I don’t care if you bullied in high school

  • If you’re not a socio path nor a danger to society, laughing at someone, cracking jokes every once in a while.

    The long and the end of it is that every story has two perspectives. Wrong and right, good and evil don’t exist and perpetuating an action that nobody can uphold 100% of their life is wrong. We’re currently holding all of these teenagers accountable for actions as if they’re adults committing war crimes.

    High school doesn’t even truthfully have “bullies” in the archetypal sense of the word that you’re speaking to. There are friends, acquaintances, strangers, and people that you don’t get along with, something fundamentally true for all people. Being a victim isn’t good, healing is good. Stop creating victims and blowing things out of proportion.

  • High school doesn’t even truthfully have “bullies” in the archetypal sense of the word that you’re speaking to. There are friends, acquaintances, strangers, and people that you don’t get along with, something fundamentally true for all people. Being a victim isn’t good, healing is good. Stop creating victims and blowing things out of proportion.


  • Korea's youth suicide rate jumped nearly 50 per cent from 6.4 to 9.4 per every 100,000 people in the past 10 years, according to data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

    According to the survey by National Youth Policy Institute, about 23.4 per cent of Korean youths thought of committing suicide in 2012.

    Concern about academic performance was the most dominant reason for 36.7 per cent of respondents, followed by family troubles and school violence for 23.7 per cent and 7.6 per cent, respectively.

  • I always see people saying stuff like that. As a person who was bullied from grades 6-10, I would definitely not be happy to see my tormentor being adored and even defended, despite knowing that they inflicted psychological harm on me.

    I‘m not saying that Garam did it, the proof is not clear enough for that, but it’s sickening to see people downplay bullying.

    It’s been 2 years since my bully thankfully left the school and I’m still trying to recover my self-esteem. Stop patronizing people for not wanting to support a bully

  • Seems like you haven't seen any high school k-drama or didn't read about past stories about people from entertainment industry which bullied other kids.

    Not to mention just in recent days there was group of high schoolers caught on CCTV beating up person from their school.

  • High school doesn’t even truthfully have “bullies” in the archetypal sense of the word that you’re speaking to.

    The bullies in my high school used to beat students after school time, you can't give them all a pass. The bullying related to idols is often exaggerated but that doesn't mean that no teenager bullies anyone, you have some example like Jisoo who deserved to be called out for what he did to others.

  • lots of people I know from AKP have been bullied at school (including myself)

    for me it was in primary school and although the experience made me more resilient I can't speak for others since everyone reacts and handles bullying differently...

    whilst I have no lingering effects from such bullying the same cannot be said of everyone else who suffers bullying

    people have been known to take their own lives - suffer years of trauma and mental health issues - some go on to bully others - different strokes for different folks

    even if you've never been a bully or on the receiving end it might good OP to show some compassion and sympathise with others who have suffered as a result

  • We’re currently holding all of these teenagers accountable for actions as if they’re adults committing war crimes.

    the only person with a bullying issue at the moment is an actual teenager

  • If you’re not a socio path nor a danger to society, laughing at someone, cracking jokes every once in a while.

    The long and the end of it is that every story has two perspectives. Wrong and right, good and evil don’t exist and perpetuating an action that nobody can uphold 100% of their life is wrong. We’re currently holding all of these teenagers accountable for actions as if they’re adults committing war crimes.

    High school doesn’t even truthfully have “bullies” in the archetypal sense of the word that you’re speaking to. There are friends, acquaintances, strangers, and people that you don’t get along with, something fundamentally true for all people. Being a victim isn’t good, healing is good. Stop creating victims and blowing things out of proportion.

    Tell you me you are a verbal and physical abuse apologist without telling me you are a verbal and physical abuse apologist

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