Posts by Bot7654

    I would say this isn’t true at all. Everyone who would know about RV knows about Twice. Just RV music is more catchy to what is popular in Korea as opposed to Twice currently.

    Catchiness only has to do with longevity. People don't know what the music sounds like before it's released. The initial figures such as chart debuts and ULs from the first few days are the number of people checking out the song without even knowing if it's catchy yet or not. If you are popular, people will check out your music at least once. Looking at the initial chart debuts and ULs, it's clear when you compare the two based on the numbers; Red Velvet still has some public interest, unlike Twice.

    #1 songs don't mean much when looking at the success of songs as a whole considering time of release is a major factor and how the song does after that can vary a lot. Considering how fast many of their #1s fell off the chart especially compared to other #1 songs. Several songs that only hit #2 or #3 end up being bigger than most #1s. Like Ooh Ahh ended up being a bigger hit than all but about two or three of Twice's #1s for example.

    Dear non existent gods just grow a pair, cut out the poor attempt at passive aggressiveness and just be honest.

    You have the subtlety of someone with Tourettes holding a sledgehammer in a ceramics store.

    Anyone can see your inability to mention Blackpink without some form of a backhanded comment for what it is.

    I've noticed it's usually not really about BP, but more about shading any girl group that's convenient to them at the time. It's how they cope with Twice's various underperformances. Some of the Onces seem to operate like that whether they realize it or not. Since Twice failed to sell out in Australia again recently, I've noticed many have begun to needlessly write such comments about other groups such as the comment you replied to.

    Red Velvet not touring is so bizzare to me. I don't think they can do stadiums, but they could definitely do arenas. Like ffs, Mamamoo did an Arena tour

    Maybe it's like f(x) since I think they only ever had like one concert. SM just doesn't like some of their girl groups touring much or maybe they put all their investment into their "main" girl group touring. So instead of Red Velvet, they are pushing Aespa.

    It's jyp fault

    They thought they can getting free first title like us stadium, with many free tickets and upgrades just to appear it's sold out btw, they keep getting away that's why they keep doing that, they don't care about profits just about titles.

    I don't think they were giving any away or if they were trying, I don't think they managed to give away many since it ended up only around 88-89 percent sold out even after reducing the capacity to under 30k.

    They had 6 songs until July, if you have followed BP's performance the last years you know how this works since they're the group with the biggest problems regarding the lack of songs.

    Ditto, OMG and Super shy are charting like BP titles. Even Hype boy is not too far below.

    Anyway my point was not to compare NJs with BP it was regarding the 4th gen records, obviously had to use NJs for that and BP is the reference internationally. Like I said BP is still above in terms of popularity but I insist, in terms of music performance yes, they are ''already there'', they don't have any metric missing to be compared to them excluding the cumulative numbers.

    None of any of those songs reached anywhere near the peak positions and peak streams globally that BP's most recent tracks had. BP's most recent tracks both had multiple days at #1 on spotify daily, one of which had #1 on the weekly global chart. That also applies to most (there are exceptions of course) of the country-specific spotify charts as well.

    They are having similar longevity as BP title tracks, but your point was besides cumulative numbers there is nothing missing, when clearly that is false by those facts alone. So no, they are not already there.

    Not highest Unique listeners, obviously.

    They already are the gg with the most weeks/months at #1 in Circle. They're the gg with the most weeks in the Melon top 10 (3rd artist overall just below IU and BB), girl group with the longest album at #1 in Melon (#1 is NJs, #2 is Ive, #3 is NJs with their other 2 albums tied...), they have the longest charting song ever (not just ggs but overall) at #1 (Ditto) and in the top 10 (Hype boy) in both Circle and Melon. Hype boy is bound to become the longest charting gg song in the top 100 with only Love dive being a realistic competition for that. This year they will become the only artist to chart 3 songs in the top 5 yearly + 4 songs in the top 10... Actually their performance is so ridiculously dominant in this era that I could be writting records for hours that they have basically made up themselves because they're things no one came close before.

    It's not Spotify Korea, in the world chart they're performing like BP, in the US even better than them. Of course they're not as popular as BP because their popularity comes from many years being a top groups and they're already entablished with tons of brand deals and different stuff, but if we talk about the music charting they're already there. They just need more time and more songs to catch up in the cumulative numbers.

    BP with no comebacks has more global streams on Spotify during 2023 than NewJeans this year with an entire new album. I wouldn't say they are "already there" yet, but they are certainly leaving every active group in the dust this year.

    It's really unfortunate Hamas committed the act of terrorism that led to the escalation which has ended up in the Israeli government's various atrocities. Israel's government is committing abhorrent acts, but so is Hamas. The Israeli and Palestinian people are unfortunate casualties in the fight between two groups committing war crimes. Neither side is innocent, but let's not blame any of the people for the horrific acts of the people in power on both sides. Let's hope this ends soon with the least amount of further lives lost, and that the two sides come to some agreement. Although with the statements from Hamas wanting to kill all Jews as well as Israel's new goal to break up Hamas leads me to think it may not be possible any time soon.

    He'll be fine. International opinion is pretty split since neither side is innocent with Palestine extremists' terrorism causing an international incident and Israel's extreme response.