Posts by oneinamiyeon

    Why are all the people who have worked closely with MHJ that have spoken up so far supportive of her? Wouldn't you stay quiet if you think Hybe's accusations could even be possibly true? Like, think of your own future in Hallyu with Hybe. They're a conglomerate now and whats more, they believe in music.

    And why hasn't Hybe been able to turn those people against MHJ? They almost succeeded with that VP with solid advice such as "think of your family," but even after all that he retracted his consent to the audit.

    What could they know that we, who already know exactly who MHJ is, don't?

    What the ****

    If it means what I think it means then it'd be like this:


    Like I've said since the first Megathread, spare us the fake concern and moral grandstanding. People are so invested because they hate NewJeans, hate how they speedran through achievements that took other groups years to do, and they've wanted nothing more than to see them fall.

    Hybe/YT version:

    I've wanted nothing more than to see them fall.


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    This is to confirm the so-called 'usurpation of management rights' attempt by CEO Min to attract external investors and sell HYBE's shares of Ador.

    I don't know. "Usurpation of management rights" sounds icky and illegal. Why not spell it out: "to see if a good offer could be made to Hybe to sell its shares of Ador." Not like Hybe is too polite to say no thanks, given how it's practically frothing at the mouth atp.

    Previously, HYBE also disclosed a conversation history in which CEO Min responded “jackpot” to Ador’s plan to secure cash through put options and purchase shares of Ador from Hive through financial investors (FIs).

    Since when did "daebak" come to mean "jackpot"? And it wasn't a response to Ador's plan, it was a response to the VP's "creative" imagination in his 1945 lore, which if there was a realistic path to bring to reality and actionable steps were taken as explained by lawyers, THEN it'd be a legal problem.

    So far, CEO Min has been protesting, saying, “I have never met any investor to seize management rights of the company.”

    This statement would hold up in court, but unfortunately could be chopped in half by Hybe, the first part used for mediaplay, then it might not hold up for many in the court of public opinion, who might think meeting with investors is somehow illegal.

    The complicated legal aspect regarding privacy rights here is that the executives at Ador reportedly did not use Hybe's internal messaging service for business talk but did everything through Kakaochat. That gives Hybe during the audit the right to request information from these kakaochats as they are then considered to be company related interest. That's why at big companies you should try to prevent holding any important work matters through private messaging apps. You're damaging your own privacy rights then.

    I think after moving to ADOR, after trust was lost, MHJ simply didn't want BSH to be able to spy on business operations at ADOR which he'd potentially be able to access through Hybe's internal messaging service. Of course, Hybe could audit, but that's an additional hurdle to jump through.

    so sus to even use a private messaging service like this...if you're not "doing anything wrong" why hide it? That's how it appears to me like they all thought they were being slick doing shit on kakaochat....if you are truly innocent you wouldn't go out of your way like that imo. :meme-gretchen-ugh:

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    my growing pains are my increasing headaches

    You're not alone in this argument. I see it used in support of gov't surveillance (for ex. Patriot Act, FISA 702 extension, access to info on paypal income over $600, crypto wallets etc.) .

    When will kpop companies stop projecting their own underhanded and illicit ways on foreign ones with strict compliance protocols?

    First we had Attract accusing Warner Music of trying to steal 5050, only to instantly have to backtrack when Warner responded.

    So, Hybe sees this and says "hold my beer" and goes ahead to accuse a foreign securities firm employee of all sorts of nonsense. Can't put my finger on exactly what though since it seemed like they've used a spaghetti on the wall with loaded terms approach. At least Attrakt's lies were coherent.

    The secondhand embarrassment...


    You're telling me nobody in that company reading contracts before signing, lazy as*ess.

    Who is Mr.A again, I'm lost

    Are you referring to the Hybe CEO?

    What happened was that after the "trust me bro" talk to get MHJ to sign the contract saying it's solid, when MHJ eventually found out the unfair terms in it and confronted him, he said he actually didn't read it all.

    I don't think he's lazy. I think he's lying.

    Bang PD made the ultimate mistake of giving MHJ shares. He was already generous in giving her full autonomy and being as hands-off with ADOR as MHJ wanted (but now complaining about but I digress) He didn't HAVE to give her anything more (because she put ZERO % into creating ADOR) and especially not his own money for her to be able to buy the 18% shares she now owns. She was already the highest-paid CEO in HYBE and by default the highest-paid woman in the industry.

    I could be wrong, but wasn't it a loan that would have to be paid back? And now that Hybe is moving to claw those shares back at par value with the clauses they put in the contract, she could possibly end up with $0 after she repays the loan. Justice, I guess?

    And are you suggesting she be tasked with heading up a label with no personal skin in the game? I wouldn't fault Hybe for trying, like say an owner of a franchise telling his workers at a celebratory meeting that they are amongst the highest paid workers in the industry to loud applause for his generosity. Meanwhile, he's laughing all the way to the bank since he knows the game - equity is where it's at. Think this only works with those with an employee mindset, not execs and CEOs.

    I don't think I've heard of a CEO with no equity stake. But I have heard of CEO's voluntarily taking a $1 salary to much praise. Wonder why that is.

    Had he never given her shares this early, this situation would have been delayed (at least) until she could produce the same results for her upcoming boy group and then renegotiate a better compensation package that would have accurately mirrored ADOR's evaluation. I would have been more understanding of her if after producing a successful girl group and boy group and Bang PD still rejected her, then have at it. Take him down.

    I'm confused. By that logic, why not delay it indefinitely until her 3rd gg debuts?

    Anyways, if you do the financial analysis, ADOR shares are undervalued right now. Foreign investors are surprised at the pricing and want in.

    Be careful what you wish for. Hybe is making out like a bandit rn. Wouldn't want them to have to accurately reprice ADOR with just the updated valuation of NewJeans, let along factoring in a bg.

    To be fair, unless you've been involved in deals or have experience with analysis in finance, the bar of financial literacy unfortunately could be hard to overcome for the average Joe, which gives room for the media to sensationalize and exploit for their narrative.

    But I couldn't agree more.

    Yeah doesn't like the financial advice itself isn't exactly what Hybe takes issue with, but the fact that the analyst received undisclosed information from MHJ and potentially used that for his own benefit by buying and selling Hybe stock at the right time. And then additionally Hybe believes Mr A. advice was from the beginning to support a takeover attempt by MHJ, to the point that he organized meetings with foreign investors.

    It's interesting as well that it is an analyst from a foreign security firm and not a korean one.

    I found that point very interesting as well, since foreign security firms are super strict when it comes to compliance, making me take the accusations with grain of salt. Also instantly reminded me of 50 50 CEO's accusation of Warner Music in addition to the producer to paint a picture of collusion before their moment of instant regret and backtracking.

    As far as the advice, if it consist of organizing meetings, gauging investor interest, even planning on presenting a financial offer to see if Hybe would be willing to sell their ADOR shares, then he's in the clear, Hybe's framing it as a "takeover attempt" notwithstanding.

    As far as insider trading do they have proof that Mr. A personally traded? And if Hybe is actually accusing the securities firm of short selling on inside information, the "Chinese wall" system investment banks use to separate traders and equity research analysts to prevent this sort of thing makes me have my doubts.

    But then again there's a lot we're not privy to that Hybe might be, so I guess we can see if the FSS takes this up as an indication of seriousness.

    In particular, Mr. A also advised on the put option conditions in the shareholder agreement signed between Hive and CEO Min, which was pointed out as the core of this conflict. In December last year, CEO Min requested Hive to revise the agreement between shareholders regarding the disposal of Adore shares. According to the contract, CEO Min could transfer his 13.5 % stake to Hive through a put option, and at this time, he requested that Adore's corporate value be changed from 13 times operating profit to 30 times.

    Mr. A believed that the standard for determining Adore's corporate value could be up to 35 times operating profit . Accordingly, it is reported that he advised Representative Min to propose a put option standard of about 30 times operating profit and proceed with the goal of agreeing to 20 times the amount in the final negotiations .

    I don't find issue with Mr. A's advice financially speaking. In fact I agree with it.

    I can appreciate this nuanced take. For me, I suspected both parties knew in their heart of hearts that the management usurping narrative, while an an easy to understand and effective narrative for the gp, likely wouldn't fly in court for the simple fact that MHJ is at the mercy of Hybe signing off on selling shares or authorizing outside paid-in capital, as the experts noted. I guess why the main focus is now on breach of trust.

    However, in Hybe's defense, we can't wholly discount the fact that unlike the average executive, MHJ does have a name in the industry and alternative options that could've made Hybe uneasy, especially when there was already mutual distrust. And as you highlighted, it might not be illegal depending how you go about it to break a contract provided you can prove mistreatment or if that fails, provided you can raise funds and are willing to to pay the penalty.

    Either way, the mere possibility that she might leave and take the girls with her might be what led Hybe to do what they're doing if they genuinely felt threatened and it's not all just a scheme to kick her out in a cheap way and keep the girls. Could also be a bit of both.

    However, something seems a bit disingenuous with Hybe's innocent position that a tipoff of MHJ talking to investors to buyout Hybe, harmless enough as they'd have final say and expected enough to ignore, i.e. not a complete surprise, was what set off the alarms for them and started this whole mess. Why was MHJ allegedly talking to investors in the first place? Let's read between the lines - literally. From the first few lines of the summary page of this thread:

    May 19 – MHJ and other Ador executives receive 20% of the shares in Ador from Hybe for long term retention and motivational reasons.

    End of 2023 – Hybe receives reports that MHJ is meeting with investors to seek independence with NewJeans. Hybe ignores it for now.

    So what happened in between as it would seem to be here where all the good stuff is buried that would provide insight into what the conflict is really about and possible motives?

    Here's a crazy theory. Perhaps it was Hybe's plan all along to eventually oust MHJ and takeover NewJeans. Let's say they would even risk losing NewJeans if need be. Then they needed to bide time and minimize impact with a competitive product to, if not replacement for, NewJeans. MHJ might have at least vaguely sensed this when the show was announced if she didn't have full on LSF flashbacks. This was the start of the cold war. And all is fair in love and war.

    Viewing it from this alternative angle puts things in context and could explain a lot of things:

    -Why a problematic and suspicious slave clause might have originally been slipped in with a "trust me bro" from Hybe CEO in the first place

    -Why Bang was being weird about the Billboard news as the hypothetical plan would become more difficult to execute

    -Why the specific ILLIT members (the younger ones, with innocent vibes) were chosen as if Hybe already had a concept, or better yet a mission, in mind that they were determined to see through despite all the controversy and negative publicity with not honoring voters who preferred some of the older or more polished ones

    -Why Hybe would risk product cannibalization by creating a group with concept elements so similar, but it would make sense in the contingency of a need for product replacement

    -Reason for MHJ's assumption of a defensive posture wrt contracts (trying to renego her own slave clause, trying to get signing authority over vendor contracts that could be used by Hybe to increase expenses thus lowering her put option multiple, and if not then a higher multiple to compensate etc...)

    -Why the ADOR VP was brainstorming and extreme scenario planning for defense against a takeover and full on war for independence

    -Why MHJ might have been talking to investors and exploring backup plans/contingencies

    Initially, much of the public were left scratching their heads about the relevance of MHJ's reference to ILLIT in her presscon. To be fair, she might have just scratched the surface there.

    Ironic that perhaps to Hybe, in contrast, MHJ was a little too over the target when she confronted them about ILLIT as it touched a nerve that made them all of a sudden launch an audit and publically accuse her of management usurpation. This is when the cold war turned hot. Hastened and premature perhaps. But inevitable sooner or later, one way or another.

    Come on, the accusations are getting too wild

    NewJeans' performance director claims that ILLIT has copied the choreography from NewJeans' McDonald's Ad.

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    Yea or nay, wdyt?

    Oh i don't know, maybe because they're being involved in this legal shit show privately and publically and it might be incredibly distressing mentally? Idk but i would want a break if i had to deal with this shit because the CEO of my company and the parent company are slinging mud at each other and in turn jeapardizing my career every few days

    Don't forget about the mental distress BTS might be suffering either. Arguably this whole media war might affect the boys even more personally as it doesn't merely involve the higher ups duking it out and the girls mostly being viewed in an sympathetic light, but involves attacks on BTS itself with allegations of sajaegi and even cult affiliation!

    Should we allow poor Jin who will be out soon and Hobi a bit after to adjust to all this on their own? I mean, at least the girls have each other. Shouldn't they get a break at least until 6/2025 when members can reunite? Or fairer yet, since that's almost half a year faster than the planned return for NewJeans, no sooner than 2026 for BTS?


    Note that personally I find the above position ridiculous and used that line of reasoning to act as a mirror for illustration purposes. But I wouldn't rule out the possibility that such views might actually be held by some.