just listened to the Enhypen cover, and it just made me mad again
Posts by dai-kua
playing devils advocate, I'll give a realistic number.
they'll debut between #30 - #23 on Melon Top 100
and it'll be a slow climb up, like how Antifragile was slow going up- until it finally reached #2.
the highest peak for "Easy" will be #5...I don't see it going higher than that because it sound like a basic hiphop/rnb song.
now MAYBE a b-side will go viral like EPBW did.
maybe "Swan Song" or "We Got So Much"
Okay I have to admit I love the fact that not only did you mention Yoshi (One of my favourite street wear fashion idols, and producer) but also Song Mino. It's very rarely I see them mentioned here 😊✌🏻
For the question I would say yes and no for both the good things and the bad, but now that I look at Kpop through a different and far more healthy lens so to speak, for me at first got me into dancing although since I realized I have no rhythm and stage fright I kinda quit lol, but people like Vanner Gon and OnlyOneOf's KB did get me into working out (Gon even reacted to my message on bubble after cutely mentioning my bad Korean and gave me courage lol), and made me start eating better.
Idols like A.C.E's Donghun and Pentagon's Kino kinda got me interested in design, and since Donghun sometimes posts the current design of his room while Kino shares his studio, it def made me room less boring and stylish, even if my paintings are plain and basic. It at least has colour now.
Something I'm not sure if KPop has done for people, is that I started saying, 'Thank you for supper', 'Thanks for breakfast' when it's rarely that I don't cook for myself. My Mum smiles everytime I say it.
Ahhh so you picked up on some sayings too.
I have as well lol
And didnt Kino have that show with Song Jia from inferno on youtube, before her scandal.
the show always talked about fashion and jewelry and he was showing his collections hahaha I remember that, because I loved his pearl necklaces and chains
They copy overseas fashion 🤷♀️
Thats what i said in the comment above yours😂
I just said I like the way they style theirs sometimes
I don't think so
Also a few elements of how these people dress themself are trend in other countries too at the moment and people incorporte it to their style without even caring since they might just think it suits themself and than buy it
I have gigantic round glasses that used to be a trend in Asia and especially Korea many years ago but when they started to be trendy in Europe too and barly any other style of glasses suit my face or I just don't like how the glasses look like I tried them on in the store and like how they look at my face, but if you look around you will see so many other random people with the same glasses on. Same happend with pants for example. Cargopants and baggy pants got in style in Asia first and a few years later you see Europeans wearing them everywhere too and since I needed new pants, saw some cute cargo pants and found nothing else that fits my bodyshape, I bought them.
That's how it works, something is trending somewhere and eventually other parts of the world get onto the trend too a while later.
My fashion style is I would say nothing to specific so yeah
Also for makeup, I do like makeup since I was little. As a kid of caurse my mom bought me a children's play kit with tiny lipstick and shitty pigmented eyeshadow. So when I got older I started to do my makeup more often and now I do it every day I go out. I also try to get more into skincare since I started many years ago but never did it on a daily basis but now I try to at least do it every evening and however when I thought only 1 product to clean makup off and a face cream would be enough, it was a video of some woman who tried a Korean skincare (she had American product cause she couldn't find out how to ship the stuff to her house from Korea back than but she tried to find stuff with similiar ingredients in America) and she thought she saw results for having more steps in her routin, I considered getting more items too. Now I use a face peeling to clear my face (every time before showering, so 2-3 times a week), a serum (for a glowy skin) a face cream (against pimples and blackheads) and an eyecream (against the dark circles I have that also gives hydration to the undereye)
Thats all I can think of at the moment to say here
im not too sure where you live, since you only mentioned Europe and Asia.
but im Japanese-American, and i know most style trends started here..especially the baggy clothes look and the whoever Y2K thing girls had going on.
i think its cool other parts of the world, including kpop idols can take that inspiration from the U.S and make their own style 🔥
i already have my own style, i have tattoos and piercings, with dyed hair.
some might see how i dress and call it cyberpunk or "emo".
BUT seeing certain male kpop idols made me take my looks more seriously and there's a few things i bought just because i seen a idol with it.
here's a few examples of some style inspiration i saw and "copied" u can say :
TXT Yeonjun
DPR Live (he's a khiphop artist)
Girls can dance though
Was just not expecting the lip sync to be so in-your-face like that
. But this has become so normalized in kpop so I frankly don’t see why it necessitated a thread
it was made into a thread because of how horrible it was....i just couldnt take how bad they did one of my favorite songs
See as long as it's not Jungkook lip syncing his own song, I quite frankly don't care if others do.
It would only be an issue for me if Kiss Of Life lip syncs their own songs if I was their fan.
Its not even the fact that they lip synced, because majority of kpop idols do nowadays, even the older ones.
It's how bad the actual lip synching was.
Like they barely moved their lips, and in most parts the didn't move their lips AT ALL.
Natty could've did better too, but I'll give her credit for making a little effort to "act" like she at least singing the words.
no effort to move lips, just look pretty and dance
External Content twitter.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.(natty lip synced the "best" out of the rest, so I'll let her slide a little bit)
I just hope not. Its enough that they already released it as a single.
performing "I Need U" all around the world like its their own original song