacher. We the top class so it was expected we get the better grades. The bastard would never mark our books nor explain things when we asked for help. He would just set work and expect us to finish but give us detention of we didn't do the work. We realised we could write any old shit in our exercise books and we'd get no detention.
It got so bad that for our mock exams most of us barely managed to scrape Cs Bs and only 2 got As (I got B). He got pissed off at us then he finally realised because he never makred our work most of the class didn't know exactly how to do shit like trigonometry, quadratic equations etc. We compalikes to our head of department
He got replaced and finally got a competent teacher who explained things in detail AND actually marked our books with helpful notes.
Unfortunately it was too late as after our final exams only quarter the class got B and above (I got an A through sheer hard revision, not because I actually learned how things like I did for science for example) while the rest got Cs.
He basically fucked over our entire class grades.
I can only think about the teacher who used the word "disabled" as an insult in class and once told me as a joke that he would date me after I graduated.
wtf go slap him
well he was kind of like my teacher the male P.E instructor in 6th grade he did a lot of disgusting things towards girls from entering the locker room and walking around while some girls were changing (the female coach took care of the girls locker room while he had to take care of the boys locker room) to overly touching some girls and making them uncomfortable, to a lot of other disturbing and weird things and he had been doing that since years I wonder if someone finally complained after I left the school
My statistics professor from first year. I don't know what he was teaching because whatever he taught never ended up in the exam. The first test we had, most of the class failed and the bell curve was the only thing that saved us. After that, half of the class actually ended up ditching his lecture and attending the lecture by another professor. And the other half depended on past exams to study.
My microbiology professor was the absolute worst. They had a track record of failing over 90% of their students. They would assign quizzes that was supposed to relate to their lecture or textbook, but none of the content in the quizzes matched at all. Oh and their exams where terrible, 15 short answer questions and 5 multiple choice. If you missed at least one detail in your short answer you get 0 credit. They also had a “study guide” to pair with the exams, but it was their way of cramming in new concepts 2 days before the exams. And god forbid you asked a question during lecture you straight up get verbally abused for “not reading the textbook”. What sucks about that is they assign the reading the night before, so like wtf?! There was like 23 of us in total, but in the end there were 4 of us left. Most students withdrew or dropped out of the course, but they were the only microbiology professor at the time so it meant summer school with them again or staying an extra sem. Luckily I aced that class, but I would never put myself through hell again it was waaaaay too time consuming.
I had a general paper (GP) teacher for A levels.
I literally did not study for shit for the entire 2 years. He didn't even give like any proper homework. I see other classes preparing like notes for revision, reading lots of articles and stuff. But for our class it's like he's just talking to himself and a few other students entertaining him. I was like dozing off or just full fledge sleeping most of the time. He give up like super long duration to complete assignments like stuff that were supposed to be completed in like maybe half an hour he will give us the whole entire lesson to finish it. I will like finish it early and just go to sleep
I learned nothing from this man
Also, I got an A for my A Levels GP paper.
girl you shouldve thrown the pencil case. HES EWIE
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