Posts by Guestty
When Wonyoung retires, she'll be like Sunny giving tips to other idols
I doubt it. She doesn't seem to be girl's girl as in see everybody's either not equal or a potential competition. It's hilarious how wonyoung and yujin duo stans celebrate everytime they interact with each other.
Because it's crazy how Sullyoon was fan girling and praising her just to end up sharing how they didn't even talk during filming content for mama even though they sat right next to each other.
To op: I don't believe she's this angel everyone loves to claim her to be. She's a human. She's been shady on camera multiple times but due to excessive hate, annoying people act like she can't be criticized or be the topic of gossip.
Although everyone's fake af. What's annoying about her is her faking this creepy voice when her real voice is deep af. It's like she refuses to grow up when she tried to pretended to "accidentally" call Rei "unnie".
She's like those weirdo female streamers who fake their voices to attract pedo watchers to make money.
gidle in korea? soyeon is the type who needs the group otherwise she will not do that well. miyeon won't chart like bp girlies did. soyeon's a rapper and not a good vocalist with a good vocal tone plus she doesn't have pretty privelege. all the catchy parts of gidle songs are sang by vocalists. they don't have a big fandom to do well outside korea except for china and thailand
meanwhile karina and winter are more popular, have actual big fandoms and can sing. they may not chart internationally but they will definitely do good in korea
newjeans: hanni and dani have the most potential but to dominate? i doubt it, haerin is too shy and not expressive and hyein is the most unpopular
aespa: karina obviously, sm need to give her a good song. winter will be good too as long as she doesn't get exposed for her dating, she's called taeyeon 2.0 for a reason. ningning could've been the star but she's chinese and has too many token stans so maybe in china. i do hope she gets more popular, she is the perfect solo material out of all 4th girlies.
lsf: chaewon only. in korea only though. maybe with playlisting outside she could but eh. yunjin will flop everywhere
ive: yujin ofc. though she tries too hard sometimes, she has a good chance since starship has good enough ear for catchy music. but i feel like the song will still be basic. unfortunately liz will flop. i doubt starship will bother giving her a good song. wonyoung can't sing an entire song on her own without background vocals and she's already too much cringe on the stage so nah
baemon: if yg manages to make them popular or at least ahyeon then yeah, she has at least one chance internationally too but yg would have to try and they won't so yeah lol. i don't feel they will be anywhere near bp's success
teddy's and sm new gg are the last candidates. teddy's girls are the only girls have the chance to be popular in korea AND internationally while sm in korea. though teddynewgg will have 7? members and idk
korea: karina, winter, possibly teddy and sm girls
internationally: maybe baemon and teddy gg
illit isn't trending the way newjeans did at least in korea
the song? yeah but not the members.
and it's too early to say who's where
4th leaders started touring only recently and it will take another 2 years to determine who's the final boss at the top. It took bp 4 years to do it bc 2020 was their year with selling the first 1m and etc
Ive wanted to pull newjeans with 3 single + engllish single and flopped failing to enter melon within hours and it took like a month to finally get #1 and there was no competition. Though their tour seems successful. Let's see how nj will do
although i don't really consider illit baemon or teddy's new gg 5th gen, that just doesn't feel right.
Flopwice still the second highest GG, I thought they got ended by 4th genners
for some reason twice and ive stans stay fighting each other on twitter
it's hilarious how arrogant and brave ive stans became
ive are lucky baddie finally and eventually got that #1 bc before it they were flopping for their standards while twice were still killing during their 3rd year and winning daesangs
pannchoa and reddit users praised ive's first full album so much that i had so many expectations just for it to be @ss and poop
besides titles, only two songs were memorable out of 9 songs. others were typical cash grab filler songs done by kpop companies.
that's when i remembered how when sm invests, they do on a level no one can. like when you say masterpirce, album of the year, i think of exo albums. No skips, no songs you will forget one second later. Those kind of albums where every song could have been a title track or a single.
Aespa's my world is amazing too. It's a shame sm groups are not that popular internationally compared to hybe/yg/jyp bc they are the only ones who produce excellent b sides if they want to. They actually care about quality music even if their management is shtty
its so funny how minju trained with yg and got kicked out just for illit to be more successful in korea and internationally while baemon is stuck doing shtty music
magnetic is generic but its still million times better than sheesh.
nmixx girlies really have competitors for the worst debut song thanks to baemon
idk how it is in korea but internationally i fans brought it on themselves by tweeting all these hate tweets and making them viral bc kpop stans hate hybe
no one gaf about them until that paris fashion week no way they'd be breaking all those records without them
they'd still do good but they weren't on everyone's radar till that post
Not the first time a 16 or 17 year old idol gets attention for their visual. What's perplexing is that they are praising her visual while she looks like someone who could still pass for an elementary school student. The group's styling and concept also leans towards a younger than their actual age image. It's just strange to me that it's her type of visual that's attracting attention the most and not members like Yunah and Minju.
be fr
Yunah is weird looking. I'm not a fan of wonhee's visuals but not even i fans want to pretend yunah is otherwise her view count of her fancams would be decent bc i fans also love visuals. They are in hell in real life
I like newjeans music the most but its embarrassing how weak their vocals are. Mhj should have focused on their vocals, idk why she got beef with good live, but her weirdass wants to pretend she wants to break kpop stereotypes.
aespa doesnt need giselle no matter how hard kpop fans pretend she is needed. Shes lucky her aunt slept with leesooman, no way she would have debuted by herself just like sunny's weird looks self. At least both can sing, i will give them credit. Karina's voice tone is overrated. Hyein's being Hyewon 2.0 is a tragedy
le ssesrafim concept is cheap af. Not a single song makes me want to replay. Eunchae IS a filler member. She brings NOTHING to the group. When she has a controversy that will make international fans turn on her, they will finally admit shes a dozen. Right now she has lsf and hybe behind her back. Wish Garam wasn't kicked so everyone would continue not gaf about her. Can't sing, mid alien visuals. She irritates tf outta me bc she doesn't even have a listenable speaking voice, I can't even watch her talk. Minji is useless too but at least she brings visuals and I cant listen to her talk without cringing. If Wonyoung acted like Eunchae, she would have gotten another ocean of hate.
nmixx doesn't need bae. Another useless member.Lily's voice tone is not cute. Haewon needs to fix her nose again. I'm sorry to the rest minus bae, they don't deserve their music.
ive doesn't need gaeul. another useless member that irritates me. Watching her TALK makes me sleepy. Leeseo is another one whos not needed in the group. She also does too much with the way she talks and pretends to be cute. wonyoung needs to stop being weird and leave that baby voice in the past. She does plenty of shady stuff but annoying stans want to act like shes immune to criticism.
bp music is good compared to bm obviously lmao
if bm had a quality girl crush music it would have been a non issue being a bp coded or copy
that's why illit is smashing records everywhere
them being nj 2.0 used to get them hate tweets from bp stans (the irony) but now that they can't drag them due to their achievements, being nj 2.o label isn't a reason people can hate them anymore. Who cares? bc they are super successful right now. Baemon can't say they can relate
Same thing happened to bp and the lashings they used to get for being 21 copy cat but prettier
Lmfao after all the brag and Yama-Chan trying to come for Twice them using Yoasobi to sell tickets
......they're a rookie group already performing at tokyo dome
i don't support dragging twice but you are delusional if you think they need artists to sell tickets
interesting you didn't mention rina bc she's not that relevant in japan
ador will make sure to give quality content not done by kpop girl groups before soooo makes sense they'd invite others
also i searched and if im not mistaken that duo will perform by themselves only in october for the first time
they performed there as an opening act for coldplay
so...the drag is not dragging
very good point!
she clearly loves to travel to paris and post worldwide known brands that are "bigger" (all idols love clot that would make them bigger in front of others it's korea cmon, what idol wouldn't kill to have blackpink members endorsements). I don't believe starship and her pick, they accept what they can get
Like she's ambitious & loves success and everyone mentions a lot just look at pannchoa comments. While other idols date, she'd never be caught, she prefers work success more etc. Iirc Yoona got global campaigns instead which was interesting. Newjeans' international cfs maybe due to hybe but I really believe their home cfs are all thanks to their success and it's organic.
Another good example would be blackpink members. All their brands are "big/important". Even Yujin got a bank endorsement and has more cfs than her
The fact that her own newest single didn't replace the previous at #1 and got #2 instead bc bibi BLOCKED her is CRAZY. Like it's IU THE digital monster and no matter what she releases and doesn't promote shouldn't be an issue at all. I'd understand bigbang or somoeone else blocking her but bibi?
Shows that not even iu is immune and not even she can release whatever she wants and the public will eat it up. They obviously showed they won't
I chose Nayeon Sana Momo Jihyo and Tzuyu and that was the result too haha
Nayeon and Jihyo don't need any explanation
Sana and Tzuyu are decent and they are the second pair that always get the most lines
Momo as the main dancer and rapper
Chaeyoung and esp Dahyun were not needed at all, both overrated with very weak vocals, they should be thankful to piggy back off other members' backs.
Also it's amazing Karina is where she is despite sm's mismanaging and gatekeeping her from the start. She debuted at 20 ( only getting cfs 3 years later and we know how Korea loves young girls) and is only starting now(many people seem to ignore this fact) yet is already behind at most 2 most popular girls in sk and even equal in sk and internationally
I'm more surprised at Wonyoung who was getting everything before she was 18 having such low views when it comes to youtube korea or overall stats. With her being the "it" girl, I expected Jennie or Lisa monster gap between her and the rest bc all big 3 girls aren't even promoted individually properly like she is. Winter alone has more better youtube results while W had 6 years start and wasn't even 20 like Winter and Karina were.